Chen covered his face and looked at Gu Yuanji in disbelief. He said in a sharp voice, "Gu Yuanji, are you crazy?"

Gu Yuanji in the stimulation of the outer room, more and more disgusted with Chen, angry voice: "if you don't want to have a good life, then we all don't have it!"

With the help of her wife, Chen struggled to get up and said in a sharp voice, "I won't settle accounts with you. Now the most important thing is Miaoyun..."

Chen's heart has always been a lack of confidence, she no matter how strong or a woman, she has no way to Mrs. Zhang, can only hope that Gu Yuanji can start the role.

Hearing Gu Miaoyun, Gu Yuanji's face was even worse. "Do you dare to mention Miaoyun? If you hadn't taught your daughter this way, would she have been so shameless? If you have a private meeting with someone in the palace and you do something like that, you will lose your face! "

"What do you mean?" Chen's face flushed? Don't you know your daughter? Would Miaoyun be like this if he hadn't been harmed by others? If you don't help your daughter as a father, how can you talk nonsense? "

Gu Yuanji snorted: "the palace is heavily guarded. Who can harm her? Why did so many ladies have an accident with her? "

As soon as Chen's head became hot, he said in a sharp voice: "then you go and ask your good niece! If it wasn't for her, how could Miaoyun be reduced to such a state! "

Gu Qingci, who was standing not far away, looked on coldly with no waves on his face.

Housekeeper Feng couldn't listen any more and said indignantly, "this These two ladies are really too much. It was the second lady who wanted to follow her into the palace. How can you blame the first lady for such a thing? "

Gu Qing said coldly: "naturally, they want to exonerate themselves."

She did not investigate Gu Miaoyun's cup of tea. She didn't expect that the second room would also hit her with responsibility.

Chen and Gu Yuanji break off this matter, suddenly, came Gu Qingci cold voice.

"Second uncle, aunt, what's the matter?"

Seeing Gu Qingci, Chen immediately got angry and pointed to her nose and said, "Gu Qingci, do you dare to send it to the door? I haven't settled the matter with you today! Miaoyun is your cousin! How can you do this to her? "

Gu Yuanji looked at Gu Qingci suspiciously, and his face was not good-looking, "Qingci, what is going on?"

Gu Qingci's eyes were cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Auntie's words are novel. I really brought Gu Miaoyun into the palace. But how could she get mixed up with Zhang Hongsheng? I'm afraid that only she knows about this matter in her heart!"

Where does Chen have the extra heart to think about these, she angrily said: "you don't want to shirk responsibility, Miao Yun has always known books and etiquette, she can't and male do not know clearly!"

Gu Qingci sneered and said: "what does aunt mean is that Gu Miaoyun and other men are doing, and I have a share of responsibility? Did I ask her to see Zhang Hongsheng? Is it that I asked her to be with Zhang Hongsheng again

Chen scolded impatiently, "I think you must be cajoling Miao Yun!"

Gu Qingci ridiculed and said, "since Gu Miaoyun knows the book and is polite, how can he be ignorant of propriety, righteousness and shame?"

Chen's one chokes, she still wants to scold again, but is pulled aside by Gu Yuanji with black face.

Gu Yuanji couldn't listen to Chen's nonsense any more. He glanced at the servants around him and felt that his face was lost.

So Gu Yuanji roared, "come on! Take the lady back to the room

Chen's wife was immediately put up by two powerful women. She looked at the woman beside Gu Yuanji and looked at her with a smile. Chen almost went crazy.

"Let me go! I haven't finished this yet

Gu Yuanji was livid with anger, "send her back! Come on

Just then, Gu Miaoyun rushed out of the room. She threw herself at Gu Yuanji and cried, "Dad It's really not the daughter's fault. The daughter was framed

Gu Yuanji thought of other people's ridicule of him, and raised his hand to Gu Miaoyun's face, which was a slap in the face, "shameless!"

Gu Miaoyun sat down on the ground and shrieked, "Dad

Gu Yuanji was so angry that he said angrily, "send the second lady into the room. You are not allowed to go out without my command until the day when the sedan chair of Zhangjia enters the door!"

Chen was in a hurry and broke away from the two women and cried anxiously, "master! Zhang Jia must marry Miaoyun with the courtesy of a proper wife, otherwise, he can't agree to it! "

Gu Yuanji roared angrily: "your daughter is shameless and unrepentant when she makes such immoral things. Do you think Zhang Jia will marry her to be a real wife? Dream

Gu Miaoyun listens to Gu Yuanji's determination to send her to be a concubine. She loses her sense in an instant. Seeing Gu Qingci, who is indifferent, she suddenly gets up and pours at him.

"Gu Qingci! Why don't you die? "

Before she met Gu Qingci, she was restrained by Zhuling and Liangjiang.

Gu Miaoyun fell on the ground again and cried: "Gu Qingci! You must have done something! It's you! I will not let you go

Gu Qing raised his lips coldly, went to Gu Miaoyun and said in a deep voice: "the second sister is forgetful. I'm afraid that she has forgotten the cup of tea that she used to do. I'm afraid you're wronged at the bottom of your heart. I'm not the one who caused the accident."Gu Miaoyun's whole body was stiff. Then he widened his eyes in horror and screamed, "what are you talking about?"

Gu Qingci sneered and said: "Gu Miaoyun, you know what you have done yourself. You'd better remember that if you do more injustice, you will die."

With that, Gu Qingci turned around and left, leaving only two rooms in the yard to continue to fly.

The next day, Gu Qingci learned the latest news from housekeeper Feng.

"First lady, the second master has been to Zhangjia and agreed to marry young master Zhang as a concubine. The old slave also inquired about the news. It turns out that Zhangjia has done something about the property of the second master, and the second master must not be able to withstand it."

Gu Qingci knew why Gu Yuanji was so angry yesterday.

Housekeeper Feng also said: "the courtyard of the second master's feeding room has been taken back. It seems that the outer room of the room is going to be taken into the mansion."

Gu Qingci asked, "what's the origin of this man?"

"Just a singer."

Gu Qingci thought of a hurry last night and said with a sneer: "the second room is going to be busy for a while."

The singer is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Chen will wait.

It's also good to save Chen from jumping in front of her.

In the afternoon, Hua Ziqiu came to Gu's house and brought many new things from the south of the Yangtze River.

Gu Qingci saw a few boxes of things there are many unique herbs in the south of the Yangtze River, she said with a smile: "Hua Da Shao has a heart."

Hua Ziqiu said with a smile: "now you are a noble person of our Chinese family. Naturally, you should give your preference to them. Not only are these herbs, but also there are materials, beads, hairpin jewelry, rouge and water powder in those boxes. Although they are not very valuable, they are better than those that are not available in the capital city."

After reading Gu Qingci roughly, we can see that Hua Ziqiu is interested in giving gifts. Although these are not very valuable, how can Hua's family, the richest man in the northern Jin Dynasty, give gifts at will?

She sent people to put away all these things, and asked people to give huazi tea in autumn.

Hua Ziqiu waved his hand and said with a smile, "I just came from Renhe medicated food restaurant. I just tasted some new milk tea. I was still holding on. I wanted to see when you would start teaching."

Gu Qingci blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "I know, which gift is so good to receive?"

With that, Gu Qingci picked up some prepared materials and followed Hua Ziqiu to Ren He medicated food restaurant.

In order to facilitate teaching, the Chinese family has long contracted a large room on the third floor of Renhe medicated food restaurant.

At this time, just after the busiest meal point, a group of accountants sent by the Chinese family to study were all idle.

A group of people just gave Gu Qing farewell to master and apprentice ceremony, but just looked up, one by one all stiff in place.

Gu Qingci turned his head in amazement. Unexpectedly, he saw mu xuanjing come over!

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