Gu Qingci left mu xuanjing in embarrassment and went to general Gu, "grandfather, how did you come?"

General Gu patted his head and said with a smile, "those girls are talking nonsense. Grandfather thought something was wrong. You can talk about it a little more."

Gu Qingci saw her grandfather staring at her and mu xuanjing with a smile on his face, so he quickly said, "grandfather, don't get me wrong. King Wang is It's something to discuss with Qingci. "

Seeing Gu Qingci with a blush on his face, mu xuanjing raised his lips and said, "my king is really discussing business with Miss Gu..."

Seeing that he cooperated with Gu Qing, Gu Qing was relieved. Unexpectedly, mu xuanjing said, "but Miss Gu didn't explain that he was here to discuss when to hire him."

General Gu was more happy when he heard this, and said in a hurry, "since this is the case, King Jing will go with me to the study to discuss with him."

Mu xuanjing glanced at Gu Qingci, then followed the steps of general Gu.

Gu Qingci saw that his grandfather had already left the door, so he grabbed mu xuanjing and said in a low voice: "Mu xuanjing, I warn you that the betrothal gift will not be returned to you. Don't expect to play with me."

She doesn't want to be fooled like a monkey.

Mu xuanjing eyebrows slightly pick, lips also floating a smile, he turned around, with half of the body to block Gu Qingci, and then fingers brush her lips break.

He held out his hand to block Gu Qingci in this corner, and said with a gloomy expression: "I have only touched you as a woman. Miss Gu is naturally responsible to the end."

With that, he left, leaving Gu Qingci blushing and stamping his feet in shame and anger.

This man is more and more serious!

This talk was a bad time. Towards the evening, mu xuanjing left because of the emperor's reward and imperial edict.

Gu Qingci stood at the door of the study. He rubbed his hands when he came out of the room. Her mouth was slightly puffed. What medicine did mu xuanjing give her grandfather?

Not long after, the eunuch who came to give the reward also arrived. Gu Qingci temporarily avoided the room, but she saw from the window that the eunuch was su Gonggong, the eunuch beside the emperor.

After su Gong Gong's words of praise and appreciation, he sent people to move in the reward of the two carts, and then gave the good farmland awarded by the emperor and the title deed of Chuang Tzu to general Gu.

Gu Qingci hears that the follow-up pursuit affairs fall on mu xuanjing's shoulder. She curls her mouth and smiles. The man has a little conscience.

After a few more words, Mr. Su said goodbye, "I'm going to send a reward to some other families."

General Gu quickly personally sent Su Gonggong to the carriage.

When he came back, general Gu saw Gu Qingci and said with a smile, "our family should be indomitable."

Looking at the high spirited general Gu, before his illness was swept away with such a look, Gu Qing said with a smile: "that's natural."

But old general Gu also had some concerns, "just, Princess Linglong has not heard anything until now. It is clear that the city gate has sent people thin for two days."

Gu Qingci's eyes darkened at the thought of Princess Linglong who had escaped from the heaven. This time, she wanted to deal with the trouble thoroughly by means of rebellion, but she didn't expect that Princess Linglong could escape under such circumstances.

I don't know when I'll catch her next time.

She came to her senses and said to the old general, "grandfather, these things have been handed over to other people. Just take good care of yourself."

Seeing that old general Gu still couldn't come back, Gu Qingci told the old general what Gu Chengzhi had done the night before.

The old general laughed and sighed, "I didn't expect that the second room should have such a sensible child."

General Gu was not happy with the second room's legitimate son and daughter, so he did not pay attention to Gu Chengzhi, a common son who had little sense of existence.

Wu Bo, who was waiting beside him, sighed and told Gu Chengzhi what had happened before. "Young master Chengzhi has had a hard time. If the eldest lady hadn't repaired the second room after returning to the house, he would have guided him personally. I'm afraid a good young master would have been abandoned."

General Gu pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Gu Qingci, "since the girl is in charge of this matter, she must have some ideas in mind, and talk to my grandfather."

Gu Qingci blinked his eyes and said, "grandfather, I'm the only one in the big room now. I wonder if Chengzhi will be passed on to his father's name, so there are men supporting the family's big house."

If the second room strives for success, she doesn't mind that the second room is in charge of the family. But now how can the situation rely on the second room to support the family?

However, she is a daughter, in such an era, she can not be justified in the power of the family, the big house is now a small population, only this way.

Old general Gu was silent for a long time, and then said, "girl, grandfather believes your eyes. It's just that this matter is of great importance. We need to investigate the child again. We can't be sure that we can't let out any information before."

Gu Qingci and Wu bodu nodded solemnly.

After that, Gu Qingci took Gu Qingci to listen to Gu Chengzhi. Gu Qingci sat on the couch with the old general and talked about the family members.Looking at such a warm scene, Wu Bo stood on one side and could hardly close his mouth.

After dinner with his grandfather, Gu Qingci received the news from the medicated food restaurant that the new product would be put on tomorrow. However, Princess huaiqingchang and huaziqiu got into a dispute. They were not satisfied with each other.

Gu Qingci thought that he would have nothing to do at night, so he ordered the carriage to pass by.

On the way, the coachman stopped the carriage. His voice was full of disgust. He covered his mouth and nose and said in a stuffy voice, "Miss, there is a cart carrying swill in front of me."

Gu Qingci also smelled the smell that made her nauseous, and the smell was stronger than usual. When she looked at it, she found that there was a big bucket on the car that was not covered.

The coachman of the carriage glanced at the carriage and scolded, "the bucket in the swill cart is not covered yet?! Do you understand the rules of the capital city? "

Gu Qing CI frowned, "forget it, don't worry about it."

The coachman of the hogwash cart saw that he had escaped a robbery. He got out of the carriage with a sweating head and said goodbye to Gu Qing. In a rude voice, he said, "thank you very much."

Then, the swill cart pushed to the alley, and the coachman gave way to Gu Qingci's carriage.

At this time, swill bucket next to the boy suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed on the bucket without cover, as if desperately pressing something.

Gu Qingci looked at the past suspiciously. The boy covered the lid in panic and knelt down to beg for mercy. He said, "excuse me, miss. The villain is afraid of bumping into the nobleman."

Gu Qingci frowned, and the warning in his heart was still hanging. He could look at the scene in front of him The two men looked like ordinary swill peddlers.

soon, Gu Qingci got on the bus, and soon the carriage disappeared into the night.

However, at this time, the third swill bucket was opened immediately. After a crash, a stench immediately diffused. At this time, a woman suddenly stretched out her head from the swill.

Her nose seems to be almost occupied by the smell of swill, the strong smell makes her brain buzzing straight, she is going to go completely crazy!

Revenge floated in my mind. Princess Linglong roared hysterically: "you promised to help me out. It's already outside. Let me down! I'm going to take revenge on that bitch

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