What brings Gu Qingci back is the shouts of Zhuling and Liangjiang.

"Young master Chang! You can't go there! "

Gu Qingci returned to God and saw that Chang GUI was only wearing a middle coat and carrying a few branches on her back. She was suddenly speechless.

"Chang GUI, what are you doing?"

She remembered that Chang GUI had been in the medicated food restaurant before. Last time, the Yin family praised Chang GUI. Why did she come out like this today?

Chang GUI looked down at Gu Qingci and said, "it's all my fault. You can beat me up and get angry."

Gu Qingci looked at yanzhuling and Liangjiang, but Zhuling and Liangjiang shook their heads one after another.

So Gu Qingci said in a bad way: "what can't you say well? You're a great man juggling here? Go and talk to the flower hall over there

Often expensive see Gu Qingci open mouth, so quickly answer, follow Gu Qingci to go back.

When she arrived at the flower hall, Gu Qing asked Zhu Ling to remove the branches from Chang GUI's body. She tapped her fingers on the table and asked, "Changgui, you know my patience is limited. You'd better make things clear as soon as possible."

Chang GUI nodded his head and explained in a hurry: "it's like this. Yesterday I helped in the medicated food restaurant, and the sister-in-law of the Yin family asked me to go to Renhe pharmacy to find some warm tonic herbs. As soon as I went in, I ran into Liang Ji, who was going to visit. When he saw me coming, he asked me to bring you a box of herbs."

"I swear, as soon as I get out of Renhe pharmacy, I want to give things. But when I pass by Baile gambling house, I was stopped by some old friends. I I thought it was still early, so I went in and played a little bit, but I didn't expect to lose eight hundred taels in less than one hour! "

Gu Qingci frowned. She was not surprised by Changgui's gambling skills. He was obviously set up.

But the problem is that even if he loses 1000 Liang, he won't be able to come to her and ask for a crime, right? Gu Qingci had a bad premonition. He twisted his eyebrows and asked, "speak quickly, and then?"

Chang GUI looked at Gu Qingci angrily, "the man who gambled with me took me to the box on the second floor, as if to see his master, but I couldn't see through the screen. I only knew that there was a young man inside. He said it would be ok if he didn't give money, but he wanted to leave something on me."

Gu Qingci then found out why Chang GUI came to apologize. She glanced at him and said in a deep voice, "so you handed over what Liang Ji gave you?"

Chang GUI's voice is almost crying. He has experienced the power of Gu Qingci, not to mention that he has always respected Gu Qingci as the goddess in his heart.

"Miss Gu, I am really wrong! I thought it was a box of ordinary herbs, which could be worth 800 taels. I was totally blinded by lard at that time! I also thought that as long as I came out, I would buy a large basket of herbs and send them to Miss Gu! But who knows... "

"Who knows..." Often expensive dare not say go on, secretly looked at Gu Qingci.

Gu Qingci gave him a speechless look. "It's been such a long time that my brain hasn't developed at all. I don't think you should stay in the herbal restaurant. Tomorrow, you'd better go to Dali temple and follow your father to transform your brain more!"

This is obviously under the set, that person is to want this box of medicinal materials!

Thinking about it, Gu Qingci glanced at Chang GUI and asked seriously, "are you sure? Which box is really medicine? "

Chang GUI quickly nodded, "I swear to God, that box is really medicine! Although I don't know the medicinal materials, I can also recognize some of them after staying in the medicine restaurant for so long. That box is the ordinary warm tonic medicine! It's just that the more I think about it, the more wrong it is. I know that there must be something wrong with it! "

Under Chang GUI's explanation, Gu Qingci really feels a headache. The more common this thing is, the more difficult it is. How can someone try his best to set up a game for something worthless?

She frowned and said, "where's Liangji?"

Chang Guizhan said cautiously: "Liang Ji went to the nearby town for a visit yesterday. When I came here, he didn't come back."

Then he cried again, "I really know my mistake. Miss Gu, don't drive me away! Now all the cities know that I'm Chang GUI. If you drive me away, I'll have to go back and be put under house arrest by my father! "

Gu Qing said, "shut up!"

Chang GUI immediately covered his mouth and shook his head to show cooperation.

Gu Qingci's eyes turned slightly, and said to Xie Tian, who was guarding the door, "Xie Tian, you go to Ren He medicine shop now. Once you see Liang Ji coming back, let him come immediately."

Xie Tian quickly took orders and left.

Gu Qingci gently touched the table top and said in a deep voice: "this is a strange thing. Anyway, first find Liang Ji to confirm what's special about that box of herbs."

Chang GUI covers his mouth and nods.

Gu Qingci once again gave him a look, "have you ever sent someone to look for someone who set up the Bureau for you?"

Chang GUI carefully put down his hand and frowned: "I am also the son of the Minister of Dali temple. When I went back to find something wrong, I sent someone to Baile gambling house, but the man disappeared like nothing! That's why I'm more insecure. "Gu Qingci said with a smile: "you are not down-to-earth, but also Leng is after a night to plead guilty."

Chang GUI buried his head again, "I am also scared."

Just then, Xie Tian's voice came from outside, "Miss, doctor Liang is coming!"

Gu Qingci raised his eyes in surprise. He calculated the time and knew that Xie Tiangen had not been out of the king's mansion. It seems that Liang Ji came here after hearing the wind.

Sure enough, Liang Ji came in with the medicine box on his back. Seeing Gu Qingci and Chang GUI, who was afraid to speak, he took a breath and said, "Miss, I just came from the town, and I met a man who came to see me on the way."

Gu Qingci wrung his eyebrows and said, "it seems that you already know about it."

Liang Ji said in a hurry: "yes, it's also my fault. The box of medicinal materials was sent to the drugstore early yesterday morning. The child who sent the box refused to say who hired him. He only said that the things here are very important. If I transfer it to the young lady as soon as possible, I will be careless when I rush out of the emergency room."

Gu Qingci shook his head, "it's not your fault. In the final analysis, if this person intends to calculate, no matter who has it in his hands, it's not safe."

Liang Ji couldn't understand. He said, "but I really don't understand. It's just a box of ordinary Atractylodes macrocephala. It's not worth much silver in the drugstore."

Gu Qingci thought for a moment and suddenly asked, "I remember Chang GUI said that this medicine is packed in a box. Liang Ji, what's special about this box?"

Liang Jigang was about to shake his head and suddenly stopped. "It's true. This box is really strange. I didn't understand why someone would give such a gift before. So I studied it carefully. It's not made of ordinary wood, or even a good wood specially used by princes and nobles for burial."

Remembering and remembering, Liang Ji suddenly patted his thigh and said in a hurry: "there is a character carved in Xiaozhuan under the box. Vaguely speaking, it is a" cloud "character."

Gu Qingci was stunned for a long time and couldn't figure out what the word had to do with it. She had to wave her hand. "Now people are running away, and things have been rolled away. Even we can't tell what is missing, and we don't know who sent it. It's really a fog."

There is no clue to continue to investigate, Gu Qingci can only let Chang GUI and Liang Jixian go back.

At this time, Zhuling came over and asked in a low voice, "Miss, do we still go now?"

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