Gu Qingci took a sip of soy milk carelessly, and asked casually, "why, there are few strange people in this capital city? Isn't your eldest princess also a strange woman in the eyes of many famous women? "

Huaiqing held his chin and said, "Qingci, how come you are getting less and less energetic now? You can't have King Wang and don't listen to things outside the window."

Gu Qingci white her one eye, "on the matter."

Huaiqing said with a smile: "good, good. I don't want to make fun of you. What I'm talking about is a painter who came a few days ago. His name is cold night. He looks like a spring breeze..."

Gu Qingci interrupted him with tears and laughter, "do you look like a spring breeze? How many layers does that have to be blown off by the wind? "

Huaiqing patted the table and coughed heavily, "do you still listen?"

Gu Qingci saw that she was going to be impatient, so she took back her sight. "OK, tell me, what's special about this beautiful painter?"

Huaiqing took a piece of tofu cake and said with a smile, "this cold painter He became famous a few days after he came to the capital. At this time, all the famous families in the capital all lined up to ask for paintings, but most of them went for him. "

"Although his identity is mysterious, he can live in the best house in the capital as soon as he gets here. His strength is much better than most of the sons of the taxi family. Besides, he is elegant and elegant. What's more, what's in the novel Banished immortal! Qingci, do you think such a character is a wonder

Gu Qingci was obviously not interested. She stirred a bowl of soybean milk in front of her eyes, and her eyelids did not lift. "You can rest assured that I am not interested in this strange man and will not rush to meet him with you."

Huaiqing spat out his tongue and said, "I can see it. Since you and brother Jinghuang get better, no man can get into your eyes!"

Gu Qingci put down the bowl in his hand and coughed, "what are you talking about? When will I get better with him?"

Huaiqing said with a meaningful smile, "I went to King's house to look for you today. You and brother Jinghuang's affairs are even known to the housekeeper's wife!"

Gu Qingci choked and coughed straight, and it was not easy to slow down. "How come even the housekeeper's wife is so gossipy?"

Huaiqing got up, walked around and said, "Qingci, what you said before was too right. Now women, whether they are in gaomen courtyard or ordinary people's house, are not boring and gossiping on weekdays. Otherwise, why is my bookshop more and more prosperous?"

As soon as she patted the table, she said happily, "now all the women in the capital city are thinking about this wonderful painter. I can't fall behind. I decided to write a book based on him!"

Gu Qingci saw that she was now in a proper shape. She lifted her eyes and said, "I support this."

Huaiqing approached Gu Qingci with a smile, "so I also lined up and paid money to buy today's quota. Qingci, please go with me!"

Gu Qingci shook his head again and again, "I'm not interested in this painter, and I don't know how to draw. I'd better go to Renhe drugstore and shop for medicinal materials."

Huaiqing shook her hand and said again and again, "Qingci, you can accompany me to have a look. They all say that this cold night is very beautiful. Maybe it's better than your king. You don't want to be addicted to eyes before you get married?"

Gu Qingci almost choked, "Huaiqing, you don't want to anger me to send you out directly?"

Huaiqing smile, "I don't want to call you to go out to relax!"

Gu Qingci took her out of the way, "OK, I'll go with you."

After breakfast was removed, Gu Qingci changed her body into a light blue dress at will. Her hair bun was also the simplest. She went out of the door with a white jade hairpin and said, "let's go."

At the gate of Yunfeng teahouse, Gu Qing leaves the carriage and meets Chang GUI.

Seeing Gu Qingci, Chang GUI left his companion and hurried over, "how did Miss Gu come today?"

Gu Qingci pointed to Huaiqing, who got off the bus behind her. She said helplessly, "she has an appointment with a painter in Yunfeng teahouse today, and she wants me to accompany her to have a look."

Chang GUI's brain turns quickly, "is it a cold night?"

Gu Qingci surprised to see the eyes often expensive, "only heard that the women in the capital city have heard of him, did not expect you also know?"

Chang GUI said with a smile, "he is a big hit now."

Gu Qingci was just about to speak, but he didn't expect that another carriage stopped. The carriage was luxurious but not vulgar. Its unique pattern was elegant and special. It was not ordinary at first sight.

Huaiqing shook Gu Qingci and said in a low voice: "this is the car for a cold night. When the second lady of the British government asked for a cold night, I happened to pass by and catch a glimpse."

After the carriage stopped, a handsome young man in a long white robe stepped into the carriage. He was elegant and elegant, just like a white jade.

Huaiqing walked forward with a smile, "is this the cold painter?"

Cold night turned to Huaiqing and Gu Qingci's direction and nodded. His behavior was casual and even noble.

"In the next cold night, let's go and have a cup of tea first."

Huaiqing smiles and nods to go inside, but Gu Qingci is pulled by Chang GUI.

Gu Qingci sees Chang GUI's face a little strange. She frowns slightly and says to Huaiqing and cold night in front of her: "I'll come later."Cold night lightly swept the eyes, Gu Qingci, lip angle slightly hook, a moment later turned into the teahouse.

Seeing that there was no one outside, Chang GUI wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "how does the sound of this cold night look like the people who calculated me in Baile gambling house that day?"

Gu Qingci frowned, "what do you say?"

"I didn't see anyone through the screen that day, but I remember the sound," Chang said in a quick voice

The bamboo Ling next to her curled her lips. "It's impossible. Cold night is a famous painter in the capital city. How could he go to the gambling house?"

Gu Qingci thought about the temperament of cold night. It's hard to imagine that he would go to gambling house and calculate Changgui. "Changgui, are you wrong?"

When asked by Gu Qingci, Chang GUI touched the back of his head with some uncertainty. "It seems that I can't tell you all of a sudden, but just at the moment when he opened his mouth, I felt like, maybe I made a mistake

With that, Chang GUI dismissed Gu Qing to the teahouse and asked, "it's all because my brain can't remember clearly, and almost delayed Miss Gu."

Gu Qingci shook his head, "nothing, go in."

Why did she feel uncomfortable when she heard this sentence?

Just as Gu Qingci was about to enter the door, suddenly came a cry from the boy behind, "miss!"

Gu Qingci looked back at the general's office, "what's the matter?"

The steward gasped and said, "Miss, the master has a personal entourage coming back. He said that he would like to see the eldest lady in case of a big event."

Gu Qingci was anxious when he heard it, "is there something wrong with my grandfather?"

She turned around and Chang GUI said, "I won't go in. Please tell me that my house has gone in advance."

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