This time, Gu Qingci's face completely sank down, "what? Is mu Junyou really making this mindless decision? "

The Mid Autumn Festival is only a few days away. I have to marry Huaiqing in a few days and set the wedding place in the palace

To marry a princess so humbly to a foreign prince? Is it not to rub the face of Beijin on the ground?

Chang Yuan, who was standing at the door, also heard it clearly. His face was full of anger and said, "it's really deceiving! It's a shame to our ancestors who beat the world to flatter us in the northern Jin Dynasty! "

All the people present were very angry about it.

Gu Qingci was the first to calm down. Her eyes moved and she said, "the Mid Autumn Festival is not a few days away. In addition, the wedding ceremony mu Junyou is going to hold is actually an opportunity for us."

When Gu Qingci mentioned this, Chang Yuan quickly returned to his mind. He nodded with admiration, "indeed, there will be many people in the capital by then. It's a good time to start."

After finalizing the plan, the party accelerated their journey and finally arrived at the capital two days before the Mid Autumn Festival.

Because Chang Yuan had already made an agreement with the people who were in the city, except for Xu Zhu, who was resting outside the city and his soldiers, others entered the city through the west gate without much effort.

The carriage slowly entered the city gate. Gu Qingci, sitting in it, saw the prosperous situation of the capital city through the gap between the car curtains. Although this is the west of the city, which is dominated by civilians, it is also noisy and noisy. There are a lot of hawkers on both sides of the road.

Walk through the business oriented streets, then around an alley, followed by a slightly quieter residential area.

Most of the west side of the city is the residence of merchants and civilians. Many streets are disordered. Because there are many poor people in this area, they can't scrape oil and water. Naturally, few people manage it. There are many goods and garbage piled up in the alleys.

Blocked by debris, the carriage could not get into the innermost part, so people got off and walked one after another, and soon they took a group of people into the courtyard which had been prepared for a long time.

"Although it's a little rough here, it's relatively safe, so I'll let it go for two days," he said

Gu Qing nodded his head and said: "it doesn't matter. It's very good here. Besides, it's a place where all kinds of people gather. It's easy to get information."

Rong Taifei's mother and son are not people who can't bear hardships. She smiles at Chang Yuan and says, "I'm worried about you."

In order to be safe, Chang Yuan has already rented the houses of most of the streets. Therefore, under the deployment of Mu xuanjing, except for the two or three secret guards left in the courtyard, the other secret guards and bodyguards dressed as ordinary people and lived nearby.

After all the arrangements, Hua Ziqiu, who went out to inquire about the news, came back, but his face was obviously ugly.

Gu Qingci put down the bamboo fan that fan the medicine stove in his hand and asked, "how is the situation?"

Hua Ziqiu sat on the stool opposite Gu Qingci in a bad mood. "What kind of Nankun Wanyan light has just come for a few days and rumors are flying all over the sky. I don't need to make special inquiries, but I went to the teahouse to sit for a while and heard a lot of things."

After drinking a cup of herbal tea, he felt that the fire had been extinguished. "Mu Junyou flattered Wan Yanguang. I think even the former king of Liang couldn't catch up with the preferential treatment he gave to Wan Yanguang. Shangcheng district directly rewarded a mansion or an idle Prince's mansion. It was repaired long before wanyanguang came to the capital. It was not finished. He invited people directly To live in the palace. "

"I heard from some people that Wan Yanguang was still enjoying concubines with mu Junyou in the palace. Oh, by the way, Wan Yanguang also brought a dozen concubines to the northern Jin Dynasty. All of them lived in the palace. What's the name of this?"

Gu Qingci is shocked. Although it may be mixed with exaggeration, there is no fire without wind. This is mostly ridiculous.

"If Huai halal marries such a man, his life will be ruined!"

Hua Ziqiu suddenly stopped talking. He looked at the flames in the medicine stove from time to time. After a long silence, he suddenly said: "I don't know if she is afraid?"

Gu Qing said white words to Hua Ziqiu, but he was speechless to the man who had the ostrich mentality. "If you want to know that she is not afraid, it's not easy to find her! Is it possible that the dogs mu Junyou sent to block the door can stop you? "

Hua Ziqiu was scolded by Gu Qingci. He was frozen in place for a long time, then suddenly stood up, "I I have to leave in advance... "

Gu Qingci looked at his fast-moving back, and left it. Recently, huaziqiu is still in good face. She can imagine with her fingers that he is going to run to Princess Chang's mansion.

Seeing that the pot of medicine was almost ready, Gu Qingci called for a follow-up and carefully ordered: "this medicine is taken together with the pill. Remember to watch your master drink it with your own eyes."

The shadow repeatedly nodded, "is not staring at the master to drink medicine? I understand! "

Gu Qingci's eyes turned and took out a small paper bag from the cuff. "This is also given to your master, he understands."

The shadow took the small paper package suspiciously, and felt as if there were some round little things in it.After the explanation, Gu Qingci left the stall and went out. She also had to go to the princess Chang's mansion.

After a while, the shadowing went to Mu xuanjing's room to deal with affairs with pills, pills and a small packet of paper.

Tracing shadow knocked at the door and said, "master, I'm going to send my wife the medicine I want you to take."

Mu xuanjing was writing a letter. After hearing the voice outside, he said, "come in."

See the shadow is a person to come, he wrung eyebrow way: "her person?"

The shadow chaser said with a smile: "the lady told me to go to the princess Chang's mansion, but these medicines were fried before the lady left."

Mu xuanjing shook his head and laughed helplessly. This time he returned to the capital, he would not expect the cat to stay here quietly.

Looking at a small paper bag on the tray, mu xuanjing raised his eyebrows slightly and opened it. Sure enough, he saw a little candied fruit in it. A smile came out of his eyes.

Did the little woman learn to coax him with preserves? It's childish, but He likes it.

Seeing shadowing, he craned his neck to see what was in the paper bag. Mu xuanjing coughed softly, "what? Anything else? "

He touched the back of his head and said, "no It's OK! "

With that, he walked out of the room.

At this time, the solemn face of Mu xuanjing just raised the corners of his lips. After drinking the medicine, he reached for a candied fruit and put it into his mouth.

The sour and sweet taste quickly swept away the smell of the medicine, which made his lips and teeth full of fresh and vivid feeling, which was very similar to that little woman's taste

At this time, Gu Qingci, dressed in disguise, has arrived at the back door of Princess Chang's mansion.

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