The steward's face turned white, and he cried out, "no villain! The villain is wronged! Clearly, it's the Qingfeng bookshop who bullies others

The little Marquis also said with a black face: "yes! What nonsense

Gu Qingci opened several books that were still wet, and called to the shopkeepers waiting in the shop, "these are all shopkeepers who sell tea in the capital city. They are all shops that can be ranked on the top. There is no need to make perjury."

After hearing the book, the shopkeepers all came to the same conclusion, "the book is splashed with Lu'an tea, which can be distinguished because the time of pouring is not long."

With that, one of the shopkeepers and Chang Yuan said, "Lord Chang, this six an tea is very rare in the capital city. At present, only Rong Guo Fu and Wu'an Hou Fu are supplied by our shop."

The little Marquis's face changed slightly, and he glared at the steward. He just let the steward destroy the book and smash the field. What's worse, he had to pour tea with tea. Besides, he was used to drinking Lu'an tea in his house. Who knows this tea is so rare in the capital city!

He replied stiffly, "that's not what our family bought! Isn't there a Rongguo mansion? "

Gu Qingci eyebrows slightly pick, "that Rong Guofu has been drinking tea for a long time is the old master of the house. Does the little Marquis mean to suspect the old master of Rongguo mansion?"

The little Marquis was stiff, and his face was ugly. He stuttered and said, "don't splash dirty water on me! I I didn't say that! "

At this time, Chang Yuan has confirmed that there is no problem with the identity of these shopkeepers, so he says: "since this book is all contaminated by tea, and it's Lu'an tea that Qingfeng bookstore doesn't have, it must have nothing to do with the bookshop. Do you have any objection?"

On hearing this, he quickly pointed to the steward on the pillar and said, "since it has nothing to do with the bookshop, then Forget it, come on, bring him back to the house

Gu Qingci glanced at the people beside him and motioned them to stop the people of marquis Wu'an. Then he said, "even so, these books were sold by Qingfeng bookshop. Now that such a thing happened, it makes people feel sad. If we don't help the Marquis Wu'an to find out the truth, we can't help it."

Although I don't know whether this incident was caused by the little Marquis himself or related to the Marquis house of Wu'an, Gu Qingci has never been a person who is afraid of things.

Seeing Gu Qingci open this head, Huaiqing is full of confidence now. Looking at the little Marquis's face like a dye vat, she can't help laughing.

So she nodded again and again and said in a loud voice, "well, I see, we should try this case clearly in front of the public. Don't let people think that our Qingfeng bookshop can bully others, even the government can buy it!"

Seeing that the two lords did not intend to calm things down, Chang Yuan coughed, "what the princess and the princess said are reasonable. Now the capital has just returned to peace. If peace is hurt because of this, I can't bear it."

Said, he looked at Gu Qingci, after all, the eldest princess is still good to explain, the worst thing is the Lord.

"I I can't take these books with me! " At this time, the little Marquis was already blushing and his neck was thick. It was obvious that the situation was very unfavorable to him.

He was also just because his father was powerful and had been living for two days in front of him. Therefore, he was floating in the air, but he didn't have any real courage.

Huaiqing forbeared with a smile: "this can't be done. Since all of them have to report to the official, it's even if the case is filed. These books are evidence."

Gu Qingci didn't have any face, and he didn't give it to Wu'an Hou's house. He said, "but In my opinion, the little Marquis was also hoodwinked by this crafty slave. "

At this moment, the little Marquis could not take care of the bound subordinates. He nodded repeatedly, and secretly pinched his sweat. "Yes, yes, yes, how can I do such a thing? It must be the crafty slave who deceives the upper and lower levels, and tries to pick up a quarrel."

Chang Yuan pretended to be serious and nodded, "now that the case has been settled, the obstinate slave will be punished with 20 sticks in public to show his punishment."

The bound steward was so scared that he could not answer back. After all, he was the Minister of Dali temple.

Under the crowd's observation, the twenty boards were finished a lot at a time, and the little Marquis immediately took people away.

After the people left, the onlookers left in succession under the evacuation of Dali Temple Yamen.

Gu Qingci Chong often thanks, "today this matter troubles the Lord Chang."

Chang Yuan shook his head. "It's just a little thing. The princess is polite. I have something to go into the palace for a while, so I'll go first."

This matter finally came to an end. Huaiqing took Gu Qingci and said, "Qingci, thanks to your presence. Otherwise, I will lose money and lose face today."

Gu Qingci looked at Hua Ziqiu beside his eyes and said meaningfully, "don't just thank me. Those shopkeepers are all from him. I can't play without them."

Huaiqing glanced at huaziqiu and saw that he was whistling as if nothing had happened. She was not serious. She flattened her mouth and said, "his name is to make up for one's faults. Is it not that he has provoked the little Marquis of Wu'an Marquis's residence?"

Hua Ziqiu almost jumped, "is it all my fault to get married?"

Huaiqing hands akimbo, "is your fault!"After seeing the calm and calm, the two men were in uproar. Gu Qingci looked at the sky in silence. These two people

After two days of tranquility, the court was suddenly promoted to be prime minister by the new emperor, and then a series of vigorous and vigorous measures were taken to thoroughly eliminate the muddy water caused by the deposed emperor mu Junyou.

The procuratorate, which had been shelved for several days, was directly abolished, and all the unjust and false cases since the establishment of this institution have been redressed, and Chang Yuan has been left alone in this matter.

In addition to rectifying these corrupt officials, the new emperor also re opened many officials who were deposed by mu Junyou, and the atmosphere of the whole court suddenly became clear.

On this day, Gu Qingci should go to the palace for a banquet at the invitation of the Empress Dowager and former concubine Rong.

Just as the empress dowager, Princess Rong is not used to it all the time. She doesn't like to be lively, so she claims to take care of herself most of the time.

Seeing that Gu Qingci had brought a lot of cakes and medicated food, the Empress Dowager took her hand and walked in, laughing: "the AI family doesn't know what to give you. You're good. You sent so many things, which made the AI family feel embarrassed."

Gu Qing returned with a smile, "it's nothing. It's all snacks in some shops. It's just a gift of flowers to Buddha."

The Empress Dowager quickly called the maid in palace beside her, "Dongmei, pick a few kinds of dim sum, heat it up and bring it again, and make a pot of the best tea."

Gu Qingci hesitated to see the maiden who was ordered to go, "how can you not see the Pearl?"

At the beginning, although Baozhu stayed in the south of the Yangtze River to recuperate, Hua Ziqiu had sent someone to send her back to the capital a few days ago. It was time to arrive.

The Empress Dowager said with a light smile: "Baozhu is back, but I feel sorry for my family. The emperor doesn't have anyone to serve her. After thinking about it, Baozhu is the most reassuring thing for her, so let her go and serve the emperor."

With that, the Empress Dowager affectionately took Gu Qingci and sat down together on the collapse. Seeing that Gu Qingci seemed to have the idea of declining, the Empress Dowager was anxious and quickly tightened her hand. "You can never be separated from the mourning family. This deep palace is desolate."

Gu Qing said with a smile: "good, then I'll be obedient rather than respectful."

After sitting down, the Empress Dowager said with a bitter smile: "although it's only a few days back to the capital, it's just earth shaking changes for the AI family. I feel like I'm dreaming, and I always feel that I'm not down-to-earth..."

She said, she looked at Gu Qingci, "if it wasn't for the mess left by the harem, the AI family would have called you into the palace to talk. Every time, she would have talked to you, and it would have been more comfortable to talk to you."

Gu Qingci said with a smile: "now that the overall situation is settled, the Empress Dowager just needs to settle down. I heard from Lord Chang that the emperor is very popular with the people."

The Empress Dowager nodded and said with a smile of relief: "yes, I've been busy for so many days, I've lost my weight when I see the emperor. Sometimes I have to discuss state affairs with Changyuan at night. When I went back to the mourning home to send for a snack, I heard that the emperor wanted to see the eldest young master of the Hua family. If it wasn't for the reminder of the mourning family, they would not have known it was late at night."

Gu Qingci knew that huazi had been ordered to promote potatoes and melons two days before autumn. At this time, there must have been stocks of potatoes and melons being transported to the disaster area.

After talking to the Empress Dowager for a long time, a notice came from the door. "Empress dowager, the emperor asked Baozhu to send some snacks from the imperial dining room."

After a while, Baozhu went into the room with the food box in her hand. "The emperor heard that Princess Jing came to see the empress dowager, and specially asked the maid to send some snacks."

Feel Baozhu's voice sounds strange, Gu Qingci subconsciously looked up at her.

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