Gu Qingci quietly pushed away mu Junyou's hand and said coldly, "I have something to do with king king king. I'm afraid I don't have time to chat with you."

After that, Gu Qingci glanced at mu xuanjing, who was watching the drama next to him, and urged him, "is not the Lord still waiting for the trial?"

"Mu xuanjing's mouth was filled with a smile," then go with this king. "

Soon, everyone left, leaving only mu Junyou standing in place. He watched Gu Qingci and mu xuanjing leave, frowning tightly.

After a moment's silence, he turned to his study. He was going to leave for Yizhou tomorrow. He was more concerned about his future than Gu Qingci.

In the study, the Queen's mother Feng is already waiting.

Seeing mother Feng, mu Junyou felt a little uncomfortable. If it was not for the meaning of his mother and empress, he would not have been so heartless to Gu Qingci, nor would he be so indifferent to Gu Qingci now.

"Mammy, what else can I do for you?"

Mother Feng bowed down and said, "the empress sent the old slave to tell her highness that the trip to Yizhou must be at all costs. If she fails, the seventh prince will step on Her Highness."

Hearing these, mu Junyou frowned displeasantly, "tell mother, I understand."

Mother Feng said, "the empress also said that her highness must be close to duanqin palace."

Mu Junyou nodded, no matter how much dissatisfaction or pressure.

When mother Feng left, he hit the table with a heavy face. The boy at the door rushed in immediately, "what's the matter with the prince?"

Mu Junyou angrily said: "all get out of here!"

He hasn't been sleeping soundly since he was the crown prince!

Upset, he walked out of the study, unknowingly went to the main courtyard of Qixia garden.

he did not enter the door, stood outside the courtyard wall for a while, looking at the tall tree above the courtyard wall, he gradually calmed down a little...

At this time, Gu Qingci had followed mu xuanjing to the king's mansion.

Walking into the study in the front yard, she saw the Minister of Dali Temple Chang Yuan reading a pile of documents.

Seeing Gu Qingci come in, Chang Yuan is surprised to put down the document in his hand, and bows his hand and says, "the lower official has seen the crown prince, the imperial concubine and the empress."

Gu Qingci shook his head and said, "don't be too polite to me. It's important to judge a case."

Chang Yuan looked at mu xuanjing who came in after him. He pinched his sweat and said, "Lord, this..." He had a woman on his first case.

Mu xuanjing didn't feel that Gu Qingci was not worthy to appear here. He said calmly: "it's OK, just say it."

Seeing that mu xuanjing had no taboo to Gu Qingci, Chang Yuan said, "the investigation of the palace of benevolence has been completed, and the lower officials have sorted out the criminal evidence."

Gu Qingci went over and turned over the words. These written words are euphemistic, but they are also a crime of death.

Chang Yuan hesitated for a moment and said, "it's just the emperor's meaning It's a matter of royal face. Please think twice. "

Mu xuanjing slowly sat down and reclined lazily on the chair, tapping his slender fingers on the table.

He looked at Gu Qingci and asked, "what do you want to do with it?"

Gu Qingci was indignant in his heart and blurted out: "the court will try to let her get the punishment she deserves."

After that, she laughed at herself and felt that she had thought too much. How could mu xuanjing do this because of her words.

After all, how could Yan Xuanmu, the emperor's face, be annoyed after all?

A moment later, mu xuanjing nodded, "order to go on, and the hall will open tomorrow morning."

Listen to Mu xuanjing say so, Gu Qingci Leng in situ.

He actually Agreed?

The Minister of the Dali temple was pale for a moment and asked the court to judge the empress dowager, which had never happened since ancient times.

"Lord, think twice! If the emperor is angry with the Lord, it is not worth it

Mu xuanjing slightly drooped his eyes, "needless to say, this king has his own plan."

Chang Yuanjian mu xuanjing is resolute, so he has to retire to Dali temple to prepare for the court trial.

Soon, only Gu Qingci and mu xuanjing were left in the room.

Gu Qingci took a look at mu xuanjing secretly. His eyes turned and he opened his mouth, "you Are you really not afraid to offend the emperor? "

Mu xuanjing glanced at Gu Qingci with great interest and said, "I'm not very reasonable just now. Why are you worried now?"

The man is teasing her again! Gu Qingci turned away his lips and said, "no, I'm afraid you'll regret it and go back."

Mu xuanjing looked at her with a stiff mouth, but with doubts in her eyes, she chuckled and explained: "the Empress Dowager was not the emperor's biological mother, but she took the post of Empress Dowager with a legacy. Then she supported her mother family, Li, and became the richest man in charge of the economy of the northern Jin Dynasty."

"Now that the Li family is so rich that he begins to get involved in government affairs, how can the people sitting on the Dragon chair feel at ease?"Gu Qingci didn't expect mu xuanjing to explain these to her patiently. She looked serious.

But looking at it, she found that when such a sick and weak Prince talked about the government, his eyes were filled with innate noble spirit and pure pride.

Looking at mu xuanjing's beautiful and unmarried face, Gu Qingci sometimes has an illusion, as if he was in the supreme realm and looked down upon the world.

Putting aside such thoughts, Gu Qingci said solemnly: "even so, since ancient times, there has never been a precedent for the trial of the Empress Dowager. If the emperor feels that he has lost face?"

Accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. Once he gets angry, mu xuanjing's position will be suspended.

Mu xuanjing eyes slightly lift, black Zhuo stone like eyes micro MI, "that Wang tomorrow opened this precedent."

Gu Qing opened her mouth and didn't say anything. Looking at mu xuanjing, she didn't know what it was like.

A strange thought flashed in her mind. Mu xuanjing would not risk the trial of the Empress Dowager's case because of her?

Just as she was about to speak, she came in in in a hurry! Here comes Duke Su, the emperor's servant

Mu Xuan nodded, "let him in."

Gu Qing resigned to one side, and soon saw the eunuch who had seen him in the imperial study.

The Duke of Su saluted him and said, "the emperor wants to see King Jing and the crown princess. Since the princess is in the king's palace, he will not have to go to the palace more often."

Gu Qingci subconsciously looked at mu xuanjing. At this time, the emperor's summoning must be for the Empress Dowager.

Mu xuanjing's face did not have waves, slowly rose and said: "into the palace."

Soon, they got into the carriage one after the other.

Seeing Gu Qingci's soul not giving up, mu xuanjing said leisurely, "do you look at your quiet, what are you thinking?"

Gu Qingci wrung his eyebrows and lowered his voice and said, "in fact, I have ruined the face of that poisonous woman and avenged her. She won't live long. In case the emperor blames you..."

The carriage stopped suddenly, and Gu Qingci was shaking his spirits. Because of his inertia, he just fell into mu xuanjing's arms.

When she bumps into mu xuanjing's chest, Gu Qingci is embarrassed and embarrassed. She tries to get up with her hands and feet, but before she can retreat, her waist has been held down by a pair of powerful palms.

Now, she was directly planted in Mu xuanjing.

Mu xuanjing's eyebrows were slightly picked, and a faint smile was revealed in his clear eyes, "Oh? How about me? "

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