Looking at Gu Qingci like a fish running away, mu xuanjing has no choice but to smile. It's very difficult to smooth the cat's fur.

However, he could see that the little woman's anger was almost gone. If she wanted to play in Princess Chang's mansion for two days, he would be busy with the affairs of the sorcerer and take her back to the mansion when she was finished.

Before long, Gu Qingci went to Renhe medicated food restaurant.

Seeing Gu Qingci coming, the Yin family quickly welcomed him with a smile, "here comes the princess!"

Gu Qingci looked at the outside of the shop. The snack bar, which had only a window on the wall, was enlarged by a circle. Moreover, the line of the window had been arranged to the third shop in front of him.

"What's the activity today?" she asked curiously

Yin said with a smile: "the princess doesn't know. This is what Zhao Di and young master Hua made two days ago. Several kinds of snacks, snacks and baked potatoes and melons are sold in the stalls here, selling 300 copies a day!"

Gu Qingci heard the shouts from time to time in the line. It was all the people in the queue behind asking how much was left. She said with a smile, "Zhaodi and huaziqiu are really good ideas."

As the saying goes, hot potato, can be here is clearly the hot sweet cake!

Just stepping into the medicated food restaurant, Gu Qingci heard Lu Changfeng's cry behind him, "yo! I didn't come here for two days. This new product is so popular. Zhaodi Zhaodi, you should run slowly and give your grandfather Lu a taste of the new product first

As Lu Changfeng's voice was too high, a number of men outside who were impatient to wait immediately yelled, "ah! How do you cut in the queue? "

Lu Changfeng turned his eyes and said with a smile, "I'm here to drink. It's nothing to do with your line-up, it's nothing to do with it!"

Lu Changfeng walked into the shop. Seeing Gu Qingci also coming, he said with a smile: "when the girl Qingci was on the first day of junior high school, a whole herbal restaurant was set up. Now it has become a hot spot in the capital city."

Gu Qing said with a smile: "Master Lu, don't praise me. I'll let someone steal some sweet potatoes and melons for you and drink wine."

Lu Changfeng said with a smile, "have some more stewed chicken feet. I'll take it back to King's house."

Said he a pat on the forehead, "almost forgot to give a Zheng and bamboo Ling cage steamed stuffed bun, to three fresh vegetables."

Yin Zhaodi said with a smile: "grandfather Lu, I'm familiar with the things that a Zheng and sister Zhuling like to eat. I'll go to the Shilang's house to deliver things, and I'll go to deliver them to you!"

Looking at Yin Zhaodi, Lu Changfeng felt quite pressed and said, "well, you are the most clever girl."

Gu Qingci gently patted Yin Zhaodi on the shoulder, "come in and look at Qingjian. Listen to your mother say that you sleep less for one hour every day because of the potato and melon. You can give the work to others."

Yin Zhaodi shook her head with a smile and said, "no, I'm energetic every day. Besides, most of the work sent out has been handed in, but there are still one or two that I've been used to. I won't have to deliver them after I teach them."

Gu Qingci nodded and then made way for Yin Zhaodi.

Lu Changfeng looked at Yin Zhaodi's back with a smile and praised: "this girl is diligent and intelligent. She will be able to help you after training."

Gu Qingci chuckled and nodded. She had high hopes for Zhaodi, so she specially asked the cashier to teach Zhaodi how to practice calligraphy, calculate accounts and count goods.

After a long walk around the shop and looking at the latest account books and documents, Gu Qingci has a general understanding of the operation of the shop. On the whole, the development of the medicated food restaurant is much faster than she expected.

Just as Gu Qingci was looking at the account book, there was an account that made her frown slightly. At this time, she was busy for a while. Yin came over, and Gu Qingci asked, "what's the matter with this account?"

Yin looked at it and said, "well, our shop and several livestock farms ordered six months of goods, so I decided to sell the leftover bean dregs, cake dregs and swill from the kitchen to these farms at a low price. On the one hand, it ensured the quality of the meat we got, and on the other hand, it also reduced the expenses."

Gu Qing said with a smile: "this is a good way."

Seeing the bustle in the shop, Gu Qingci laughed, but felt that it was unnecessary to stand here.

At this time, Zhao Di also happily ran back, holding a small and delicate rabbit puppet, with pearls embedded in it.

Yin asked anxiously, "how can such a valuable thing be sold in ordinary shops? Zhaodi, to be honest, where did you come from? "

Zhao Di explained wrongly: "Niang, I met a Zhou when I went to the king's house to deliver things Miss Saturday, she said that the hibiscus hairpin on my head looks good, so she exchanged it with me

Yan didn't believe such a statement. When his face sank, Gu Qingci immediately came over and asked, "did you meet him there?"

Zhao Di repeatedly nodded, "yes."

Gu Qingci quickly explained to the Yin family, "it's the sixth miss of Wu'an Marquis's house. She has always loved some strange things. She must have taken a fancy to Zhao Di's hairpin before using this rabbit for it."Seeing that Gu Qingci said so, Yan felt relieved. What she was most afraid of was that her children would go astray.

However, the fact that Zhou Yuner went to King Jing's mansion so soon to find a Zheng made Gu Qingci cry and laugh. She could see that Zhou yun'er was a stuffy temperament.

When Gu Qingci packed some snacks back to Princess Chang's mansion, she saw a small figure sitting on the stone opposite the princess Chang's mansion at the door.

After a week's resignation, Miss Gu was shocked

After hearing the sound of the carriage, Zhou Yuner immediately came to Gu Qingci, blinked his eyes and asked, "sister princess, I've been sitting on the stone here for a long time, and my buttocks are aching. Can I go in and have a seat?"

Gu Qingci glanced at Zhou yun'er, but he didn't find anyone following him. Such a terrible kidnapping happened. Zhou Jizong clearly cared about his sister. How could he let his sister wander around alone?

Don't know what the brothers and sisters want to do, Gu Qingci quietly suppressed doubt, nodded and laughed: "of course, but the eldest princess hasn't come back. If you come to find her, it's not a coincidence."

Zhou Yuner took Gu Qingci's hand with a smile, "it doesn't matter. I'll wait with the princess and sister."

Although I didn't know what Zhou Yuner wanted to do, Gu Qingci suppressed her curiosity and chatted with her with a smile until Huaiqing went back to his house.

Gu Qingci tells Huaiqing about Zhou Yuner's coming to play. Zhou Yuner praises Huaiqing. Huaiqing's eyes are bent with smile. Although she doesn't like Zhou Jizong, she likes Zhou Yuner, who is lively, lovely and courageous, so she stays with her for dinner.

At this time, Zhou yun'er suddenly patted the forehead, looked at the sky and said, "why is it so late, my brother must worry about me again."

, indeed, a woman rushed hastily and said, "Princess long, the little Hou Ye of Hou Fu, Wuan, said she came to find her sister."

Gu Qingci couldn't help laughing and glanced at Zhou Yuner. Now he understood that Zhou Yuner was trying to help his brother enter the gate.

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