Gu Qingci nodded, "I think so too. After all, the black hand behind the scenes has done everything for the exquisite pearl. Now there is still a pearl that he hasn't got. How can he just do that? But I've let the fourth Niang live in King Jing's mansion. It's safer, and I'll rest assured."

Mu xuanjing nodded slightly, "these days I will strengthen the guard in the mansion."

Later, Gu Qingci asked again, "by the way, have you heard about the Linglong pearl?"

Mu xuanjing raised his eyes. "Linglong beads are the things of the destroyed ningzhao royal family. They are really exquisite, but these beads are only funeral objects."

Gu Qing turned away his lips and said, "how can it be related to Ning Zhao?"

Mu xuanjing took her hand and chuckled: "it's just a coincidence. Ning Zhao has been destroyed for decades. It's meaningless to talk about it any more."

Gu Qingci nodded, but he didn't see mu xuanjing's slight flash of solemnity.

Mu xuanjing turned aside the topic about Ning Zhao and asked, "do you feel ill today?"

Gu Qingci shook his head and said with a smile, "where am I so delicate? It should have been caused by the wind and cold before. Now it's much better. Besides, there are so many people staring at me to help me adjust myself. "

Even Wang Ruhai sent some things from time to time, not to mention the Tai hospital and Renhe pharmacy. Gu Qingci had to admit that although shengyizong was on the decline, the details were still there. Many prescriptions and the treatment methods of medicinal materials were of great value.

Mu xuanjing gently pinched Gu Qingci's cheek, "it would be better if I were a little fatter."

"Hello! I don't want to be fat Gu Qing raised his chin and looked at mu xuanjing speechlessly. How did she feel that mu xuanjing looked at her eyes like a pig, always thinking that she would be fatter.

Mu xuanjing took back his hand and continued to slowly peel off a small plate of grapes. Although it was approaching winter, he spent a lot of manpower and material resources to collect the grapes from the western regions. The reason was that he heard a few women say that grapes are good for women who are unhappy.

Gu Qingci saw that once he had dinner with him, he would coax her to eat more food in a different way, and she could not stop her. So she had to hold her chin and watch, but Yuanbao squatting by the window made her eyes spin.

In the next two days, Yan siniang, who lived in King Jing's mansion, was completely at odds with the man who had taken linglongzhu. She mobilized all the resources the ghost market could mobilize to investigate, but in the end, she found only a few scattered information.

Gu Qingci took a look at the reply she received, frowned and asked, "once there was a mysterious buyer on the trading platform of ghost market, mainly looking for Linglong pearl?"

Yan siniang nodded, "this is the news a year ago, and it has been confirmed that this buyer and the buyer of the northern Jin Dynasty are not the same person, it may be the behind the scenes of this time."

Gu Qingci asked: "it's not that as long as people who have had contact with ghost city will leave traces. Can this person trace his true identity by touching the vine?"

Yan Si Niang pulled her hair impatiently. "This is a strange thing. It's weird here. This person can even avoid the intelligence system of ghost city. Is this a person or a ghost?"

For the ghost market in this respect, Gu Qingci is no doubt, "it seems that this man is very deep, unless he shows his tail again, it is difficult to trace him."

Yan siniang nodded, then took out the Linglong in her hand, looked at it again and again, and said in silence, "I don't know what's good about the beads buried in this soil."

Then she threw the beads on the table and said, "in my eyes, this thing is not as good as a peach blossom cake."

Gu Qingci took the bead and looked at it carefully. At the moment he picked it up, though it was only a slight shake, the hollow beads stacked on top of it would not stop shaking, making the green gemstone inside glitter.

"To be able to make such an ingenious thing must be beyond the ordinary craftsman's ability."

Yan siniang nodded. "Yes, it's said that all the strange things in ningzhao royal family's collection were made by a group of people with mysterious power to connect with the gods. Therefore, Ning Zhao became more and more powerful from a small foreign country."

Gu Qingci chuckled and raised the bead, and said, "this is just the saying that the rulers use to control the people's will. How can we really connect with the gods? How can the whole country be destroyed?"

Yan siniang nodded again, "yes, just like this bead. No matter how beautiful it is, will it be buried with him? I think the man who robbed the beads is full and full

Just at this time, a report came from outside, "princess, marquis Wu'an is coming with little Marquis! He said he wanted to see Mrs. Yan and the princess! "

Soon, Gu Qingci and Yan siniang went to the flower Hall of the front yard.

Wu'an Hou was standing by the window. He did not know what to say to Zhou Jizong. Zhou Jizong, who was black and blue, bowed his head and said nothing.

Hearing the sound of footsteps at the door, marquis Wu'an quickly turned around and bowed his hand and said, "today I am bringing my dog to thank Mrs. Yan and the princess for their help."

Zhou Jizong also limped over and bowed his hands and said, "thank you very much, madam Yan. Thank you very much."Yan siniang waved her hand, "it's just a little thing."

Besides, this matter has something to do with ghost market.

Gu Qingci also shook his head and said, "the Marquis is is too polite. The king's house is just doing a little bit of help."

Wu'an Hou insisted: "this favor is inscribed in the heart of this marquis. If you can use it in the future, please do not hesitate to ask the princess."

Later, the Marquis of Wu'an said with difficulty: "I still have some words to say with the princess alone. I don't know if it's convenient for the princess?"

Gu Qingci eyebrows slightly pick, Wu'an Hou this old fox what idea?

Seeing his father didn't know what idea he was making, Zhou Jizong on one side coughed and urged him to say, "Dad, aren't you going to enter the palace to face the saint?"

Wu'an Hou looked at Zhou Jizong heavily. His son didn't know who he was with. His head was full of paste.

Seeing Wu'an Hou's look like this, Zhou Jizong had to shut his mouth, but in his heart he kept complaining. His father was a real old fox. Fortunately, Princess Jing was not a fool. He wanted to see what his father could bargain for!

Gu Qingci chuckled: "you are welcome. Please."

Outside the flower hall, Gu Qingci invited Wu'an Hou into the waterside pavilion on one side, and let Hibiscus make tea.

After thanking Gu Qingci, marquis Wu'an began to say: "I have just returned to the capital and heard some rumors about the dog son and the eldest princess. I also blame the bad discipline of my Marquis, which made him act confused. Fortunately, the reputation of the eldest princess was not affected."

Gu Qingci glanced at Wu'an Hou, pondered his intention, and said with a chuckle, "if you have something to say, please say it."

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