Gu Qingci eyebrows a twist, can't be so clever?

Hibiscus smiles and answers Gu Qingci with her eyes. Then she gets out of the carriage. After a while, the curtain moves and mu xuanjing gets on the bus.

Gu Qingci crossed his arms and looked at mu xuanjing. "Aren't you out of town?"

After mu xuanjing sat down, he pulled Gu Qingci to his arms and pinched her nose. "If it wasn't for coming back early, how can I catch you?"

Gu Qing said, "the most important thing in the king's daily life is to arrest me?"

Mu xuanjing chuckled, "there is nothing more laborious than catching you."

Gu Qingci chuckled, "Hello! Is that exaggeration? I just went out of the door in less than an hour, OK

Mu xuanjing knew in his heart that the cat used to be wild, but now he must be bored at home every day.

But since she was pregnant, her body has been changing from good to bad. The doctors of Taiyi and Renhe drugstore have racked their brains, and they have been recuperating till now, and there is no obvious improvement.

He didn't have the reason that he didn't care, so sometimes when she made excuses or sneaked out of the mansion, he just wanted to make her happy.

But once she went out of the house, he felt insecure in his heart. Finally, the person who frequently found excuses to appear in front of her became himself.

Mu xuanjing asked her to lean in his arms with a comfortable posture, and naturally pressed her palm on her abdomen. The tone became more gentle, "does he disturb you today?"

Gu Qingci looked at her abdomen. Although there was no change here, she always felt that she could feel the existence of a small life.

"He's not going to mess with me now."

Mu xuanjing gently stroked her abdomen and frowned slightly, "these days, you are tired."

After he identified this little woman, he always thought that there would be a little thing similar to her in the future. As long as he thought of this picture, he would feel a little warm in his heart. Now he felt remorse for every little discomfort she endured for this little thing.

Mu xuanjing's words moved Gu Qingci's heart. She closed her eyes and let herself completely relax in Mu xuanjing's arms. She pretended to be relaxed and said, "I'm fine, but I'm just too bored."

She knows that mu xuanjing has been running around for the stability of the northern Jin Dynasty and the whereabouts of the witch clan. However, her physical discomfort is just a reaction after pregnancy. She would not hum even if she was seriously injured and unable to move. She could support all these on her own.

Mu xuanjing pinched her chin and said, "if you feel uncomfortable, don't support yourself."

Gu Qingci nodded heavily, "you are too. Don't hide anything from me."

Back at the king's house, the steward of song was already waiting at the door and said with a smile, "princess, old general Gu has come to see you."

The curtain moved, but two people came down. The steward of song didn't expect mu xuanjing to be here at this time. He was surprised and said, "the villain didn't get the letter. Why did the Lord return to his house?"

Hibiscus on one side said with a smile: "it's the prince who went to pick up the princess."

When mu xuanjing heard that general Gu was coming, he said, "I have something else to do. I'll go to see the ceremony in a moment, and then I'll go out."

Gu Qingci said with a smile, "I heard that my grandfather has been very comfortable recently, and he has made an appointment with several deputy generals to go hunting."

Mu xuanjing nodded slightly. "I've heard that. Don't worry. Several hunting grounds nearby are safe. I'll send someone to follow."

After meeting with Gu Qingci, mu xuanjing left the palace with his men. General Gu was in a good mood. He also knew that his grandson-in-law was very busy and did not mind his coming and going in a hurry.

When tea was served, general Gu said anxiously, "girl Qingci, my grandfather was going to the hunting ground with several vice generals tomorrow, but I was not at ease when I heard about Chengzhi, so I came to discuss with you."

"For the sake of success?" Gu Qingci raised her eyes suspiciously, "what's wrong with Chengzhi?"

General Gu quickly said: "this is the case. Cheng Zhi wants to go to the northwest frontier pass to study with a master in the Academy. Isn't this nonsense? People don't know. Doesn't grandfather know? Although there is no war in the northwest, it's not a peaceful area. You say it's dangerous. Besides, you're just a teacher. How can you use that little punch and leg embroidery... "

After listening to Gu Laojun's rambling finish this matter, Gu Qingci asked, "what about Chengzhi? What does he think? "

Gu Laojun stopped and sighed: "in fact, my grandfather can see that Chengzhi wants to go, so my grandfather came to discuss with you."

Gu Qingci took a sip of tea. "Although Chengzhi is still young, he has a broad vision and a firm heart. In my opinion, my grandfather might as well let go this time on the premise of ensuring Chengzhi's safety."

General Gu was unmoved and scratched his hair, "but..."

Gu Qingci said with a smile: "grandfather, in a few years Chengzhi will really grow up. Now is the best time for him. I can see that he has an idea in mind. I support him to do what he wants to do."

General Gu rubbed his cup and frowned. "But he never went to the south of the Yangtze River. Jiangnan is a rich territory. How can the northwest compare with the south of the Yangtze River? What if you run into a gangster? "Gu Qing said with a smile: "my grandfather used to say that men should be ambitious."

General Gu turned his lips, "but now the situation is different..."

Gu Qingci can see that his grandfather is not at ease at this moment. He thinks Chengzhi is still a child. "Grandfather, it's better. I'll explore Chengzhi's meaning. If he's not strong in mind and is not ready at all, then I don't agree."

General Gu repeatedly nodded, "he has no insight now. Where can he be ready? Yes, you elder sister, tell him to listen to you. He must persuade him to give up this idea. "

And Gu Qingci said some common words. General Gu got up and said, "grandfather, I have an appointment today. You can't forget to find Chengzhi."

Gu Qingci wants to get up to see her off. General Gu directly pressed her, "don't go out. It's cold and slippery outside. You have to be careful now. By the way, my grandfather asked an assistant general to buy some good tonics from other places. You should remember to take them."

Gu Qing said with a smile: "good."

After seeing off general Gu, he arrived before Gu Qingci sent someone to invite Chengzhi.

After listening to the porter's announcement, Gu Qingci raised his lips and chuckled, "is there such a clever thing?"

Sure enough, a few words from her set out the intention of Chengzhi.

Gu Chengzhi couldn't help but sigh. His elder sister could guess everything. How could he hide his mind? So he directly called.

"Elder sister, I knew that my grandfather would come to you, so I followed him. I didn't dare to say it in front of my grandfather, so I would wait for my grandfather to come in again."

Gu Qingci nodded, "sit down, drink a cup of ginger tea to warm your body, and stay outside for so long. Don't freeze."

Gu Chengzhi saw that his elder sister didn't want to let him drink tea. He had been able to calm down, but now he was worried. Instead of sitting down, he carefully looked at Gu Qingci, "elder sister, I'd better not sit down, I'll..."

Gu Qingci smile, "drink a cup of ginger tea drive cold, in case of a cold you can't start."

Gu Chengzhi's eyes lit up, "elder sister?! Do you agree with me to go to the northwest frontier with my teacher

Gu Qingci put down the cup of tea in his hand and said with a light eyebrow: "ah? I didn't say that. "

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