"Slow down!" Mu xuanjing reaches out to help Gu Qingci.

She had been lazy before. Today, Gu Qingci's interest was particularly high. She carried her skirt and walked forward. She looked back at mu xuanjing in defiance. "Hello, how many steps are it to Tianxiang building here? You look down on me, too

Indeed, the Tianxiang building is just opposite the front, and it is only a few dozen steps away.

However, at this time, a large number of people came out of a shop, which immediately scattered mu xuanjing and Gu Qingci, who were three steps away.

Mu xuanjing was afraid that Gu Qingci would be crowded and immediately chased after him. However, a child watching the lantern on the second floor reached for the lantern and suddenly turned over the railing and smashed it directly at mu xuanjing's position.

In a panic, the streets became even more chaotic. Mu xuanjing picked up the child with a good figure. However, mu xuanjing was in no mood at all. He put down his child and wanted to go after Qingci, but he could not see anyone now!


At the moment, he was squeezed into the lane where the road diverged. Gu Qingci twisted his eyebrows and stood firm against the wall, intending to push aside the crowd and turn back to the main road.

But as she walked, she suddenly saw a masked man in the crowd, only a few steps away from her, as if staring at her.

In the endless flow of the crowd, the man gave her a very uncomfortable feeling, that kind of eyes with a sense of oppression, as if a stone block in the heart.

Seeing the masked man coming towards her, Gu Qingci subconsciously realizes the crisis. She immediately retreats and wants to stay away from the man through the crowd.

She protected her stomach with one hand, pushed the crowd away with the other, and moved forward with great effort. Suddenly, her wrist was cold!

Gu Qingci's whole body tenses up, and another free subordinate holds the protective dagger hidden in her sleeve. Since she became pregnant, she is fully alert to any slightest disturbance.

Turning around, she saw that the masked man had caught her wrist!

In the crowd, two people who are so close to each other quietly confront each other.

Gu Qingci clenched her fist with a strange and familiar feeling. It seemed that there was an answer coming out. What she wanted at this moment was not to run away, but to uncover the mystery.

So Gu Qingci pretended to push him to run. In fact, he attacked his mask with the fastest speed. As expected, the man did not expect her to do so.

Half of the mask slipped, revealing a scar on his face that was not completely healed.

This scar makes Gu Qingci's eyes dark, and those images that haven't appeared for a long time appear in my mind again.

It's him. It's been a long cold night!

In the prison of Dali temple, when cold night robbed Bai Yingxue, she still wanted to attack her. She cut her face with a dagger. This scar was left at that time.

Gu Qingci didn't know what lengye wanted to do. There were all innocent people here, and she didn't dare to act rashly. So she took her hand back from him indifferently and said in a cold voice, "cold night, I didn't expect you would dare to appear in the capital city openly!"

Cold night to wear a mask again, warm light seems to be unable to shine into his eyes, like the abyss.

His pale face floating a smile, clearly is a smile, but enough to make people scared, "Gu Qingci, we haven't seen for a long time."

Gu Qingci looked at him coldly, "I thought you didn't dare to step into the capital city and even the northern Jin Dynasty."

For the cold night of Wu clan chief, mu xuanjing issued the highest wanted order, and the reward was very high.

Cold night secluded to open a way: "in here I still have something to finish, naturally want to come."

Gu Qingci looked at him warily, "what do you want to do?"

Cold night looked at her for a long time and said, "follow me."

Gu Qingci sneered: "are you crazy? Don't say you're trying to hijack me. It's still a question whether you can get away with your whole body. "

"You think you can get happiness by staying with mu xuanjing? Gu Qingci, you are wrong this time! "

Gu Qingci looked at the cold night's eyes full of indifference, "do you think I will believe your rhetoric?"

Cold night clenched his fist, and his anger was even worse. "He wanted to wipe out the witch clan, but I already knew his secret."

Gu Qingci sneered at the cold night, "so you come to me to make up these?"

The colder the night, the colder the voice. "Follow me, I will tell you the truth about Mu xuanjing. If you stay with him, you will only become a victim."

Gu Qingci laughed sarcastically, "victim? Cold night, what qualification do you have to say that? "

"Qingci!" In the distance, mu xuanjing shouts. Gu Qingci subconsciously looks at the cold night. If you can seize this opportunity, you will have a worry!

However, the action of the cold night was also very fast. He once again held Gu Qingci and said in a sharp voice: "follow me!"

Mu xuanjing has come after him. I'm afraid those dark guards who have been turned away by him will also come. If you don't leave, you won't have a chance.

Gu Qingci was looking forward to waiting for someone to come to Mu xuanjing or other king's mansion. Therefore, he did not pull out a dagger to attack the cold night. Instead, he stalled as he delayed.Seeing a dark corner on the eaves, he knew that he would have no chance if he didn't go. So he looked at Gu Qingci and said, "you will regret today's choice."

Finish saying, his hand a loose, extremely fast figure disappears in the crowd immediately.

"Don't go!" Can Gu Qingci just want to chase, feel the fetal movement in the abdomen, after a flash of God, she wants to chase all have no chance.

Gu Qingci clenched her fist, and her breath was still very short. She knew that her back was covered with a thin layer of sweat. If there was a slight difference just now, I'm afraid something would happen.

If it was her before, she would not blink her eyes even if she was fighting with her life in this case. But now she still has a fragile little life in her stomach, and she dare not take any risks.

Fortunately, the cold night has run, and did not cause any harm to her, Gu Qingci is relieved.

"Qingci!" When mu xuanjing arrived, Gu Qingci had cleaned up all the confusion and fear, and looked at him as usual.

"Look at your nervous appearance, have not been dispersed for a while, this is the most prosperous street in the capital, I can walk to Tianxiang building with my eyes closed, OK?"

Looking at mu xuanjing's worries, she chose to hide the thrill of that period. After all, she had returned to Mu xuanjing's side and had no chance to attack her in the cold night. She didn't want mu xuanjing to feel uneasy on New Year's Eve.

Mu xuanjing firmly held her hand this time. Just now, the little woman suddenly disappeared. Even if he knew it was in the capital city, there would be nothing wrong. But God knows that he is still going crazy.

"You're heavy, and don't leave me at this time."

Gu Qingci cleverly nodded his head and pulled mu xuanjing's sleeve and said: "good, good, all listen to you. Let's go quickly. Fireworks will be set off in a moment."

So they went to Tianxiang building. Gu Qingci, who was firmly protected in his arms, looked back at the position of his eyes.

It was absurd to think of the vague words of the cold night, but they echoed in her mind.

She shook her head and clenched mu xuanjing's hand. The warm touch dispelled all the uneasiness in her heart.

With a chirp, followed by a crack, the frightened people held their heads tightly, and just wanted to escape, they heard someone shouting.

"Look at the sky! Look

A gorgeous fireworks bloom in the sky of the capital

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