
Gu Qingci subconsciously clenched the private seal on her neck. I don't know if it was upset or how. She felt that the baby in her stomach was also restless.

At the palm of her hand, she could even feel the obvious fetal movement. She quickly and placidly touched her abdomen.

Hibiscus looked at Gu Qingci's expression and was shocked, "princess, what's the matter with you? Would you like Dr. Xuan to see it

Gu Qingci shook his head, "don't bother, I'm fine."

Hibiscus worried about a step closer, "the Lord told the slaves before he left, but the princess had to let the imperial doctor look at anything different."

Gu Qingci said with a smile: "if you listen to him, I'm afraid that doctor Liang will have to stay at the gate of our yard. I'm really OK. Just now the baby moved."

When she looked better, hibiscus was relieved.

Then Gu Qingci stood up and asked, "is the medicine ready?"

Hibiscus hastily nods, "maidservant this goes to carry."

After drinking the medicine, Gu Qingci leans on the imperial concubine's couch by the window, still thinking about the affairs of Mrs. Jinzhao. If Mu xuanjing is really forced to go by her, what is her purpose? Is it related to her assassination?

At this time, Lanxin garden is very quiet.

Mrs. Jinzhao leans on the bed. She looks much better now than before.

One side of the maid carefully held a bowl of medicine, "madam, please take medicine."

Mrs. Jin Zhao pressed her forehead, twisted her eyebrows and said, "what medicine is this?"

The maid said in a hurry: "this is the antidote that the lady used before. Did the lady forget it? The elder of the sage doctor ordered that the time of taking the antidote should not be too long."

Mrs. Jin Zhao raised her eyes and raised her hand, "OK, come here."

Looking at the medicine bowl, Mrs. Jinzhao's face was not worried. "Before Gu Qingci was the woman, why should I use this method in front of xuanjing? It's just that Gu Qingci is the only one in xuanjing's mind now. If I don't take such a dangerous move, he may not believe me."

The maid said with relief: "how can there be no lady in the Lord's heart? The lady is the only relative of the Lord. Since he was a child, he has practiced martial arts with his wife's company, and will not forget his wife's support."

Mrs. Jinzhao took the medicine bowl and drank it up. Then she wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief. Then she said, "what do you know? Xuanjing is not one of those dandies who don't make ends meet and live on the family."

With that, Mrs. Jinzhao sighed, "he is no longer that young man in those years. Nowadays, he is deep enough in the city, ruthless in means and quick in his decision-making. Sometimes even I can't detect his mind."

With a complicated look on her eyes, she said, "he can sit in a high position and look down on the world, but now he is caught by a useless woman. How can you not make me angry?"

The maid nodded quickly, "the lady said yes."

Mrs. Jinzhao took a deep breath. "I can't be blamed for being cruel. Compared with the foundation of Dongling, love between children and girls is just a drag."

Then she got up slowly, put on her robe, and asked, "is everything ready?"

The woman in black who was waiting at the door immediately replied, "madam, all are ready."

Jin Zhao lady hook up the lip Cape, "then I should also go for a trip."

After receiving a small spice like object from the woman in black, Mrs. Jinzhao threw it into her own stove.

Soon, a ray of light purple smoke slowly came out, and soon dissipated in the air, and then there was no trace of abnormal.

Mrs. Jin Zhao sniffed it carefully and determined that there was no smell. Then she picked up the stove again, "let's go."

At this time, Gu Qingci and hibiscus are cleaning up a batch of winter coats at the bottom of the box. A small servant girl comes running in a hurry and reports: "Princess! Here comes Mrs. Jinzhao

Gu Qingci frowned slightly, "how come this time? Isn't she still hurt? "

Hibiscus immediately covered the box, got up and said, "yes."

Gu Qingci said: "she came to see me with illness. If I avoid it, I can't say it. Please come in."

Soon, Mrs. Jinzhao was helped into Gu Qingci's room.

Although Mrs. Jinzhao's face was pale, she was not particularly weak. Gu Qingci was a little strange. She said that she was hurt very much in the early morning. She was able to walk with her hands after half a day.

Gu Qingci got up slowly, politely but completely alienated. He said faintly: "Madam came in a hurry last night. I haven't gone to greet my wife. I hope you don't blame her."

Mrs. Jinzhao looked at Gu Qingci, but she was secretly thinking about it. At first, the woman was still calling her "aunt". Now how can she just call her wife?

Thinking that it should be Gu Qingci's pregnancy, she felt that her boat had gone up, and Mrs. Jinzhao looked down on Gu Qingci even more.

After she sat down, she glanced at Gu Qingci's stomach and felt more and more embarrassed. She suppressed her disgust and asked, "can it be eight months?"Gu Qingci touched the abdomen, "fast, the doctor said that another month may be launched at any time."

Mrs. Jin Zhao has been puzzled about this for a long time. At first, Bai Yingxue clearly said that the poisonous insects would be planted in the fetus. With the increase of the month, the harm to mother and son would increase day by day. It was impossible to raise the fetus to eight months old. It was almost full-term.

Fortunately, however, she knew that Gu Qingci was not easy to deal with, so she had been on guard for a long time. She did not receive the news of Gu Qingci's sliding fetus, so she came.

Although she intended to let Gu Qingci die when she was a little pregnant, she didn't expect that she could hold on to now, and her plan would change.

Seeing that Mrs. Jinzhao didn't speak, he seemed thoughtful. Gu Qingci said: "I heard that the lady was attacked and injured yesterday, so I'd better have a good life. Otherwise, the Lord will blame me for my poor hospitality when he comes back."

The word "entertaining" makes Mrs. Jinzhao more unhappy. Gu Qingci takes out the hostess's posture and speaks to her from a commanding position!

Mrs. Jinzhao stood up, approached Gu Qingci, deliberately put the stove closer to her, and then said, "it doesn't matter, my injury doesn't matter. I've taken two doses of medicine. It's better. I'm worried about you and your baby. Don't come and see how you can heal yourself?"

Gu Qingci sees her sudden approach, always feel a little uncomfortable, but there is no loophole in what Mrs. Jinzhao said, "thank you for your concern."

Mrs. Jinzhao looked at Gu Qingci, and with a smile on her pale face, she said, "since this is the case, I won't disturb you much. You can have a good rest."

After that, she motioned to her maid to help her to leave

when Mrs. Jinzhao left, hibiscus hesitated and said, "I remember sui'er from lanxinyuan came here in the morning and said that only the best autumn orchids were used in Mrs. Jinzhao's handstove, so she specially took some from us. Why didn't it work?"

Gu Qingci was a little tired and didn't take it seriously. He ordered: "if she wants to, she will send someone to buy some more to send, hibiscus, and then she will come back and say that I can't get up again."

She didn't want to spend any more time dealing with Mrs. Jinzhao.

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