Li Wei saw that it was Mrs. Jinzhao, and there was a large group of bodyguards behind him. He was so frightened that he bowed his hands and said, "Hello, villain Li Wei, to your wife!"

Mrs. Jinzhao took a look at the letter in his hand and said in a deep voice, "my wife suspects that there is a traitor who betrays the Lord in the mansion. All the people and things in and out of the palace today should be investigated!"

Li Wei explained in a hurry: "madam, the villain is going to deliver the letter for the hibiscus girl beside his wife. This is to be sent to the Lord!"

Mrs. Jinzhao's tone was even colder, "to the Lord? Who knows if it's the false news that framed the Lord, search! "

Li Wei was immediately knocked to the ground, and his mouth was covered before he could shout

Not long ago, hibiscus, who went to the front yard purchase office to send the list, was now close to the side door. On weekdays, she often took this road. Looking at the lonely road, she felt something was wrong. Many compradors in the government would go in and out of the door at this time. How come there is no personal film at tianmenkou today?

Just as Hibiscus approached the side door, lady Jinzhao's voice came from behind, "today's house arrest thieves, unauthorized visitors are suspected, take this maid to my wife!"

Hibiscus immediately turned back, did not expect to see Mrs. Jinzhao was coming towards her, and Mrs. Jinzhao was followed by a large group of people.

Seeing two bodyguards with swords coming towards her, hibiscus said in an urgent voice, "maidservant is going to buy medicine for the princess!"

Mrs. Jinzhao snorted and took out the letter in her hand, "is this letter you gave to Li Wei?"

Hibiscus was stunned, "this This is indeed a letter from the maidservant to the Lord. "

Mrs. Jinzhao said angrily, "the content of this letter is exactly what you want to frame the Lord. Come on! Take her

Hibiscus hastily retreated, but it was against the door. She cried out in a hurry: "the maid just told the prince about the princess's recent situation, and did not frame the prince at all! I am wronged

Hearing the news, the steward of song, seeing this scene, hastened to speed up his pace and called: "madam! What's going on? "

Mrs. Jinzhao said coldly: "my wife received a secret report. Someone framed the Lord and exposed his whereabouts. The king was attacked outside. My wife is going to investigate the palace for the Lord!"

Song, the housekeeper, immediately saw the housekeeper! I didn't frame the Lord! I didn't! "

Song housekeeper and Mrs. Jinzhao said in a hurry: "is madam wrong? How can this girl be a traitor because she is the princess's personal servant

Mrs. Jinzhao handed over the letter in her hand, "she wants Li Wei to help her deliver the secret message. Li Wei has already called. Steward song, you can have a look at it yourself."

Steward song looked at the contents of the letter, and his face changed, "this How could that be possible? "

The lady of brocade Zhao snorted coldly, "no matter how, this servant girl is lying! Take her down and torture her! I don't believe it. I can't pry her mouth open! "

How could you suddenly bring her in with a spy? Hibiscus heart sank, shouting: "wronged ah! Wronged! I want to see the princess

Mrs. Jinzhao glanced at hibiscus and said in a loud voice, "you reminded me that the main courtyard should also be searched! Take the servant girl down first! "

Hibiscus was towed away, and Song Guan could not stop. Those guards were transferred from the unknown Pavilion, and did not belong to the king's palace.

Seeing that Madame Jinzhao is really moving, the steward of Song Dynasty is startled and quickly follows up.

At the gate of the main courtyard, the steward of song managed to catch up with Mrs. Jinzhao. He stopped at the door and said in an urgent voice, "madam! The princess is pregnant now. She can't be disturbed

Mrs. Jinzhao glanced at the steward of Song Dynasty. "Everyone in the whole family is suspected. Even the princess can't miss it. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, can you afford to be a little housekeeper?"

Song housekeeper also said that Mrs. Jinzhao directly let people drag him away, and then she would go in and search.

As soon as the door of the main courtyard opened, Mrs. Jinzhao immediately called out, "surround this place and make a thorough investigation."

Many servant girls were stunned in the same place, all of them were pressed on the ground and could not break free.

"I see who dares to move!" Just then, there was a yell from inside.

When the voice fell, all the people in the yard stopped. Even Mrs. Jinzhao was surprised.

Along with the shadow of Lingzhu, he saw the shadow of the crowd walking out of the room.

Gu Qingci was wearing a white fur lined jacket and skirt. Although his stomach was high and high, he could still see his slim figure.

Although she was weak and could not see anything, the chill on her face and the chill all over her showed an inviolable dignity.

Just after the shadow had already arrived here to inform the news that Mrs. Jinzhao had blocked the whole Jingwang mansion, Gu Qingci guessed that it was for her. As expected, she had just changed her clothes when she heard that Mrs. Jinzhao was coming.

Mrs. Jinzhao disdainfully looked at Gu Qingci and said in a cold voice, "my wife is thoroughly investigating the traitor who framed the Lord. Check!"

A group of bodyguards behind her immediately surrounded the place.

Seeing that Mrs. Jinzhao was not moved by Gu Qing's words, he said in a sharp voice: "presumptuous!"This sound made many bodyguards stop, but they live in the shadow of swords, did not expect to feel this sense of oppression in front of a woman in the back house.

Gu Qingci does not have the eye son to droop, but the sharp between her eyebrows is unstoppable.

Taking off the pendant hanging from her neck, she held it high in front of the public and said in a loud voice: "this is the private seal left by the LORD before he left. I can exercise power on behalf of the Lord now! Get out of here! Who dares not to accept is to collide with the Lord! There is no escape from death

Mrs. Jinzhao, who was shocked to be a little lost in her mind, only came back to her senses when she was reminded by the maid. She only knew that Gu Qingci was a fox with deep thinking. She didn't expect that Gu Qingci was so fierce.

But she had already prepared for it, so Mrs. Jinzhao snorted coldly, raised a pendant of the same size in her hand, and said, "my wife also has the seal of the Lord. This is the private seal of the nameless Pavilion, and holding the private seal in her hand is like meeting the Lord!"

Gu Qingci was stunned, "what?"

Bamboo Ling white face in Gu Qingci ear urgent voice said: "Miss, that bad woman's hand also has a jade pendant! Look, it's almost the same as that in the lady's hand

Mrs. Jinzhao was very happy for a while. She tried her best to get this private seal for this moment, "what are you waiting for? Check it

When she heard of the "nameless Pavilion", Gu Qingci understood that this was a force secretly formed by mu xuanjing. However, she did not expect that the private seal in charge of the nameless pavilion was actually in the hands of Mrs. Jinzhao.

At this time, the hands of the nameless Pavilion bowed their hands one after another: "listen to the orders of my subordinates!"

She knew that Mrs. Jinzhao was ready to come here fully today. If she was forced to fight against her, she was afraid that it would lead to a worse end.

So Gu Qingci and Zhuling stand in the corridor waiting for these people to search. At the same time, she is also waiting for Mrs. Jinzhao to do something extraordinary this time

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