Gu Qingci, who had no strength, heard the midwife's tone change. She did not hear the baby's cry. She asked in horror, "child How's the baby? "

All of a sudden, outside the house, there was a flurry of footsteps and shouts, and the noise spread all the way to the house.

Luo San had no time to take care of other things. He could not let people find Gu Qingci, so he called out: "madam! Someone's searching this alley! Go out and have a look

The midwife hugged the child who was blue and blue with weak breath, and said in a quick voice, "madam! It's a boy, but But this child will not live! "

She was forced to come here. At this moment, she heard the beating and killing from outside. The midwife threw down her baby and simply dealt with Gu Qingci, shouting: "madam! I've tried my best, old lady! It's the will of God! Madame, I'm sorry to change... "

Then she snatched the door and ran away.

"Nonsense! It's impossible No way Gu Qingci insisted on getting up, but she could hardly support her weak body.

Thinking that the child was still waiting for her to rescue her, she suddenly turned over and simply let herself roll out of the bed. The severe pain hit her back. But she barely pressed the edge of the bed to hold up half of her body. She also saw the baby wrapped up after simple cleaning on the bed.

Children and cats are generally curled up, the whole body is full of unhealthy blue, the breath is very weak, the mouth is difficult to open, let alone cry.

Gu Qingci's blood seemed to solidify in this moment. Thinking of what the midwife said, she shook her head to shake off the idea and held him tightly.

The moment he touched this little thing, Gu Qingci's tears fell quickly.

It's been more than nine months since she came out of her body!

Can't live How can you not live?! unable! She doesn't allow that possibility to exist!

"Baby My mother is here My mother is here! Just now you and your mother worked hard to survive. How can you give up now?! You can't fall asleep

Gu Qingci holds the baby's small body in his arms, shrinking into a ball, and the movement is getting smaller and smaller.

"No, you'll be fine! My mother will go and find a doctor for you

Gu Qingci couldn't hold him, so she could only put the child on the bed. Then she stood up against the wall with all her strength and moved her almost numb legs to the outside.

"Luo San! Helene

Without any response, the silence of death let Gu Qingci's tears flow through his neck and his heart.

A great sense of fear surrounded her.

Her hands and legs were shaking, and her body was still bleeding, but she did not stop, always gritted her teeth and insisted on going out. She wanted to find someone to save her child!

"Is there anyone..."

Just outside the noise also disappeared, she knew that Luo San must have led these people away.

"Help Is there anyone to help my child... " Gu Qingci's skirt has been soaked in blood, and she moves mechanically.


Tears flow into her mouth, salty hair astringent, her feet slip, the whole person fell into the mud.

She knew she couldn't stop here, her child was still struggling in the house, and she vowed to protect him!

Gu Qingci reached out his hand and crawled forward, his fingers rubbing blood on the floor tiles.

She's really in pain. She's really tired.

"Mu xuanjing Why don't you come yet Our baby can't hold on... "

Just as Gu Qingci climbed to the back door, a group of people gathered outside the courtyard.

"It's on fire!"

"Come on

"Ah! Isn't this room always empty? "

"Who knows! What can I do? "


Gu Qingci looked back in horror, but he saw that half the yard had been engulfed by the fire!

How could this happen! Clearly, there was nothing just now!

Thinking of the child on the bed, Gu Qingci almost suffocated. Her whole body shook heavily and felt that she was going crazy!

"Child!" Don't know where the strength came from, Gu Qingci stood up again. She was about to rush to the sea of fire, but she stumbled and bumped. I don't know how many times she was hit.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and most of the yard was engulfed by the fire.

Gu Qingci can't control the pain on her body. She has only one idea in her heart. She has to save the child!

"Qingci!" When he arrived at Helian City, he saw the scene and saw Gu Qingci go to the sea of fire. He immediately rushed over and hugged Gu Qingci, who was about to be burned by the fire!

He grabs his finger, and he can't hear his voice! Children My baby's in there! I'm going in, I'm going to save him

Gu Qingci couldn't hold on any longer. Her eyes were dark and completely unconscious.Luo San also arrived, self blame he did not want to rush to the sea of fire, but the fire is really too big, his hair on the ground rolling in the fight.

He Lian Cheng said in a sharp voice: "Luo San! Don't go! You can't save the child even if you take your life! Withdraw

He looked at the frail little woman in his arms, as if he would break her when he touched her gently. He felt Gu Qingci's pulse which almost disappeared. He was afraid of losing her, which made his hands tremble.

Helian City yelled: "no more delay! Go! Go back to Xiliang immediately

Soon, a sea of fire devoured the entire courtyard, covering up all the unknown traces.

In the alley not far away, the man in green slowly raised his head, revealing a face as warm as jade.

He looked down at the little baby in his arms, and there was a complicated smile on his lips.

Feeling that the baby's heart rate was gradually weakening, he frowned, and then immediately took a pill from his arms and crushed the pill as he moved his fingers.

Little by little, he fed the powder into the baby's mouth until he felt the baby's heartbeat reappear. He did not look away, but held the baby firmly in his hands.

Soon, a man jumped down from the eaves. He arched his hand and said, "Reverend, the people from the Yamen of the town have arrived, but the fire is so strong that it can't be put out for a while."

The cold night gently caresses the infant's swaddling clothes and says, "have you told me that the dead baby you prepared has been thrown into it?"

The man frowned and said, "don't worry. Everything is done according to the emperor's will. The dead baby has already been thrown in, but his subordinates don't understand why he has to save the children of Gu Qingci and mu xuanjing, and wasted the medicine that zunshang wants to take. This medicine is rare in the world."

Cold night a pair of cold eyes swept in the past, "shut up!"

The man immediately knelt down, "please forgive me!"

Cold night came to him, and his gloomy voice said slowly: "from now on, the child of King's house has died in the fire. This child has only one identity, that is, the little master of the witch clan. Do you understand?"

When the man was stunned, he immediately bowed his hand and advised him, "please think twice! There will be endless troubles after leaving this child

Cold night one hand to protect the child, one hand to hold the neck of the man in front of him.

Feeling a strong sense of killing, the man panicked and cried, "please forgive me!"

With a click, there was no sound in the alley.

"Only the dead can keep secrets..."

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