In the evening, Xu said, "if you don't block the way, I'll take advantage of the heavy rain, and then I'll put some more medicine."

Then Gu Qing asked the bodyguard to come to the carriage and said, "I'm going to help. I'll try my improved recipe at Liang's house."

At this time, after listening to Xu Guang's words, mu Junyou, standing in the same place, felt a little relieved. After all, he didn't want to abandon Yizhou City, but he frowned again when he looked at Gu Qingci, who was bypassing him.

He wanted to reach for her, but stopped in the air. Mu Junyou stood there and watched Gu Qingci get on the carriage and leave. He could only tighten his fingers,

"Your Highness..." Wen Ruyue came out with his cloak in his hand and said gently, "it's getting colder and colder. Your highness, add a cloak."

Mu Junyou hugged Wen Ruyue, "no, go back to the room, not promised to accompany you with dinner."

Wen Ruyue hugged mu Junyou's waist with surprise and joy, "today is the dinner made by Yue Er himself."

Looking at Wen Ruyue's gentle and charming appearance, mu Junyou somehow is Gu Qingci's cold face.

If the person in front of you is Gu Qingci, how would you feel?

Thinking of these, he was really upset, holding Wen Ruyue in his arms and went into the house.

By this time, Gu Qingci had already entered the city.

At night, Yizhou city is quiet a lot, only the Yamen is patrolling with lanterns.

Seeing Gu Qingci, the Yamen saluted respectfully. Gu Qing resigned Liangjiang and gave them some silver coins to drink when they changed shifts.

This group of Yamen servants did not expect such a good thing, so they bowed down to thank him and told Gu Qingci about the situation in the city.

Now there are yamen patrolling day and night, and no one dares to make trouble. In addition, Xu Guang told people that he had found a way to control the plague. Now everyone is waiting for news from the government.

Hearing that the city was stable, Gu Qingci nodded and gave Xu GUANG all the poisons to deal with the poisonous insects. Then he took Liangjiang to Liang's house.

There are guards at the gate of Liang's house to guard against the people who make trouble. However, because of Gu Qingci's decision to block the alley, the people in the alley dare not act rashly, and there is a lot of peace here.

Gu Qingci also asked Liangjiang to give some wine money to the guards at the door, and let them drink to drive off the cold.

The guard at the door gratefully thanks Gu Qingci.

"Miss, what a good heart

"Yes, it's getting colder and colder in Yizhou city. I'm afraid it's going to snow!"

Gu Qingci chuckled: "cold weather is also good, the epidemic will be easier to control."

These people are more happy to hear this, how many days to Yizhou city are shrouded in the haze, did not expect to come to a fairy daughter like a little girl, all this has changed!

Soon, Gu Qingci enters the door, and Liang's old woman staggers forward. Liangjiang helps her.

Gu Qingci lit the oil lamp and asked the old woman about Liang Laoliu's condition.

With that, the old woman suddenly cried: "my son is really a dutiful person. In order to get some fish for the old lady, he had to go to the river in a cold day and fell ill when he came back!"

Gu Qingci's expression coagulated, "Liang Laoliu came back from the river to get sick?"

The old lady sobbed, "well, it's too cold that day, no one is going to the river. He has to go and say that he wants to catch a fish for the old lady."

Think of that day to see the rats continue to die in the river bank scene, Gu Qingci heart has a number.

Liang Laoliu must have been poisoned, but it is not clear whether he was bitten by poisonous insects or injured by poisoned mice.

Gu Qingci then gave Liang Laoliu a pulse. Now his pulse is weak but stable, much better than the previous two days.

"Ginger, for my new prescription, fry a bowl of medicine."

After hearing this, Liangjiang nodded, "I'm going now!"

Gu Qingci took out a set of silver needles, sterilized with candlelight, and stabbed into several joints of Liang Laoliu one by one.

When Liang Laoliu sweats, Gu Qing resigns Liangjiang and pours him with Decoction.

After a while, Gu Qingci cut his palm and put half a bowl of blood.

Looking at the blackened blood, Liang Jiang was frightened, "Miss, he is really poisoned!"

Gu Qingci was sweating on her forehead at this time. She wiped the beads of sweat and said, "fortunately, it's cold now, and he's not easy to get infected. Just to prevent the cold from entering the body, I'll add a bowl of ginger juice to him tomorrow morning."

Liang Jiang wrote down one by one, and then said, "mother-in-law Liang has cleaned up a room by the side. Go and have a rest, miss. I'll give it here."

Gu Qingci nodded. She couldn't leave people here. She could come to replace Liangjiang later.

After telling Liangjiang the details to pay attention to, Gu Qing resigns from the next room.

She was lying in bed, but she couldn't sleep. She frowned at the thought of those poisonous insects whose wings had been cut.Who on earth did this? What the hell is this man trying to do?

This man specially chooses to release poisonous insects after the flood. The poisonous insects infect rats and spread them by mice. Therefore, everyone will think that it is a plague. This kind of thinking is really meticulous.

What would he have done if Liangjiang had not found the poisonous insects by chance and the whole city of Yizhou was blocked? Is that his purpose?

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

This is, a slight creak, let Gu Qingci suddenly startled, can not wait for her to pull out the defensive dagger, a palm has covered her mouth.

"Don't move."

A deep and clear voice sounded in her ear, followed by the familiar light fragrance of medicine. Gu Qingci was speechless. What was mu xuanjing doing?

She said that after cooperating, mu xuanjing loosened her mouth, then leaned over her waist and directly jumped out of the window, "follow this king."

Gu Qingci was totally unprepared, so he took her to the eaves. In order to protect herself, she had to hook mu xuanjing's neck.

The evening breeze was cool and rushed to her face. Gu Qingci closed her eyes and was suddenly wrapped in soft cloth. She opened her eyes and saw mu xuanjing wrapped her in her cloak.

The cloak was very big and warm. Gu Qing flattened his mouth and arrogantly put his head into mu xuanjing's arms, which made it warmer.

She doesn't care whether the man is happy or not. He is the one who brings her out to blow the wind at night!

However, different from what she thought, mu xuanjing moved slightly, but her lips curled up an arc. She seemed to be very satisfied with Gu Qingci's performance of being obedient.

After a while, mu xuanjing stopped at the top of a three story building and put down Gu Qingci.

Gu Qingci looked at the height, or obediently grasped mu xuanjing's sleeve. She didn't want to fall down and lose her arms and legs.

Glancing around, she asked suspiciously, "what did you bring me here for?"

Mu xuanjing slowly opened his mouth and said, "I'll know soon."

Gu Qingci frowned, and then came up with a very important question.

Speaking of it, mu Junyou has already sent troops. In case of any accident here, Yizhou city will be completely sealed off. At that time, no one can go out. How can mu xuanjing stay here so leisurely?

She frowned and asked, "Mu xuanjing, are you not afraid to be trapped here?"

Mu xuanjing looked back at her with a slight eyebrow, "you are still here. What am I afraid of?"

Gu Qingci was stunned and moved in her heart. She blurted out: "are you afraid that I will abandon the city?"

Mu xuanjing's eyes drooped slightly and his lips seemed to float with a smile, "you won't."

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