Marrying The Villain

Chapter 1: madman

Yu Lingxi fell ill, and was frightened by Ning Yin.

It can't be blamed on her frailty, anyone who wakes up early in the morning and sees the corpses of two female assassins floating under the glazed lamp in front of the temple will be horrified.

Under the lamp, Ning Yin was dressed in a purple robe and was extremely handsome. He named the picture "Beauty Lamp" and invited Yu Lingxi to enjoy it together with great interest.

Yu Lingxi couldn't catch her breath and fell ill when she returned.

After burning all night, I finally came back from the gate of hell.

But living by Ning Yin's side is far more terrifying than the gate of hell.

Before her, there were quite a few people who put all kinds of beauties around Ning Yin, no matter whether they flattered them or assassinated them, without exception, they all failed to see the sunrise of the second day alive.

Only Yu Lingxi was an accident.

Maybe it's because she was weak and sickly since she was a child, and she looks sick and waiting to die, she doesn't seem to be a threat; or maybe she has nothing to do with the world, and her methods of coaxing people are quite satisfactory...

In short, Ning Yin did not kill her for the time being.

Also, only "temporarily".

Yu Lingxi tactfully followed the madman's temperament, obediently played the role of canary, and did not provoke him.

But Ning Yin really likes to provoke herself. No matter how big Yu Lingxi's heart is, she can't stand serving a lunatic every day.

It was only because of being sick from fright in the past two days that she could have a moment to breathe.

In March of Yangchun, the days are fine.

Yu Lingxi had just recovered from a serious illness, and finally had a peaceful life, reading a book while leaning on the imperial concubine's couch.

The weather has turned warm, but she is still wrapped in a thick fox fur, her face is a little pale, but it does not reduce her complexion at all.

The thin light by the window illuminates her delicate profile, her skin is more than snow, and the blue silk is like the finest silk and satin to fit her exquisite figure, making her look even more frail and deceitful. Only the animal head ring worn between her fingers shows her beauty She used to be the noble daughter of the General's Mansion.

The ring was given to her by her seriously ill mother with tears in her eyes after her father and brother died in battle, so that she should live a good life no matter what.

Yu Lingxi's eyes fell on the ring, and she couldn't help feeling sad.

If the family was still there, I would have enjoyed the love of the stars like the moon, instead of huddling in the Regent's Palace as a bird in a cage, facing a lunatic day and night.

The only good thing is that when Ning Yin is not sick, he is not too harsh on her.

She was afraid of the cold, so silver filament charcoal was always supplied in the bedroom all year round; the priceless spice was hard to find even in the palace, and it could only be burned all day long in the Prince Regent's palace.

It's okay, I can make do with it.

Yu Lingxi flipped through the pages of the book in a lack of interest, and saw the personal maid bowing in.

Hu Tao presented a gold-plated invitation card, and said cautiously: "Miss, the Zhao residence sent an invitation card this morning."

The Zhao Mansion mentioned in Hutaokou was the residence of Zhao Hui, the minister of household affairs at that time. And Zhao Hui is Yu Lingxi's uncle.

If I remember correctly, today is my uncle's birthday, so the mansion must make a big deal of it.

My uncle is a greedy person. When Yu Lingxi's father and brother died in battle, and his mother died of illness, he had to live in Zhao's house. She couldn't believe that when she was forcibly given to Ning Yin as a "gift", there was no uncle behind her.

This is a knot in her heart that she can't let go of.

Yu Lingxi was too lazy to make excuses, and was about to throw away the invitation, but found that the paper was wrong.

A thin secret note fell out from the interlayer of the Zhao Mansion invitation, and she opened it curiously, the signature on it made her pupils shrink.

If there is one person in this world who is willing to sacrifice his life to help him despite being neither relatives nor relatives, it must be Xue Cen.

Xue Erlang, who was once her childhood sweetheart, is the grandson of the Prime Minister's family. He comes from a noble family, and no one can imitate his elegant and free running script. The strokes are the ones she is most familiar with.

Just two lines of small words caught my eye: Meet Zhao Fu, I will save you.

Seeing the eight words on the back of the paper, Yu Lingxi's first reaction was not happiness, but panic.

What is brother Cen going to do, don't die? !

She hastily threw the secret note into the charcoal basin and burned it, smashing even the ashes of the paper, making sure that there was no clue left.

Putting down the copper hook for pulling carbon, she was still uneasy, and asked the attendants outside the palace: "Where is the prince?"

The attendant replied: "My lord enters the palace to deal with important matters, and he will not return until late. If Madam has any important matters, I can pass them on for you."

Said it was an "important matter", but it was nothing more than ransacking the house and setting fire to it, tormenting the mastermind behind the assassins.

Hearing that Ning Yin would not be returning home in a short time, Yu Lingxi was slightly relieved.

She thought for a moment, then pretended to be in a normal tone and ordered the servant girl: "Hu Tao, go and get a pair of century-old snow ginseng that I got last month, and follow me to the Zhao residence to celebrate my birthday."

There are many people coming and going at the birthday banquet of the Zhao Mansion, which is the best cover.

Yu Lingxi came to the door with a veil covering her face, avoiding the guests on purpose, and sat down in a corner of the garden where there was no one around.

Zhao Mansion's tea doesn't know what kind it is, it tastes very fragrant, but the aftertaste is very bitter.

Yu Lingxi only took a sip before putting down the teacup.

Footsteps came soon after. Looking back, Yu Lingxi was stunned.

Not seeing each other for two years, Xue Cen seems to have lost a little weight, but he is still handsome and elegant, with a glamorous look.

"Second sister, you have suffered."

He looked at Yu Lingxi's sharp chin, and his eyes turned red quickly: "Don't worry, he won't be able to bully you for long..."

Yu Lingxi didn't have time to catch up with each other.

She lifted the veil of the veiled hat, and said solemnly: "Brother Cen, I'm fine now, don't do stupid things anymore."

Xue Cen thought she was trying to hold on, and the pain in his eyes was even worse.

"The regent is perverse, cruel and unscrupulous, he deserves to die."

He lowered his voice: "Don't be afraid, when my plan succeeds, I will let him pay with his life for the pain and humiliation you have suffered in the past two years! By then, no one will be able to stop us..."

"Xue Cen!" Yu Lingxi wished he could wake him up.

Xue Cen probably forgot how Ning Yin was able to secure the throne of the Regent in the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

He killed his brother and father, and his six relatives did not recognize him. In his hands, the court and the country are nothing more than pawns and playthings. How can he be easily shaken?

Things will never be that simple!

The "beauty lamp" under the eaves of the palace is a lesson from the past.

Yu Lingxi was so anxious that she persuaded him to spare his life: "For the sake of our childhood sweethearts, no matter what you are planning, stop immediately!"

The surroundings were silent for a while, only the rustling of the wind passing by.

In this dead silence, a very soft "tsk" suddenly sounded: "What a childhood sweetheart."

The smiling and extremely familiar voice made Yu Lingxi's cheeks pale in an instant.

Xue Cen also saw the person coming, and his expression was very bright in an instant.

Under the gate of the Moon Cave with luxuriant begonias, a handsome man in a sandalwood purple royal robe stood tall, with his hands folded and leaning on a cane with a jade handle inlaid with gold, beside him were officials and attendants who were trembling and kneeling on the ground.

Ning Yin stood there for some time, her cold eyes swept over Yu Lingxi and landed on Xue Cen.

After two years in the Prince Regent's Mansion, no one knew Ning Yin's temperament better than her.

Meeting Xue Cen privately today without telling Ning Yin, is already taking a great risk, and unexpectedly, he bumped into such a scene...

You know, you can't reason with a lunatic. What's more, such a scene, even a basket of reasons, can't be explained clearly.

"My lord..."

Yu Lingxi knelt down as soon as her legs softened, and it was always right to obediently admit her mistakes.

Her thoughts were racing, and before she could open her mouth to defend herself, she saw Xue Cen standing in front of her.

He probably remembered a certain humiliating memory, pulled Yu Lingxi to protect him behind him, and said with a cold face: "Second sister, we don't have to kneel down to this kind of person!"

Ning Yin squinted his eyes, which was a sign of his anger.

Yu Lingxi was afraid and angry, afraid that Ning Yin would go crazy, and also angry with Xue Cen to add fuel to the fire. Immediately, a mouthful of old blood choked in his chest, unable to speak.

"Very good, Mr. Xue has a strong character."

Ning Yin raised the corners of her lips, laughing until Yu Lingxi's hairs stood on end.

She is too familiar with Ning Yin's character: as good as this lunatic smiles, he is so ruthless when he kills.

One can imagine what happened next: Yu Lingxi was taken back to the Prince Regent's Mansion and confined to the bedroom.

Xue Cen was dragged away by Ning Yin's people, and his life and death are unknown.

None of the more than a hundred guests present, including the Xue family's staff members, dared to intercede.

The palace bedroom.

The servant girl lit a silver silk charcoal basin and wrapped her in thick fox fur, but Yu Lingxi's fingertips were as cold as ice, her heart was hanging under the knife point, and her stomach was churning.

After returning from Zhao's residence, her body was very uncomfortable.

Yu Lingxi doesn't have Xue Cen's backbone, she wants to live.

She looked at the animal head ring for a long time, and finally patted her cheek to cheer herself up, and called her personal servant: "Hu Tao, dress me up."

As soon as she finished dressing, Ning Yin came back from Dali Temple.

The palace door was pushed open, and Yu Lingxi subconsciously stood up suddenly, with wet tears still hanging from her eyelashes, she bit her rosy and full lower lip with her white teeth, and hesitated to speak.

Ning Yin didn't look sideways, and walked past her to enter the door.

He has an old disease in his left leg, and it is said that it was injured when he was in exile when he was young. He walks slowly, but on the contrary, he has a leisurely walk.

Yu Lingxi noticed that his boots were splashed with dots of dark red, and she knew whose blood it was without guessing, and her heart became more and more disturbed.

Xue Cen must have been severely punished, but he should still be alive. If he died, Ning Yin would definitely hold his head in the door and ask Yu Lingxi to "appreciate" him together.

The floor-to-ceiling flower branch lamps illuminated the hall brightly, and the attendants retreated quietly.

Ning Yin sat on the edge of the couch, slowly wiped off her slender knuckles, and called, "Come here."

In the past two years in the Prince Regent's Mansion, what Yu Lingxi was most afraid of was that while wiping the fresh blood on his hands, he said to her with a smile, "Lingxi, come here."

But she had no choice, Xue Cen's life was in Ning Yin's hands.

Yu Lingxi settled down, tried her best to make her figure not look so stiff, lowered her head and gently moved over.

Then, he knelt down in front of Ning Yin with a plop, and said in a small voice: "My lord, I was wrong."

Ning Yin still wiped her fingers leisurely.

Because he was not good at walking, he concentrated on training his upper body, and his arm strength was different from ordinary people. His knuckles are pale and slender, and the tendons on the back of his hands are slightly protruding, which can easily crush a person's neck bone.

He looked over, with a very gentle voice: "Tell me, what's wrong?"

When Yu Lingxi leaned over, her slender waist showed an extremely attractive curve, her fingers twisted her sleeves uneasily, trying to make her voice more sincere.

"The mistake is that I went out to reminisce with my sworn brother without the prince's permission."

She specially emphasized the words "brother who is sworn brother", and argued cleverly, hoping to dispel Ning Yin's anger.

Yu Lingxi wanted to save Xue Cen, not because he was the handsome and elegant grandson of the Xiangfu, nor because he still had young and ignorant charming feelings for him.

Because of the night when she was put on a soft sedan chair and presented to the palace, Xue Erlang, who was as proud as a bright moon, gritted his teeth and prostrated himself at the feet of the young regent, kneeling humblely in the torrential night rain until dawn.

He is the only close friend of his late brother. Countless young girls in Chang'an fall in love with him. The future is bright. Yu Lingxi owes him a favor.

Ning Yin seemed to snort, "Brother Jieyi? How did I hear that you and Xue Erlang, the Prime Minister's childhood sweetheart, are inseparable."

"Childhood sweethearts are true, and ties to each other are false. They are just jokes made by parents when they were alive..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a chill on the back of his neck.

The regent, who made the world fearful, has an extremely handsome appearance, and his smile is especially amazing, with a kind of morbid paleness and warmth.

"Why don't I help you pair of desperate mandarin ducks, how about this king?" He said softly.

Those slender and well-proportioned hands that had taken countless lives hovered over Yu Lingxi's slender neck, causing a horrifying shudder.

Yu Lingxi suppressed the fear in her heart, raised her head and said, "'s nothing."

Ning Yin didn't distinguish between emotions and anger, and pinched the tender flesh of the back of her neck with her fingers.

I understand, it seems that if I don't come up with some means, I'm afraid I won't be able to be kind tonight.

Yu Lingxi had no choice but to give up her heart.

She bit her red lips, raised her delicate fingertips tremblingly, and untied Ning Yin's belt and coat in a strange way.

His long eyelashes fluttered, and his hands were as soft as bones.

Ning Yin raised her eyebrows slightly.

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