Marrying The Villain

Chapter 35: night rain

Disaster relief food turned into chaff?

"How could this be?"

Yu Lingxi originally thought that her brother was injured or met a bandit or something, but unexpectedly it was such a big case, "Didn't you check before departure?"

"How could it not be inspected? Yu Huanchen is not stupid. He checked several times when he set off and found that there was nothing abnormal about the disaster food, but he found out that the disaster food had been stolen when he arrived in Luozhou County. Behind this, someone must be framing him! "

Speaking of this, Yu Xinyi stared at her immature younger sister, and said earnestly, "Sui Sui, Auntie's old illness is still unhealed, and she can't bear to be stimulated. We must not let her know about this matter, only us..."

"I know how to do it, Sister. If someone really framed someone, it must be the nobles in the court and the central humerus who can have such a means. And military generals embezzling grain money is a serious crime next to treason. The amount is huge, and they must be dismissed and ransacked."

Yu Lingxi squeezed her palms and tried to calm down her voice, "We must not leak the news, nor report the truth to the emperor, otherwise someone with a heart will provoke a little, Long Yan will be furious, and my brother will be convicted of embezzlement of disaster food."


Seeing her sister's clear mind, Yu Xinyi was a little relieved, "I came back secretly to communicate with you, and now I have to go back to the palace to be on duty, so you stay at home and stay with Auntie, don't mess yourself up."

Yu Lingxi nodded: "I know."

After sending Yu Xinyi away, before he breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Mrs. Yu pushing the door in and said worriedly: "Sui Sui, your sister was in a hurry just now, what happened?"

Yu Lingxi straightened her expression, got up quickly and said with a smile, "It's nothing, she left something behind, come back to pick it up."

Her eyes were clean, she pretended to be normal, stepped forward to support Madam Yu, and said relaxedly: "It's going to rain, Auntie can't blow the wind, so go back to the house and rest. May I rub your shoulders for you?"

Madam Yu raised her eyebrows and said softly: "Okay. If your sister is half as careful as you, she will be content as a mother."

Yu Lingxi pursed her lips and smiled, looking out at the gloomy sky.

The clouds and ink hang low, and the mountains and rains are about to come.

Youzheng, the servant hung up the lantern with a long handle, Yu Lingxi had dinner and rest with Aunt, and finally heard the footsteps of Yu Xinyi returning home from outside the door.

Yu Lingxi got up immediately and asked, "How?"

Yu Xinyi's face was more solemn than during the day, he took off his rain-wet cloak, and shook his head.

Yu Lingxi's heart was also sinking coldly, as if soaked in rainwater.

"Where's Dad?" she asked.

That was Yu Lingxi's day, as long as father was still there, the Yu family would not be able to collapse.

Yu Xinyi said: "Father said he was sick, and hastened to Luozhou to stabilize the situation."

Yu Lingxi had a glimmer of hope: "As long as the vacancy of the disaster food is filled before the court finds out, everything will be fine."

"It's too late, Sui Sui."

Yu Xinyi took a deep breath and said the most worrying situation, "The imperial court sent inspectors to the four counties of Luozhou overnight on the grounds of monitoring and caring for the people. Both Yu Huanchen and Dad will die."

Yu Lingxi choked for breath.

The emperor didn't know that there was a problem with the disaster food, so why was he so anxious to send an inspector?

Could it be that someone is deliberately fueling the flames, trying to put the Yu family to death?

"Sister, which adult is the inspector?" Yu Lingxi asked.

Yu Xinyi hurried home from the palace when he heard the news that the inspector had left Beijing, and immediately said, "It's Wang Lingqing, Minister of the Household Department."

Wang Lingqing...

The name is very familiar, as if I have heard it before.

Thinking of something, Yu Lingxi raised her eyes suddenly, and said in a low voice, "Sister, he belongs to the prince."

Yu Xinyi was shocked: "Sui Sui, how do you know?"

Wang Lingqing has always been so sophisticated and tactful like an old loach, even Yu Xinyi, who is often on duty in the palace, doesn't know what party he belongs to. How can the younger sister who lives in a deep boudoir be sure that he is under the prince's command?

Yu Lingxi realized that she had slipped up, but she couldn't care less now.

She remembered that not long after entering the palace in her previous life, someone presented treasures and beauties to Ning Yin.

Leaning on crutches, Ning Yin walked straight past the prostrate officials in red robes, and said coolly, "Wang Lingqing, I don't need a slave with a second surname around me."

The red-robed officials immediately followed Ning Yin's footsteps on knees, and said flatteringly: "I used to have no eyes and no eyes, so I followed the prince... oh no, the former prince. Now I abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and I am willing to do my best for the prince!"

"Oh?" Ning Yin glanced at him, then narrowed her eyes, and laughed softly.

Yu Lingxi remembered this name so clearly because Ning Yin really fulfilled his phrase "too heartless" that day.

He ordered someone to cut out Wang Lingqing's liver and brain, chop them up and feed them to the dogs.

"Probably, I heard my father or brother mention it..."

Yu Lingxi made up a reason at random, changed the subject, and said, "Sister, now is not the time to ask this."

"That's right, you woke me up."

Yu Xinyi analyzed, "My father's refusal to attach himself to the Eastern Palace faction has long since become a thorn in the prince's eyes. What's more, he wants to take advantage of this matter to suppress and annex the Yu family if he has given up on successive marriages."

All doubts are easily resolved.

Before noon tomorrow, die or submit.

Thinking of this, Yu Xinyi gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and said, "Despicable!"

"Sister, don't be in a hurry, first hide it from Aniang."

Yu Lingxi thought for a moment, then said decisively, "There is still time, I will go to Xue's residence."

Pushing open the door, the gust of wind blows the showers, and the sky and the earth are dark.

In the back alley, the gray falcon's wings swept across the sky and disappeared into the dense raindrops.

In the shade room, Ning Yin took off the bamboo hat and sat down, and under the dim light, glanced at the secret note in his palm.

A few lines in lowercase letters on the top cover the recent developments in the imperial city and the four counties of Luozhou.

The lip line raised a mocking arc, as expected: Ning Tan, that pig, still couldn't help but attack Yu Huanchen.

The 30,000 shi of grain that had been hidden was enough to feed a team.

The competition between snipe and clam is the most suitable for reaping the benefits.

The more muddy the water in the court is, the more convenient it is for him to make trouble. As for who will be involved in the situation and how many people will die...

Ning Yin put the secret note on the oil lamp and lit it, watching the flickering light, thought indifferently: Who cares?

Except for those eyes that are as bright as autumn waters, all living beings are blurred in his eyes, and they are all ants.

The sound of carriages and horses came from the corner gate.

Ning Yin got up and looked into the courtyard through the gap in the door, just in time to see the maidservant hastily put up an umbrella to protect Yu Lingxi with a dignified face and went out of the corner door.

The neighing of the horses came from the noisy rain, and then the sound of the wheels went away. After a long time, Yu Lingxi did not come back.

The ease and leisure in Ning Yin's eyes suddenly faded away, and the gloom faded away, turning into gloom.

He casually leaned against the door, inexplicably unhappy: "It's so late, who can I go to?"

Yu Lingxi is going to see Xue Youxiang.

Xue Cen's grandfather was the right chancellor of the head of civil servants, and held a pivotal position in the court. He was the last hope Yu Lingxi could think of at this moment.

The night on a rainy day comes very early, the dusk is all together, and there are very few pedestrians on the street.

Within a quarter of an hour, Yu Lingxi's carriage stopped in front of Xue's residence.

It was Xue's housekeeper who came to open the door. Hearing about Yu Lingxi's intentions, he smiled and said in embarrassment: "The second girl came at an unfortunate time. The two adults of my family are accompanying in the palace and have not yet returned to the house."

With the absence of Xue Youxiang, most of Yu Lingxi's hope that had just been ignited was extinguished.

After thinking about it, she asked again: "Is Xue Erlang here?"

"This... My Erlang is not here either."

The housekeeper apologized: "Second Miss, if you have something important to say, you can tell me. When the masters return, I will report it on your behalf."

It was too late, so I had to find another way.

"No need, thank you."

Yu Lingxi said "Excuse me", turned around and got into the carriage, and rushed back to discuss another countermeasure with Yu Xinyi.

She couldn't do nothing and watch her father and brother fall into the trap of party struggle.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to the mansion, he heard the guards say that Yu Xinyi had just left the house.

Yu Lingxi suddenly had an ominous sign, and asked without wiping off the rain, "Where did she go?"

"The subordinates don't know either."

The guard said, "However, Missy came out of the palace wearing the official robe of Baiqisi."

Official gown?

It's so late, my sister doesn't need to be on duty, and she can't enter the palace to face the saint, so what's the point of wearing an official uniform?

Thinking of sister's anger and anxiety when she talked about the prince just today, Yu Lingxi felt a blow to the head: "Sister, why don't you go directly to the prince to intercede?"

"How long has sister been out?" She breathed tremblingly.

The guard replied: "Just left, less than a cup of tea."

So impulsive!

The prince set up a trap just to force the Yu family to submit, so going to the East Palace at this time is like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. With the prince's temperament and methods, how could she get away with it?

No one knew what the prince would do, the more Yu Lingxi thought about it, the colder her heart became.

After being reborn for so long, it was the first time she felt such panic. Father and brother are already in deep trouble, sister must not have another accident!

The only ones who can hold down the prince right now are those two in the palace. But ordinary people can't enter the palace at all, so they have to ask someone from the royal family for help...

Yu Lingxi raised her eyes and ordered someone to bring Yu Xinyi's saber.

She grabbed the scabbard and handed it to the guard, and said in a deep voice: "Take my sister's saber and go to the Nanyang County Prince's Mansion, and tell the Xiaojun King that Yu Xinyi is trapped in the East Palace and his life is in danger. For his sake, quickly enter the palace to rescue him! Go!"

Frightened by the silence in her eyes, the guards did not dare to neglect, quickly took the saber with both hands, turned over and rode away.

But the prince will definitely not let Ning Zizhuo enter the East Palace to do bad things. If he wants to save his sister, Ning Zizhuo must enter the palace and invite the emperor or queen.

That's too late.

We have to try to delay the prince and buy time for sister.

Thinking of this, Yu Lingxi's heart sank, and he told Hu Tao, "Get your horse ready and go to the East Palace."

The night rain was pouring, and the carriage galloped along Yongxing Street.

Because it was too bumpy, the teacups and fruit plate on the table rolled down with a rumble, but Yu Lingxi remained motionless, sitting upright with her skirt pulled up, with a sharpened golden rod lying across her lap and palm.

She is very clear-headed, the prince is the heir apparent, if she stabs the prince, it will only make the Yu family fall into a more difficult situation.

So this golden stick is not prepared for Ning Tan, but for herself.

Yu Lingxi knew that Ning Tan was more interested in her than Ajie, and this was her only chance to delay time and replace Ajie.

If Ning Ziyan couldn't come to rescue the soldiers, then she could only...


The groom who was driving the carriage scolded in surprise, and hastily tightened the reins and let out a "wheeze".

The carriage stopped suddenly, and Yu Lingxi was thrown forward by the huge force of inertia. She hurriedly clung to the wall of the car, and the things in the car rolled to the ground.

The candlestick on the table fell down, and it was dark all around. After a long while, Yu Lingxi seemed to find her breath, and slowly exhaled the stale air trapped in her chest.

"What happened?" she asked.

Except for the sound of rain, there was no movement outside the car.

Yu Lingxi touched the golden hairpin that fell on the ground, clutched it in front of her chest for self-defense, took a deep breath, and mustered up the courage to lift the curtain.

Immediately stunned.

I saw that the lantern in front of the car was dim, casting three feet of dim light in the rainy night.

The rain cast a golden luster under the light, and the coachman had already rolled down the side of the road and passed out, and where the coachman was supposed to be, stood an extremely familiar boy in black.

Ning Yin grabbed the horse's rein with one hand, wrapped it around his arm and pulled it fiercely, and stopped the galloping horse by himself!

"Wei Qi."

Yu Lingxi stared blankly at Ning Yin's tall and straight back in the rainy night, and suddenly burst into anger, "You are crazy!"

Such a fast horse, if you are not careful, you will be trampled into meat.

How dare he!

"Miss is crazy." Ning Yin threw down the rein and turned her face.

It was only then that Yu Lingxi realized that his face was terribly cold. The rain ran across his cold white face, and then trickled down the tip of his nose and chin.

"Where is Miss going? East Palace?"

His dark eyes seemed to be quenched with cold, but also seemed to be surging with dark magma, and he sneered with an unsuccessful sneer, "Do you know what it means to go there?"

Yu Lingxi looked at him for a long time, and there was a wave in her eyes: "I know."

But she couldn't think of a better way.

Holding the golden rod, Yu Lingxi said softly, "I'm not afraid, Wei Qi."

But he was afraid.

Ning Yin's lips moved, the sound of the rain was too loud, and Yu Lingxi couldn't hear what he said clearly.

"What?" Yu Lingxi asked.

"I say,"

Ning Yin was covered in the chill of the night, leaned over to look closely, and said word by word, "Miss, go back now, immediately!"

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