Marrying The Villain

Chapter 38: detoxification

Yu Lingxi has always felt that a supercilious person like Ning Yin has no heart.

Even a treacherous and evil person, at least pretends to be himself in his heart.

But Ning Yin didn't even have himself in his heart.

But when Ning Yin took Yu Lingxi's hand and pressed it to her chest, and asked her "how many people are there in my room", Yu Lingxi couldn't answer.

She only knew that at least at that moment when he leaned over and approached, he was the only one locked in his dark and cold eyes like a cage.

Too many things happened tonight, after returning to the wing room, I tossed and turned for half the night without falling asleep.

He fell into a drowsy sleep for less than two hours. In the dream, for a while, his father and elder brother were imprisoned, and for a while, it was Ning Yin's dark eyes approaching. It was so bizarre that it almost tore her in two.

When I woke up, the sky was slightly bright, and my elder sister had gone out to follow up and hadn't returned yet.

Yu Lingxi couldn't sleep anymore, she sat in her clothes until dawn, only to see a guard rushing back and handing Yu Lingxi a letter.

The letter was written hastily by Yu Xinyi.

She said that in the middle of the night, she had indeed intercepted the secret letter from Feige sent from Wang Shilang's mansion, she had found clues to the disaster food, and she was rushing to investigate.

It was not until nightfall on the third day that Yu Xinyi's second letter from home was delivered to the mansion.

Yu Lingxi opened the letter too eagerly, and cut her finger on the sharp paper.

There are only a few words of joy on it: [After the incident, the disaster food has successfully arrived in the four counties of Luozhou; the two traitors of the Donggong Party faction were captured alive, and they will be escorted back to Beijing soon. 】

Yu Lingxi read it several times, the hand holding the letter slowly dropped to her knees, and finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

No, now is not the time to be completely relieved.

I still remember that in my previous life, my elder sister went north alone to investigate the truth about the murder of her father and brother. She also encountered an accident on the way back to Beijing with the evidence, and she fell into the abyss with her horse and her body.

In this life, you must never follow in the footsteps of your previous life.

Thinking of this, Yu Lingxi opened the door and called the guards on duty in the court: "Qing Lan, go and get the topographical map from the capital to Luozhou, and gather all the guards on duty to wait for dispatch."

After arranging, she realized that her fingers were wet and sticky and slightly painful.

Looking down, it turned out that the index finger was cut with blood by the letter paper, and the blood condensed on the ice-like fingertip, and then fell to the ground.

At the same time, fifty miles east of the capital, the only official road leading to Luozhou snakes its way deep into the forest.

Clouds cover the moon, and the dense forest is the best cover, suitable for ambush and assassination.

The dark blue mist was lingering, and a slender and tall figure slowly walked towards the end of the official road, as leisurely as if traveling at night to view the scenery, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.

The assassin leader squinted his eyes and raised his hand to signal the crossbowman to prepare to shoot.

However, when the figure came within range, he realized that it was not the Yu family escorting the witness, but a boy in black whose face could not be seen clearly.

The raised hand paused in the air, and the assassin leader's sweat slid down his temples and into the triangular scarf of his mask.

The boy stood still, and in the misty night, his figure standing with his hands behind his back showed a strange tranquility.

After a while, he turned his face, his cold eyes seemed to pierce through the cover of darkness, and met the assassin leader's gaze accurately.

"Keep two alive,"

The boy smiled gracefully, "Kill the rest."

The cold light of the blade suddenly appeared, startling the birds in the forest.

The blood splashed on the bushes, turning dark purple in the night, and when the assassins died, they didn't even have time to utter a cry.

Only the assassin leader was left alive, and he cast his red eyes on the young man in the path.

What kind of son is this night tour, he is clearly the King of Hades who is demanding his life!

Capture the thief first and capture the king first, the leader of the assassin rushes out of the dense forest with his sword and stabs at the young man—

This is his destiny as a dead man in the Eastern Palace, and he will never back down and give in until the moment of death!


With the crisp sound of the broken arm, the sword fell to the ground, and the assassin was strangled by the throat.

He widened his eyes, reached out to pull the boy's iron-like arms, but grabbed the apricot-white ribbon wrapped around his wrist.

The silk ribbon was slippery and loose, and was blown by the night wind, fluttering into the air, and the boy opened his mouth in time to bite it, and squeezed it between his teeth.

The last scene the assassin saw was the young man licking the apricot-white streamer, his black hair scattered in the wind, handsome as a god, and ruthless as a Shura.

The assassin leader's body was thrown on the ground, and a pool of thick dark purple blood soon fainted under him.

Ning Yin wiped her hands clean, her eyes fell on the assassin's hand that touched the streamer, and she slightly frowned.

He lifted his boot to step on that hand, pressed it tightly, and crushed it vigorously.

It wasn't until the bones were crushed and the flesh was blurred that he bit the end of the streamer and wrapped it around his left arm and tied it in a knot.

"Take the still alive ones back and clean them up," he ordered.

Immediately, a subordinate jumped out and dragged the assassin's body into the depths of the dense forest.

The clouds dispersed, and the full moon was reflected in a sticky shallow depression, dyed a magnificent purple.

It was a peaceful night in the capital.

On the second day, the guards sent by Yu Lingxi successfully arrived at Yu Xinyi.

The captured food robbery witnesses were sent to Dali Temple together with the intercepted secret letter. The evidence pointed directly at the Prince of the East Palace, and the court was in an uproar.

Not to mention that it was life-saving disaster food, 30,000 shi of food was enough to feed an army that rebelled and forced the palace, and the prince formed a clique for personal gain at a young age, which undoubtedly touched the scales for the old and suspicious emperor.

The crown prince was imprisoned in the East Palace, and the empress knelt outside the Chengde Hall all afternoon, disheveled and barefoot.

Yu Lingxi had no time to care about the situation in the DPRK and China.

Sister's investigation and confirmation went very smoothly. If it wasn't for amazing luck, there could only be someone helping in secret.

Yu Lingxi could only think of one person with this ability and scheming.

In early summer, insects were buzzing, and Yu Lingxi was only wearing a thin summer shirt and skirt, but she still felt hot and unbearable.

This kind of heat is not like the external heat of the summer heat, but more like the restlessness that grows from the body. Even if he just sits, his cheeks will feel hot from time to time.

A few days ago, an accident happened to the disaster food delivered by her brother, her heartstrings were tense, and she couldn't care about other things. Now that she was relaxed, she realized that something was wrong with her body.

Yu Lingxi counted the days, and it was only the last two days before the third attack.

Can't help but stunned, not knowing what to do.

Are you as obedient as last time?

But so, what is Ning Yin? In Ning Yin's eyes, what is she?

"Miss, what's wrong with your face?" Hu Tao brought tea into the door, watching her blushing face.

"No problem."

Yu Lingxi patted her cheeks to refresh herself, got up and said, "The room is too stuffy, I'll go for a walk in the courtyard."

The night wind was blowing towards the face, finally reducing the heat a little.

"Miss, she seems to like the scenery of the backyard very much recently." Hu Tao said inadvertently, holding a lamp to guide the way.

Yu Lingxi came back to her senses, only to realize that she had unknowingly walked into the backyard tent.

I don't know if it's because of the nature of the medicine, but the number of times she thinks about Ning Yin has increased significantly, and even to the point where public and private are not separated, which is not a good sign.

Yu Lingxi pursed her lips and turned around. Just as she was about to go another way, she heard a creaking sound of the door behind her.

As if aware of her struggle, Ning Yin raised her head behind the door and called out, "Miss."

Hearing his cold and deep voice, Yu Lingxi's feet seemed to have taken root, and she stopped in place.

After a long while, she resignedly closed her eyes and sighed softly.

Screening the maid, she turned to look at the black-clothed boy who was slowly descending the steps, and said softly, "Tonight is full moon, Wei Qi will walk with me."

The flowering period of the magnolia tree has passed, and the shadows are sparse and slanting, cutting the moonlight into countless mottled color blocks.

The two walked through the promenade one after the other, and walked towards the water pavilion in the garden.

"Sister returned to Beijing safely, and the witnesses and evidence of the stolen food exchange have been handed over to Dali Temple."

Yu Lingxi was the first to speak to break the silence, and her moist eyes turned to Ning Yin, who was a step behind, "The journey was smooth, so it can be seen that there is a noble person protecting you."

Ning Yin understood what she meant, and said indifferently: "Miss, you don't have to beat around the bush, I'm for myself."

He wanted the old **** and his son to kill each other. If Yu Xinyi died and the evidence could not be brought to the emperor, the situation would be meaningless.

Yu Lingxi said "Oh", and said with a smile: "No matter who it is for, the purpose is the same."

Her speech tonight is different from that of the past, her voice is sweet and soft, and the ending is hook-like and provocative.

Ning Yin glanced at the tips of her blushing ears, understood something, and asked, "Uncomfortable?"

Yu Lingxi stopped in her tracks and looked into his dark and gloomy eyes, with mixed feelings of dryness mixed with uncontrollable sourness.

After a while, she lowered her eyes and nodded: "A little bit."

As soon as the words fell, she felt a tight wrist, Ning Yin pulled her into the shadow of the rockery, and seized her pulse.

The slightly cool fingertips neutralized her hotness like a clear spring.

Yu Lingxi was actually greedy, wanting to hook his fingertips and ask for more.

She did so, touching the back of his protruding hand, Fang curled up her fingers as if awakened.

Ning Yin raised her eyebrows, looked at her retracted fingertips and said, "Since it's uncomfortable, why endure it?"

Thinking of something, he chuckled: "That's right, Wei Qi is behind the cats, maybe he's not even qualified to make utensils for Miss."

Yu Lingxi frowned lightly: "You are a living person, I have never treated you as an object."

If I really want to say it, it is probably that every time she wants to make an act that crosses the line, she will always recall the unequal teasing before and her lonely body locked in the secret room.

Because she understands what it feels like to be an "artifact", she doesn't want others to be her "artifact".

Even if that person is Ning Yin, whom she once feared and resented.

The patrolling guards walked by from a distance with their lamps in hand. The moonlight made the cobblestone road white, and silver scales of light shone from the edge of the waterside pavilion.

"The moon is beautiful tonight."

Yu Lingxi looked up at the night sky, trying not to think about the problems she would face in two days.

The problem is never solved, it is better to enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the moment.

After thinking about it, she asked, "Wei Qi, when was the most beautiful moon you've ever seen?"

Ning Yin leaned against the jagged rockery, looked at her for a long while and said, "It was the first time I killed someone."

Yu Lingxi turned to look at him in surprise.

Ning Yin seemed to be recalling the distant past, her profile was extremely calm under the cold moonlight, and she slowly described it to her: "When the hot blood splashed in the eyes, the moon turned red."

He laughed shortly, and his voice was loose and low: "It's very beautiful."

Yu Lingxi couldn't laugh.

For the first time, she was willing to succumb to the nature of the medicine while still awake, hesitated, and hooked Ning Yin's hand.

His hands were slightly cold, colder than moonlight.

The scalding blood in his memory could not warm his cold knuckles.

Ning Yin slowly stopped smiling, looked sideways at her, and let her hold her hand casually, without responding or shaking it off.

For a long time, he pinched her little finger gently, but what he said was an irrelevant topic.

"Tomorrow, Miss will go to Jinyun Temple."

As soon as Jinyun Temple was mentioned, Yu Lingxi couldn't help thinking of the absurdity in the secret room that day.

She wondered suspiciously: Could it be that Ning Yin knew that that day was approaching, and deliberately took her to the secret room of Jinyun Temple to relive the last time?

"What are you thinking about, Miss?"

There was a sneer from above his head, Ning Yin blinked his dark eyes very slowly, "The poison that the miss asked me to check has already begun."

The next day, the weather was fine, and paper kites of various colors were flying everywhere in the capital.

There were many pilgrims in Jinyun Temple, and Ning Yin took Yu Lingxi to the side hall familiarly.

All other Buddhist halls have their doors open to overcome hardships in all directions, but this place is the only one with closed doors.

Yu Lingxi knew that the answer she wanted was inside.

Yu Lingxi asked the guards and Hu Tao to wait outside the court, and took a few steps forward.

Seeing that Ning Yin was not moving her hands, she turned around and asked curiously, "Aren't you going in with me?"

Ning Yin watched her off, and said calmly, "That's the answer Miss wants, I'm not interested."

Yu Lingxi thought for a while and said, "That's fine."

She calmed down and prepared, took a deep breath, and then pushed open the heavy palace door.

Sandalwood incense is curling up, the hall is dim, there are no Bodhisattvas or Buddha statues, only a thin medicine man standing.

One side of Yaolang's side face was weak and delicate, but when he turned to the other half of his burned face, it was more ferocious than the angry diamond statue.

Seeing Yu Lingxi, he clenched his fist and coughed lowly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Farewell to the immortals of the Desire Realm, long time no see."

The door of the hall was closed, blocking the sunlight outside the court.

A quarter of an hour later, the meditation room went to the secret room.

The oil lamp was dim, and the shadows of two corpses hanging in the air were reflected on the wall, spinning slowly like a swing.

"The person who ambushed and assassinated Miss Yu on the official road was indeed a dead man raised by Cui An's subordinates. He was very strict. His subordinates used some tricks, and they have already recruited everyone who should be recruited."

Folding the halberd and kneeling on one knee, he raised the **** roster with his hands above his head.

Ning Yin leaned on the couch, took the roster and glanced at it casually.

"His Royal Highness asked his subordinates to check the bliss fragrance, and there are results."

Folding a halberd and putting a white jade bottle on the table, seeing that Ning Yin was not moving, Fang continued, "As Your Highness expected in the palace, the emperor has become suspicious of the prince. Concubine Hui gave birth to the prince successfully last night. The power will be disrupted again."

"This fire is not strong enough, it's boring to burn."

Thinking of something, Ning Yin closed the roster, leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, and said, "Someone should mention that secret story more than twenty years ago."

At that time, it will be fun for the father to avoid the son, and the son to kill the mother.

After Ning Yin wrote down the names, she put the roster on the oil lamp and lit it.

He leisurely twirled his fingers, and when the fire almost reached his fingertips, he threw the roster on the couch and lit the blanket.

"Burn this place clean."

Ning Yin's eyes reflected the jumping flames, warm and crazy, she stood up and said, "From now on, it probably won't be necessary."

side hall.

Warm light slanted in from outside the window, illuminating the dust in the air.

Yu Lingxi looked at the disfigured young medicine man, and asked, "Sir, did you really find out about the poison?"

"Look, little lady."

Yao Lang walked to the two water lily porcelain vats beside him, and motioned Yu Lingxi to look at the two swimming goldfish inside.

He took out a medicine bottle and poured half of it into one of the porcelain jars. The light green liquid quickly mixed into the clear water and disappeared without a trace.

After waiting for a cup of tea, the leisurely swimming goldfish struggled uncomfortably, making the water tank rattle.

When it was time for another cup of tea, the goldfish rolled over, and after a while, traces of black blood dripped from its cheeks.

"I was entrusted by someone to open the coffin for an autopsy. The woman vomited blood and died, but the silver needle did not change color after being pierced. It reminds me of a strange poison."

Yao Lang said, "The poisoned person has no symptoms at the beginning, then becomes weak, and when he notices abdominal pain, he is helpless... But is that so?"


Hearing the state of her own death with her own ears, Yu Lingxi couldn't hide her shock, and took the bottle from Yaolang's hand to smell it.

The faint but familiar bitterness made her heart sink, she held the bottle tightly and said, "That's right, it's this kind of taste."

"This medicine has a very beautiful name, it's called 'Hundred Flower Killing'. It was originally a strange poison brought into the Central Plains by the surrendered tribes in Mobei. Apart from being undetectable, this medicine has another characteristic."

Yao Lang took out the violently dead goldfish, put it in another tank that hadn't been poisoned, and made a "look at" gesture.

The live fish that had never been poisoned swallowed the black blood oozing from the dead fish when it opened its mouth, and turned its belly weakly after two cups of tea.

"This is…"

Yu Lingxi had a faint ominous sign.

"If this medicine is used on a human body, it will take about six to twelve hours. The poisoned person is fused with another person's flesh and blood, and the other person will also be infected with the poison."

Yaolang has been steeped in herbal medicine for many years, when he mentioned the exquisiteness of this poison, his pale face showed excitement, and Xu Xu said: "The previous emperor Gaozong conquered Mobei, and the surrendered tribe made the beauty drink this poison, and then offered it To Emperor Gaozong of the previous dynasty. Emperor Gaozong died within a few days, and everyone thought that Emperor Gaozong died of a sudden illness, but it was not."

It's like pouring a basin of cold water on your head.

Yu Lingxi pursed her lips for a while, and asked awkwardly, "You mean..."

Yao Lang said: "That's right, this poison is tailor-made for assassination, not only the imperial doctor can't detect it, but it can also kill another person through sexual intercourse."

Assassinate, copulate...

There was a buzz in Yu Lingxi's head, like a blow to the head.

"Sir... are you sure?"

She heard her voice choking slightly.

Yao Lang's face changed: "If you doubt my ability, little lady, you shouldn't come looking for me."

Yu Lingxi felt cold all over her body, and it reached her fingertips.

Thinking of the black blood that was sprayed on Ning Yin's skirt before she died in her previous life, she felt the world turned upside down.

It turned out to be so, it turned out to be so.

She thought it was Zhao Yuming who poisoned her because of Xue Cen. It wasn't until Zhao Yuming in this life also died of this poison that she vaguely guessed that the Zhao family in the previous life was just a **** behind the scenes.

Yu Lingxi pondered for a long time. In her previous life, she had no relatives and was alone. She really couldn't figure out why this worthless life was worth the enemy's painstaking efforts to murder...

But it turned out that the man's goal was not her from the beginning.

From beginning to end, she was just a tool calculated by others to assassinate Ning Yin.

Even though Ning Yin's drug resistance is different from ordinary people, it cannot cover up the dirty fact that she has become a victim and an "accomplice".

Yu Lingxi stared at her trembling fingers in a daze, subconsciously feeling nauseated for no reason.

It was as if a huge boulder was pressing on his chest, and even the air was so thin.

She didn't know how she got out of the side hall.

The sun poured down on her body, hurting her eyes.

Hu Tao greeted her and said something, but she couldn't hear her at all, her eyes were foggy, and her ears were full of sharp neighing like a tide.

Yu Lingxi passed Hutao straight away, her pace quickened, faster and faster, and finally she threw away all restraints and ran.

Passing through the doorway and across the backyard, the wind filled her sleeves, her lungs hurt like they were bursting, but she didn't notice it at all.

She wanted to see Ning Yin, immediately.

A person walked slowly on the bamboo path, and Yu Lingxi stopped, breathing heavily like a drowning person.

The wind blows, and the bamboo leaves rustle.

Ning Yin saw her and was a little surprised: "Miss..."

Looking at each other, Yu Lingxi's eyes shone with fragments of light, reacting like a machine that had been in disrepair for a long time, and rushed towards him regardless.

Ning Yin subconsciously opened her arms and embraced her.

The skirt burst open, her slender and shiny hair rose and fell like a cloud, Ning Yin froze, feeling the girl trembling like a bamboo leaf in her arms, the hand that was suspended in the air finally fell slowly, hesitating , holding the back of her head and pressing it into her arms.

He thought for a while and said with a smile: "It shouldn't be, today is only the ninth day."

"Wei Qi..."

Yu Lingxi's trembling voice came from his arms, with a crying tone.

Ning Yin's gaze sank, and her playful smile faded away.

He lifted Yu Lingxi's chin with his hand, stared at the tears on her face for a long time, and asked, "Who bullied you?"

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