Martial Arts Battle Arena

Chapter -2 - List of Gene Modifications



Gave the users Ability to compress air pressure close to their body and let it explode out towards the direction(s) the user willed it to. One of the oldest Gene Mod Ability and also one of the most versatile as well.


Higher level of [Blast] can be focused into either control, explosion power, or compression range.

Preferred By:

Guards (sometime Fielders).




Gave the users a slower perception of time when activated (mainly caused by increased heart rate and thought processing speed). At higher proficiency, user would be able to also forcefully allow their muscles to operate at increased speed (causing them to feel like they move normally within the slowed-down world around them).


At higher level, the amount of muscles and body parts they could speed up while activating [Overload] increased and they would be able to maintain such a state longer (side effects include sore muscles on affected body parts after use).

Preferred By:

Solvers and Rangers.



Allow the users to generate electricities from their joints and let it out outwardly or through their extremities.


At higher level, users would be able to generate electricities from more places at once, and with higher voltage level. The speed and range of the activation could also increase depending on the focus.

Preferred By:

Fielders (the stunning effect of electricity works well with Fielder's locking and grappling fighting style).




The users would be able to generate invisible threads from their extremities that they could have limited control over.

[String] users may focus on either the strength, length, control, or quantity of their threads. Most Arena players would choose to focus on two of the four.

Preferred By:

Solvers and Rangers (also very small number of Fielders).




The users would not only be able to phase through matters, but also have minor telekinesis attribute. The drawbacks for this was the fact that the phasing ability took a huge amount of mental strain for even a single second of activation. While on the other hand, the minor telekinesis was weak enough to only be able to throw harmless things even at higher proficiency levels.


There are no Arena players that focuses on the phasing ability for their proficiency with [Ghost] since even in the future, the world record for continuous phasing didn't even manage to go past 5 seconds before the player went unconscious.

Preferred By:


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