[Emperor Qian] used vigorous and resolute means to purge the entire palace and assassinate those who remained disobedient one by one.

Suddenly, the entire [Qian Palace] was filled with panic, fearing that the fire would burn them.

In the Fifth Prince's Mansion, Qin Wu and Qin Qi looked ugly and sat slumped on their chairs.

I didn't expect that my father's poison was really cured, but the people we sent had no news at all! Qin Wu felt a little flustered and pretended to be calm.

Qin Qi couldn't hold back at this moment and kept saying: It's all your fault. If I hadn't been bewitched by you, I wouldn't have taken action easily.

Seventh brother, this is your fault. Why do you want to bite back now?

Fifth brother, this matter has nothing to do with me. I...

The two began to blame each other, and the dog bit the dog.

Suddenly, the door was opened, and the two of them were startled at the same time and looked over intently.

Qin Wu held the anger in his heart and kicked the visitor in the chest: Get out! Get out!

The housekeeper was kicked so hard that he almost couldn't breathe and fainted, but he still struggled to speak: Fifth prince, there is someone in the palace... there is someone in the palace.

What did you say? Qin Qi stood up suddenly and stared at him.

At this moment, I heard bursts of footsteps coming from outside, accompanied by the sound of armor clashing.

A group of [Qian Huang]'s personal guards walked into the room and glanced at the two of them: Hey, the seventh prince is here too, that's great, and it saves us an extra trip.

After saying that, he turned slightly sideways and said in a neither salty nor cool tone: Two princes, [Qian Huang] has summoned you!


Qin Wu and Qin Qi looked at each other, not daring to say anything, and each entered the palace with their own motives.

At this moment, [Qian Palace], the palace is magnificent, the walls are carved with lifelike paintings, the palace has a golden roof and red doors, giving it an antique style.

[Emperor Qian] wore a bright yellow dragon robe and a golden jade crown on his head. He was sitting on the throne. Qin Yi and the princes were sitting below.

Murong Fu, accompanied by Bian Eryi and Su Ying, sat at attention on the left side of [Qianhuang].

It was obvious that [Emperor Qian] attached great importance to them, attracting whispers from various princes.

This Murong Fu really has some abilities. Even his father looked up to him.

Shh, please keep your voice down. He is now a famous figure next to Father. If he is rewarded with treasures like water, it will be an honor that we have never had before.

Don't you know yet? It's him this time. Assisting my father to kill the witch is naturally a great achievement.


Below, several princes appeared serious, but in fact they started whispering in secret.

Murong Fu picked up the wine glass, took a sip, glanced at the princes, and smiled softly.

Sure enough, the idiots are as good as the tigers in the sky, and the smart ones are all human beings.

Qin Yi also heard their discussion, glanced at [Emperor Qian] inadvertently, and then reminded in a low voice: Father, how dare you be so presumptuous?

Qin Shisan curled his lips and was particularly nonchalant with him: Tsk, don't you think that just because you are getting closer to Murong Fu, do you really think that you can fall into the eyes of your father?

Qin Yi naturally heard what he said and ignored him, just pouring wine and drinking.

As the sound of silk and bamboo orchestral music sounded, women with light dancing postures jumped in one after another, all with fair skin, beauty and long legs.

A graceful woman like a flower, with a happy face in a white shirt and black silk dyed ink, she looks like a fairy or a spirit, as if she came from a dream.

As the dance steps spread out, the dancers surrounded a graceful dancer in red.

With bird feathers on her head, she walks swaying, covered with a snow-white veil, dancing to the sound of vocal music.

Her dancing is dreamlike and makes people immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

The sound of flutes and drums became more and more urgent, and her figure danced faster and faster, her jade-like hands lingering gracefully.

The bright red skirt is flying, and a pair of smoke-like watery eyes are still talking, and the flowing light is dancing.

The whole person is like a flower separated by mist or the moon separated by water, misty and uncertain, with beautiful colors flashing all over the body, which can be viewed from a distance but not played with.

After the song was over, the whole house was filled with joy.

The ministers outside the palace, sitting in two long rows of banquets, had already exchanged glasses of wine, and the atmosphere was full of wine.

[Qianhuang] clapped his hands and laughed heartily: Hahaha! Okay! You are truly worthy of the name of Allure the City with One Dance.

He stood up slowly and raised his wine glass: Today is a feast for me after I recover, and the whole country celebrates it.

Everyone stood up one after another and said in unison: [Qianhuang] may you have long blessings, eternal life and good health!

Immediately, he drank it all in one gulp.

[Emperor Qian] looked at Murong Fu and raised the cup again: Mr. Murong, I encountered a great disaster this time. Fortunately, I got through it safely with your help.

This cup, I respect you, the king of my [Qian Palace]!

As soon as these words came out, all the princes and ministers were stunned and whispered to each other: The emperor actually made him the king of the town. What an honor it is!

There are probably no two people in the world who can call [Emperor Qian] brothers and sisters.

Below one person, above ten thousand people...

This time, even Murong Fu didn't expect it. He was stunned for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: [Emperor Qian] has such great love, I cannot deserve it.

No! You deserve it! You deserve it! [Qianhuang] rushed to his side and patted his shoulder.

Murong Fu felt his sincerity and admiration, smiled heartily, and drank the wine: Then thank you [Qian Huang].

The people below all immediately smiled flatteringly and shouted in unison: I have seen the King of Zhen!

Immediately, [Emperor Qian] waved his hand, and countless personal guards came forward, holding rare treasures and offering them one after another.

King Zhen, these are the treasures in my [Qian Palace] treasure room. They are all unique in the world, and they can be regarded as my heart.

Murong Fu followed his gaze and glanced at it. It was really a rare good thing.

There are elixirs for treating internal injuries, unique fairy grass, and Dadongzhu from the South China Sea...

Everyone present was envious and jealous, especially Qin Shisan and other princes, who were extremely greedy.

Murong Fu nodded neither humble nor arrogantly, his face still calm and calm: Thank you [Qianhuang].

Naturally, he has no shortage of these precious treasures, but he will not be dissatisfied with having too many of them. He will certainly welcome those who come.

The palace banquet continues! [Qianhuang] raised his hand again, and several dancers came in gracefully, and they started another beautiful song.

Just as the singing and dancing was going on in the house, bursts of noise were heard outside.

Father, I want to see father!

I was wronged, but I was harmed by an adulterer.


Everyone looked over in response, only to see Qin Wu and Qin Qi tied up.

Being pressed into the hall by a group of personal guards, he knelt down on the ground in embarrassment.

Father, I have been wronged! When Qin Qi saw [Emperor Qian], he looked like a ghost crying or a wolf howling.

Qin Wu also echoed: All of this is a misunderstanding. I have absolutely no different intentions.

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