Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1009 Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart

The next day, when Murong Fuzheng and Fang Qian were planning to have fun together in Wushan Yunyu, the sect sent someone to summon them.

The person who came was a close aide of the great elder Xiang Mo Le, who came to report: All the disciples and elders in the transformation stage are here because they have an urgent mission.

At the same time, in the secret realm of [Canglan Sword Sect], several elders looked at the destroyed murals and fell into deep thought.

What is engraved on the mural is an exquisite and exquisite place outside the world. It is rumored that it is the place where the second generation founder of the [Canglan Sword Sect] appeared.

At this moment, surrounded by azure blue light, a deep and dark cave entrance could be vaguely seen.

And at the entrance of the cave, it was currently surrounded by invisible hurricanes, circling back and forth.

If anyone dared to step forward easily, they would probably be beaten to pieces.

You mean, you trespassed into the forbidden area and accidentally discovered this place? The great elder narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the trembling disciple who was kneeling on the ground.

The man suddenly felt a coercion on his body, which made him breathless, and his voice trembled: Back to... what I said to the great elder, the disciple really just didn't mean it.

I didn't do anything, I really...

At this moment, the other elders didn't care at all about what he said.

Just a pair of eyes, staring at the damaged mural, their expressions changed slightly.

This seems to be a passage. The fifth elder wanted to step forward to check, but was stopped by the people around him.

The third elder looked a little unhappy and said in a deep voice: You are crazy. The passage over there suddenly appears, and the space hurricane surrounding you can tear you into pieces in an instant.

In the secret realm of [Canglan Sword Sect], this passage suddenly appeared, and I don't know where it leads to?

It's really weird.

In my opinion, it's just a pretense.

A group of elders gathered around the entrance of the passage and started talking about it. For a long time, they couldn't figure out the reason.

The great elder coughed a few times, and everyone suddenly became quiet and looked at him.

This is not the time to worry about these things. The most important thing at the moment is to find out where this passage leads to.

He glanced at everyone one by one, and then took out an iron fan, which was the great elder's secret treasure [Qiankun Yin Yang Fan].

It is said that it can slap away everything in the world, and even Mahayana masters can hardly resist it.

I saw, with a slight movement of his wrist, a biting cold wind whizzed out along with the spiritual energy, heading straight towards the broken mural.

With a sound of Boom!, the mural shattered bit by bit, and the hurricane slowly disappeared.

Everyone was shocked and stood there stunned for a long time.

The next moment, something strange happened.

Inside the passage, seven colors of light were faintly flashing, dazzling and colorful.

Several elders hurriedly walked up to check, and then couldn't help but exclaimed: In there... there is [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart]!

Quickly pinch me, am I right?

After so many years, this [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart] has appeared again!


The great elder was a little stunned when he saw the flashing light, and showed a rare look of surprise and surprise.

The [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart] is the most precious treasure of the [Canglan Sword Sect]. It has the effect of absorbing spiritual energy, healing wounds, and bringing the dead back to life.

According to legend, in the early days of the founding of the Sword Sect, it was based on this [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart] that the current [Canglan Sword Sect] was established.

However, this sacred treasure that had disappeared for many years suddenly appeared here again, and it was so mysterious.

Among them, I am afraid it is destined.

The great elder pondered for a moment, looked at the people talking around him, and said:

Everyone, since this [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart] has reappeared here, we must seize this opportunity and take it out.

The great elder is right. These sacred objects will definitely bring a lot of benefits to me [Canglan Sword Sect].

I also agree...

Everyone nodded in agreement, their eyes sparkling and their faces extremely excited.

At this moment, the third elder, who had been silent all this time, said, But, how do we get in here?

This is not easy, I am willing to give it a try! The fifth elder said, smiled heartily, and flew in the direction of the passage.

The next moment, I saw that the channel suddenly changed color, and the original blue light now glowed faintly with fiery red light.

In this moment of doubt, a fire dragon rushed out from inside, as fast as lightning.

In an instant, it was burning in front of everyone, scorching hot and fierce.

The expressions of all the elders changed one after another. They did not expect that such a change would happen, and they repeatedly brought up their spiritual power to protect themselves outside their bodies.

Another overwhelming flame swept out, only a cry of surprise was heard, and a figure hit the ground heavily.

Immediately, the flame suddenly disappeared, and the surroundings returned to their original appearance, as if what had just happened had never happened.

It's the fifth elder! The second elder spoke first and immediately stepped forward to help the person on the ground.

Everyone looked at the miserable-looking fifth elder, with smiles on their faces, enduring the hard work.

The fifth elder in front of him no longer looked as ecstatic as before. Instead, his whole body was completely dark, and there was no sense of disobedience for him standing next to the wall.

Even his face was as black as carbon, with only two bright eyes exposed.

Why are you laughing? The fifth elder had no idea what he looked like at the moment and looked around blankly.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the disciple who was kneeling on the ground burst out laughing, but he quickly covered his mouth.

I saw the fifth elder's mouth moving up and down, as if a tooth was floating on his face.

The Great Elder gave him a warning look and turned to look at the Fifth Elder again, with an anxious look on his face: What is going on inside?

As soon as he said this, several other elders immediately looked at him with doubts in their eyes.

The fifth elder sighed softly, then shook his head: Weird! It's really weird!

You old guy, don't show off. If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly! The second elder, who had the best relationship with him, gave him a stick and urged him.

The third elder couldn't hold himself back and asked, What happened to the flames just now?

The fifth elder's expression changed, he thought for a while, and then spoke after a long time:

I walked along the passage for a long time, but it was like there was a wall blocking me from actually walking into it.

In addition, in addition to the [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart], there are also many kinds of spiritual treasures contained in it, some of which even I have never seen before.

However, many of the treasures seem to have been sucked deep into the depths.

How could this happen? This is really troublesome! The great elder's face froze, and his eyes were a little complicated.

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