Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1016 The Void Spirit Clan

There was a crisp shattering sound, and the barrier shattered with the sound, unable to stop the crazy crowd.

Murong Fu's expression became stern, and he instantly rose into the air, blocking the crowd in front of them, and then flipped his palms.

A burst of spiritual energy shot out in the air, blocking everyone's progress and forcing them back.

Those disciples got up from the ground in embarrassment and looked at Murong Fu and Miaoyi Bodhisattva with unkind expressions.

Murong Fu, why are you blocking our way?

Is it possible that you want to take advantage of your strength to take possession of all the treasures inside?

Get out of the way, otherwise don't blame me [Ziyun Sword Sect] for being rude!


At this moment, everyone looked at Murong Fu with a bit of resentment and hatred, thinking that he wanted to monopolize the treasure.

I saved your life with good intentions, but I didn't expect that you would really bite Lu Dongbin. Murong Fu couldn't help but laughed in anger and said coldly.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi also spoke at the side: Don't believe Wan Shan's words, they have been taken away.

Upon hearing this, Wan Shan saw that the situation was not good, so he quickly winked at a few people around him and continued to speak:

Everyone, please leave him alone and follow me in quickly. This fog will disappear soon!

If you miss this opportunity, I may never have such a good opportunity again.

We must not give up on the precious elixir ahead just because of his false words!

As soon as these words came out, everyone ignored Murong Fu and the two of them and swarmed away regardless.

Murong Fu's eyes fell on the Wanshan people, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward again, blocking everyone back.

Before those disciples could speak, he came behind Wan Shan and grabbed his shoulders.

Immediately, his hand turned into a fist and hit the neck hard, making a crisp click sound.

Wan Shan immediately fell to the ground without making any sound.

Murong Fu, let go now...

Someone was about to step forward and speak, but was stunned by the scene in front of them.

This...what is this?

I saw an almost transparent thing floating out from Wan Shan's mouth, slowly condensing into a pair of eyes.

A smile appeared on Murong Fu's lips, and he flew forward to grasp those eyes firmly in his hands.

However, as soon as he touched it, the eyes changed shape again, slowly forming a long sword.

It aimed straight at Murong Fu's chest.

In the distance, Miaoyi Bodhisattva was shocked when she saw this scene, and couldn't help shouting: Be careful! It will keep changing forms!

When Murong Fu heard this, he hurriedly turned around and used [Zhan. Wo Fist Technique], directly facing the incorporeal long sword without any intention of flinching.

Strong golden light flashed one after another, and the virtual sword dissipated into transparent smoke little by little, flying into the mist.

At this moment, Bodhisattva Miaoyi threw out the beads in her hand, flashing Buddha light in mid-air, and sucked in all the wisps of smoke.

In an instant, the smoke slowly condensed into a face. It was the face of Wan Shan, ferocious and terrifying.

He slowly opened his mouth and spit out the same voice as Wan Shan: I didn't expect that we were discovered by you after we hid it so well!

The Bodhisattva Miaoyi controlled the beads and trapped them tightly: Tell me! Who are you, and why would you seize it from others!

Wan Shan's face became even more distorted, even his facial features had shifted, and his mouth opened and closed: Hahaha, they obviously brought it to the door themselves!

Suddenly, Gu Aoxue, Zhang Yuxuan and others who had been silent all of a sudden took action.

They all drew their swords and started fighting with the people around them. The scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

At the beginning, the disciples were unprepared, allowing them to get the upper hand and suffer a lot.

But fortunately, there were only a few minor injuries here and there, but none of them were serious.

Zhuge Qingyun was the first to react and led several people from the [Canglan Sword Sect] to fight back.

None of the other sect disciples were vegetarians. They reacted quickly and drew their swords to meet him.

Soon, everyone joined forces to surround those people, and Zhuge Qingyun took out the [Spirit Chain] to trap them tightly.

Hahaha, you mortals can't trap us!

Wan Shan's big face is still distorting and changing, and his mouth and eyes have moved out of place, looking eerie and terrifying.

Murong Fu looked at them coldly and said in a bad tone: What? A group of people who can only sneak around dare to shout in front of me?

Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't say it so harshly. If the truth is told, you are just a bunch of inferiors! Wan Shan said boldly.

This sentence immediately angered the people present, and they all said: Bah! A thing that has no entity is worthy of comparison with us.

Everyone, come together and kill them all to avenge those brothers and sisters just now!

Yes! Kill these things...

As he said that, some disciples raised their swords to stab the people trapped by the [Spirit Chain].

At this time, Wan Shan laughed wildly again, with a bit of sharpness in his tone: If you have the ability, just kill them!

However, I want to remind you that you will never be able to kill us, you will only kill your senior brothers with your own hands.

Hahaha! A group of ants are only worthy of being the vessels of our [Void Spirit Clan]!

After Murong Fu listened, his eyes stared at him again, silently thinking in his heart: The Void Spirit Clan, the Void Spirit Clan...

The disciples froze on the spot, with a hint of shock and fear in their eyes as they stared blankly at Gu Aoxue and the others.

In front of them, their companions who came to the [Spiritual God Realm] with them were now taken away by those Void Spirits.

They can't completely let these Void Spirits do whatever they want, but there's nothing they can do about them.

For a moment, everyone was in a dilemma, and the scene fell into a deathly silence.

Only Wan Shan's sharp and harsh voice was left: Inferior people, please let me go and obey my Void Spirit Clan. From now on, you can choose the treasures and elixirs you want.

A golden light flashed, a scream came from Wanshan, and the virtual body was scattered again.

I saw Murong Fu wave a spiritual energy in the past, interrupting his endless chatter: Shut up!

He slowly walked towards Gu Aoxue and others, carefully studying their faces, trying to find any flaws.

However, after looking at it for a long time, he still didn't notice anything and sighed slightly.

Just as he was about to turn around, Bodhisattva Miaoyi raised her hand and patted his shoulder, saying softly: Let me try.

The next moment, I saw the female Bodhisattva Miaoyi sitting on the ground with her legs crossed, holding a string of [Ghost Faced Jade Buddha Beads] in her hand and chanting Buddhist sutras.

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