Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1020 Sword Twenty-Three

Murong Fu held the Miaoyi Bodhisattva in his arms, flew into the purple forest, and found a place to stand.

When he looked back, he found that Zhuge Qingyun and Liu Sen had not followed.

He looked around, and just when he was about to walk in one direction, the voice of Miaoyi Bodhisattva came: Amitabha! Do you want to put me down first?

Murong Fu stiffened, then felt a little embarrassed, and gently placed the person in his arms on the ground.

Looking at the shy little Bodhisattva in front of me, I felt inexplicably happy: Oh, it's all because your body is so weak. I even forgot to hold you.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi quickly put her hands together and recited several sutras silently, closing her eyes tightly and not daring to look at the person in front of her.

Murong Fu stopped teasing her and simply inspected the surroundings. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was no danger.

He spoke slowly: This [Spirit God Realm] is really weird. It seems like there is a hand controlling it behind it.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi also nodded slightly: That's right, I feel the same way.

However, there are indeed a lot of treasures here. I just sensed something with the peak of Buddha's light.

It must be the [Golden and Jade Bodhi Buddha Beads] that Master once mentioned.

This is exactly what I came here for.

After hearing this, Murong Fu continued: In that case, how about I help you search together?

No, this is an internal matter of our sect, so I dare not trouble Murong the donor. Bodhisattva Miaoyi shook her head and refused.

Murong Fu smiled heartily: Haha, you don't have to be so polite. Anyway, there are only you and me here now, so we might as well form a team together to avoid any trouble.

Don't worry, I have no interest in your Buddhist things, and I will definitely not covet them.

Besides, strange things happen frequently in this forest, so we should have someone to take care of us on the way.

As he spoke, he pointed at the ever-changing branches and flowers.

There was a trace of hesitation in the eyes of Bodhisattva Miaoyi, but she still nodded: Thank you very much.

She closed her eyes slightly, feeling the direction of the Buddha's light with her heart, and murmured words: Reveal the truth, uncover the truth, Polo reveals the truth, Paraṣṇa reveals the truth, Bodhisattva...

After a moment, she suddenly opened her eyes and pointed in a direction: That's over there.

Murong Fu nodded to her, and the two of them walked in that direction.

They moved forward wholeheartedly, and no one noticed that behind them, two shadows of the Void Spirit Clan floated faintly.

Looking at the backs of Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva, they slowly dispersed again.

On a cliff, there are countless jagged and extremely steep rocks.

If someone sets foot here and is not careful, they will fall off the cliff.

At this moment, the place was shrouded in a gray-yellow mist.

Inside, the two Void Spirits turned into two different faces.

If Murong Fu and others were here, they would be recognized at a glance as being Gu Aoxue and Zhang Yuxuan.

They spoke towards a cave and said, Reporting to your lord, that Murong Fu has gone towards the east.

You can see clearly, there are only two of them, the others have been forced away by us.

Well, very good! The vicissitudes of life's hoarse voice came from the depths of the cliff.

The next moment, countless black mist flashed by, and a shadow rushed out with the gray-yellow mist, turning into a black thing.

It was born from the illusion of Sword Twenty-Three, using Yuan Shen as the means of attack, and was in a state of neither death nor life, but also death and life.

It is the leader of this group of virtual spirits. No one has seen its true face, or it has no true face in the first place.

Sir, do we still want to continue to seize the body now? Zhang Yu lowered his body and spoke tremblingly.

Naturally, this [Spiritual God Realm] is a place where mutual growth and restraint exist, and yin and yang are balanced.

If you don't have the ability to seize other people's lives, you will have to be trapped here for generations to come.

Don't blame me for not reminding you that the Void Spirit Clan cannot escape the curse and imprisonment if they cannot take back their physical bodies.

Jian Twenty-three spoke solemnly, with a hint of helplessness and sadness: I've been trapped here for who knows how many thousands of years......

Before he finished speaking, his form slowly dissipated again and flew towards the cave: Watch the man named Murong Fu, don't hurt him, I will be of great use!

Yes, sir!

Jian Twenty-three returned to the cave and looked at the shadows on the stone wall. It was Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva.

He looked at it intently, with a flash of light in his eyes, and finally laughed loudly: Hahaha, Pure Yang Qi, I have finally waited for you!

On the other side, Murong Fu was not aware of this at all, but occasionally he felt a little uncomfortable and felt that he was being watched.

He couldn't help but shiver, and he stood up again and looked back, but still found nothing.

What's wrong with you? Bodhisattva Miaoyi asked worriedly as she looked at him like this.

He waved his hand and replied softly: It's okay, I just always feel like there are eyes behind me. Maybe it's my imagination!

Bodhisattva Miaoyi said seriously: No, it's not an illusion. Maybe someone really has been watching us?

What did you notice? Murong Fu turned his eyes and looked at her seriously.

Through the conversation they had just had on the road, Murong Fu knew that Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva was the Buddhist nun of Tathagata Temple and had amazing powers of perception since she was a child.

Whether it is about Buddhism or other things, there are prophets who are different from ordinary people.

I saw the Bodhisattva Miaoyi throwing the beads in her hand into the air, sitting cross-legged, and casually forming two seals on her hands.

Toward the string of Buddhist beads, spiritual energy was continuously delivered, emitting blazing Buddha light.

Suddenly, Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva just felt her heart tightening, and a shadow flashed in her mind.

In a hazy state, she came to a cliff and walked into a dark cave entrance.

When she wanted to feel it again, she found that she was firmly imprisoned in the cave, unable to move.

The more she struggled, the tighter the shackles tightened until she was breathless.

Murong Fu looked at the female Bodhisattva Miaoyi who was sitting on the ground. Her body was trembling continuously, and there were faint beads of sweat falling from her forehead.

He secretly said: No!

Several strands of spiritual energy condensed in the palm of the hand, and were placed on the back of Bodhisattva Miaoyi, regulating the meridians throughout her body.

After about a cup of tea, Murong Fu felt a slight movement in the body of Miao Yi Bodhisattva, and quickly stopped to take a closer look.

I saw that her eyelashes were thick and trembling slightly, and her eyelids were beating a little bit.


With a muffled groan, she woke up instantly, her whole body trembling, and the cassock on her body was even wet with sweat.

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