Bodhisattva Miaoyi nodded, holding the beads in her hand, and once again felt the Buddha's light in the forest with her heart.

After a while, she opened her eyes: The direction of the [Golden and Jade Bodhi Buddha Beads] is in the southeast, we will set off immediately.

Okay! Murong Fu nodded and walked in that direction.

The two of them walked in tandem, chatting from time to time on the road.

Behind him, a black shadow slowly condensed into a pair of huge eyeballs.

Jian Twenty-three just felt the spiritual consciousness of Miaoyi Bodhisattva. After repelling her, he followed her here.

He looked into the distance with a sinister and greedy look, and said with excitement in his voice: You really have a good body, I like it!

Everything is ready and all I need is the east wind. I am so looking forward to the day of freedom!

My baby, don't let me down...

After he finished speaking, a black light flew out from the left eyeball, flashed with sparks, and flew towards the other end of the forest.

At this moment, Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva walked for a long time, but the surrounding scene did not change at all.

It was still surrounded by dark purple woods, with a few birds flying out occasionally.

Do you feel that something is wrong? Bodhisattva Miaoyi slowed down her steps, got closer to Murong Fu, and spoke softly.

The latter looked solemn and nodded: We have just passed by here once.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi followed his gaze and saw a low tree lying across the middle of the road.

She also had a vague impression of this. Just half an hour ago, she was distracted and almost tripped, but it was Murong Fu who quickly stabilized her with his quick hands and eyes.

And now, the tree suddenly appeared in front of them again, exactly like the one just now.

It cannot be said that they are completely unrelated, it can only be said that they are exactly the same.

This... Bodhisattva Miaoyi was stunned for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses.

Is this just a ghost beating a wall?

Murong Fu remained silent, crossing his hands on his chest, and streams of spiritual power burst out of his body instantly and flew in all directions.

In an instant, the spiritual energy whirled back, but an even stronger wind struck.

His eyes changed slightly, feeling that things seemed not as simple as he thought.

Be careful! Bodhisattva Miaoyi said in a deep voice, and smashed the flying boulder into pieces.

In an instant, countless small gravels were attacking towards the two of them, all of them sharp as blades.

Murong Fu's heart tightened, he picked up Miaoyi Bodhisattva by the waist and used [Lingbo Weibu] to dodge.

They saw that the gravel fell one after another on the place where they were just standing, and even caused sparks from rubbing against the ground.

Fortunately, he reacted in time, otherwise the rubble would have buried the two of them in an instant.

However, before the two of them could breathe a sigh of relief, the rubble seemed to have eyes and slowly rose into the air, each one covered with flames.


In the blink of an eye, those stones struck again quickly, even worse than before.

Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva and Murong Fu dodged around. Fortunately, their strength was not low, so they were more than enough to deal with these.

As he watched, the stones lightly brushed against the surrounding trees, and then directly cut the trunk of the bowl-sized tree in half.

Purple trees fell down one after another, kicking up countless clouds of dust, and soon the surrounding area turned into ruins.

Both of them saw the look of shock in each other's eyes, but they had no time to think about it and dodge as quickly as possible.

Amitabha, what exactly is this? Bodhisattva Miaoyi asked while knocking down the stones.

Upon seeing this, Murong Fu transformed his hands into a spiritual shield, covering both of them.

The gravel hit the protective shield one after another, violently colliding with the spiritual energy.

Murong Fu's eyes flashed, and he suddenly transformed into two fire dragons, roaring out.


Within a moment, the rubble was wrapped by the fire dragon and turned into powder, whizzing by with a gust of wind.

It's okay! He looked around and saw nothing unusual, and said softly.

The tense heartstrings of Bodhisattva Miaoyi also relaxed, and she loosened the beads she held tightly.

I didn't expect it to be so powerful. Fortunately, I had you just now, otherwise I would have been buried in the rubble.

She looked around at the fallen trees around her. The broken cuts were very neat, as if they had been cut by a knife, and she felt scared.

But why do these stones only come towards us? She couldn't help but be very confused.

Murong Fu was silent for a long time and then said, Do you remember Zhang Yuxuan?

Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva looked at him blankly, not knowing why she suddenly mentioned Zhang Yuxuan, and felt a little puzzled.

However, she still said: Remember, it is the [Lingxiao Sect] disciple who was taken away by the Void Spirit Clan.

That's right! That's him. Did you observe the formation of those pebbles flying just now?

Hearing what he said, Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva slowly recalled the scene just now, and her eyebrows frowned slightly involuntarily: What's the mystery behind those stones?

Of course! Murong Fu smiled slightly, released spiritual energy from his right hand, and drew a formation diagram in front of him.

As the faint aura formed patterns in the air, Bodhisattva Miaoyi instantly understood the meaning of his words.

With a surprised look on his face, he exclaimed: This is the [Tai Chi Yin and Yang Nine Turns Formation] of [Lingxiao Sect]!

The distribution of stones just now comes from this formation. I have seen this formation with my own eyes, and it is exactly the same.

No wonder, I always feel that there is something familiar there. It turns out it comes from here.

I didn't notice it just now, but luckily I have you!

The eyes of Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva at this moment showed some respect and admiration, and she couldn't help but be deeply impressed by her.

Being able to take her to avoid the attack of gravel in a very short period of time, and also being able to observe the mysteries, is incomparable to ordinary people. ..

She suddenly thought of something, and her whole body suddenly became nervous: Isn't that Zhang Yuxuan dead?

However, I clearly saw with my own eyes that his consciousness has been completely destroyed and there is no possibility of survival.

how come……

Before she could finish speaking, Murong Fu shook his head, without any change on his face: It's not him!

But, this formation is only known to people from [Lingxiao Sect], could it be some other disciples? Bodhisattva Miaoyi looked suspicious and boldly guessed.

It can't be them! Murong Fu said coldly, a glint flashing in his eyes.

That would be...

The Void Spirit Clan!

The Void Spirit Clan!

The two people spoke at the same time, their eyes met, both were shocked and surprised.

The face of Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva changed greatly, and she quickly opened the white jade gourd from her arms, wanting to find out what was going on.

As expected, the Void Spirit Tribe who were originally included in the White Jade Gourd...

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