The expression on the face of Bodhisattva Miaoyi changed, and the beads in her hand gradually transformed into a long whip as the spiritual energy fluctuated.

The two of them cooperated in a tacit understanding and attacked from the left and right sides separately, bringing with them two groups of extremely powerful spiritual energy.

However, Gan Jiang and Mo Xie also faced each other, their swords vibrating and glowing, making a sharp and harsh sound. .


Murong Fu and Gan Jiang were fighting back and forth, while Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva used a long whip to wrap around Mo Xie.

On the other side, those [Heart-devouring Bloodthirsty Insects] also received a certain impact, their numbers gradually decreased, and their speed became slower.

The pressure on everyone was reduced, and with Murong Fu's method, there were no casualties for a while.

In the sky, two sword blades in a mist state were constantly circling and changing, making a clatter sound.

Although Murong Fu was always facing Gan Jiang, he kept looking at Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva from the corner of his eye.


He threw the [Taiyi Splitting Light Sword] and hit Gan Jiang, and he dodged and caught Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva who was repelled by Mo Xie.

The latter fell into the warm embrace, and his eyes met a pair of gentle and clear eyes.

Thank you! With a blush on her face, she thanked her quickly and flew out again.

Jie, Jie, Jie, you still have Xianxin to act like a concubine in front of me, you simply don't take me seriously! There was a bit of ridicule in the tone of the Void Spirit Tribe.

Murong Fu was not afraid of him at all. He took out the [Taiyi Light Sword] in his hand, carrying a huge spiritual energy and fighting through the wind.

The air pressure around him decreased, and there was a bit of strong anger in his eyes: Is it the Void Spirit Clan? I want to see what you are!

Before he finished speaking, he used the [Ninth Grade Xinglong Xuan Gong] and rushed out. The air seemed to be frozen, and there was a moment of stasis.

Immediately, the overwhelming spiritual energy went straight towards the general, directly scattering it, and the gray-yellow mist spread everywhere.

How, how is it possible? The tone of the Void Spirit Tribe rose several degrees, and his tone was full of disbelief.

You know, in the past hundred years, the changes of their Void Spirit clan have been based on their thoughts, and they are not controlled by any outside world at all.

But now, the person in front of him actually broke its general phantom and even hurt its body in one move.

Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

What exactly did you do?

No one has ever been able to fight against our Void Spirit Clan. Who are you?

Its tone became more urgent little by little, and even it didn't notice it. There was even a bit of panic and trembling in it.

Who am I? Murong Fu's face did not change at all, he still had the same calm look.

You don't deserve to know! After he finished speaking, he attacked Moye again, who was fighting with the Bodhisattva Miaoyi.

In an instant, full of spiritual energy, a huge golden light illuminated half of the forest, and the black clouds just now were shaken and scattered.

The rays of light repel all darkness.

don't want!

With a frightened sound, Mo Xie's sword was also beaten into a ball of gray-yellow mist.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't condense it into shape again, it was just a gray mist.

That's it? How dare you make a mistake in front of me! Murong Fu snorted coldly and smacked the group with his palm.

The [Heart-devouring Bloodthirsty Insect] below had already lost the ability to move when the generals were dispersed.

One after another fell to the ground, limp into flesh, and kneaded together with the ground.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, the Void Spirit Tribe was beaten back to its original shape in embarrassment, and no longer had the arrogance it had just now.

Oh, I thought they were so powerful, but that's all!

Yeah, he can't even catch one of Murong Fu's moves. He's really a waste.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, the real body has been scattered, how pitiful!

Liu Miao and the other three began to mock in unison, using their poisonous tongues throughout their lives, making the Void Spirit clan spin in mid-air in anger.

For a long time, I couldn't hold in my fart.

However, from the spinning of its struggle, it was not difficult for everyone to see that it must have been so angry that it was almost vomiting blood at this moment.

Murong Fu looked at the mist intently, his hands faintly glowing with golden light.

He wanted to try to see if the Void Spirit Clan could be destroyed, and was it really immortal?

However, as soon as he used [Purple Yin Thunder Prison], the Void Spirit Clan seemed to have expected it, and immediately dispersed the virtual body into wisps of mist.

Its voice filled the air, ethereal and charming: Want to kill me? Dream on!

The mist quickly circled and flew towards the purple forest, and soon disappeared.

Run away? Everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but saw a violent storm rising around them again, mixed with bursts of thunder.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, [Soni Vajra Beast], which had been sitting quietly, slowly stood up and walked towards their direction step by step.

In those red eyes, you can vaguely see the burning fire, and the whole body releases a powerful pressure that makes people breathless.

The voice of the Void Spirit clan came from far and near again: I have not lost yet, you will all surrender under my feet!

In this world, we are the masters, and no one can shake our position!

Go ahead and kill them all, don't let me down!


[Soni Diamond Beast] moved in response to the sound, and the hair on its body was instantly surrounded by raging fire, and it opened its bloody mouth: Ouch!

I saw a blazing fire dragon rushing out, leaving no grass growing and filled with black smoke.

It's [Soni Vajra Beast], everyone, run! Wang Zhigao's voice screamed, and there was wind at his feet, and he ran out in a hurry.

He had just seen the power of [Soni Vajra Beast], and he was obviously very frightened. He yelled and ran around like a tiger.

Before he could run away, the [Soni Vajra Beast] had a sharp look in its eyes, a ball of flame flew out of its pupils, and it chased after him.

Wow! The back of Wang Zhigao's buttocks was instantly ignited, making him miserable and screaming.

Fortunately, several disciples from the same sect had quick eyesight and quick hands, and kicked him to the ground, thus suppressing the spread of the flames.

However, he still looked as if he had just run out of a coal pile. His whole body was completely dark, leaving only a pair of watery eyes.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh when they saw this.

Only then did Wang Zhigao react, his eyes widened, and he said angrily: Don't laugh, I just wanted to lure it away!

As soon as he said this, everyone rolled their eyes at him in unison, no one looked down upon his arrogant and upright appearance.

Even the few classmates around him subconsciously moved a few steps away from him.

But Murong Fu's eyes were sharp and compelling, and he kept looking at the [Soni Vajra Beast].

One person and one beast, with their eyes facing each other, no one has the slightest intention of retreating!

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