Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1036 True and False Zhuge Qingyun

Murong Fu felt warm all over his body, as if he was being illuminated by the sun.

Zhuge Qingyun's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly circulated his spiritual energy to form a protective shield outside his body, wrapping himself in it.

Seeing this, Bodhisattva Miaoyi's face became serious.

She took a step forward, closed her eyes, sat cross-legged on the ground, and muttered: Return to Subhuti. Then recite this sutra and even four verses. You should know that all gods and humans in this world, asuras, should make offerings like pagodas. temple.……

I saw that the red cinnabar turned into a Buddha statue, constantly winding and circling in mid-air.

When everyone saw this, they just felt very incomprehensible.

Even Liu Miao, Liu Sen and other people from the [Canglan Sword Sect] couldn't help but be confused.

What happened to Murong Fu? Why did he suddenly attack Zhuge Qingyun?

Yeah, and they said that Zhuge Qingyun in front of me is fake. How is this possible?

Every move he makes comes from the inheritance of our [Canglan Sword Sect], and will never be passed on to anyone other than our own disciples!

Could it be that he is used to being suspicious...

Several people looked at each other and saw shock and dissatisfaction in each other's eyes.

Just when everyone was confused, Zhuge Qingyun was already tightly surrounded by cinnabar, and his whole body turned red instantly.

Every hair on his body was red and shiny.

Ah! Zhuge Qingyun screamed, feeling the burning sensation radiating from the inside out, as if there were countless burning flames in his body.

Murong Fu found the right opportunity and took advantage of the red light to quickly strike and pierce his heart with a sword.

Puff puff puff puff...

A shocking scene appeared. Zhuge Qingyun seemed to be deflated, and countless gray-yellow gas spurted out from his body.

The skin also began to wrinkle together loosely, and in the blink of an eye, the skin fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of mud.

And the clouds of gas began to condense and gradually turned into a fierce tiger.

It's the Void Spirit Clan again! Everyone was shocked and subconsciously took half a step back, with fear in their eyes. ..

Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect you to find out so soon! came the sharp and harsh voice of the Void Spirit Clan.

In an instant, everyone drew their swords and faced each other.

When did you sneak in?

What on earth do you want to do!

Why do you have to borrow someone else's identity!

Everyone spoke to each other and expressed all their doubts. Their faintly trembling voices betrayed their deepest fears.

The Void Spirit clan sneered, ethereal and charming: Oh, you low-class people are only worthy of being the vessels of my clan!

Murong Fu looked at it coldly, feeling that something was wrong, and couldn't remember it for a while.

His face was cold and he asked in a deep voice: Where is Zhuge Qingyun?

Haha, he has been killed by me, you will never find him again!

After saying that, the Void Spirit tribe looked up to the sky and roared, and countless mist filled the air instantly, mixed with the smell of blood.

The original form of a tiger slowly transformed into the form of [Soni Vajra Beast], opening its bloody mouth and whimpering.

What's even more weird is that its two eyes are also empty, and there is thick gray smoke around the eye sockets.

Suddenly, Murong Fu's eyes fell on a puddle of mud on the ground, and something flashed in his mind.

He grabbed it suddenly and became aware of it.

When this Void Spirit tribe just came out of Zhuge Qingyun's body, the body suddenly turned into a pile of mud.

It is completely different from the situation of Wan Shan and others whose bodies were taken away.

When the Void Spirits in Wan Shan and Gu Aoxue were forced out, their bodies did not change much, but they lost their breath.

And now...

His eyes passed over the puddle of soil, and he had a vague guess: they probably didn't succeed in seizing the body, maybe they used some other method to become Zhuge Qingyun.

But when was it replaced?

Was it when he was forced to be separated by the purple mist, or when he was just chasing the [Soni Vajra Beast]...

However, no matter what, he firmly believed that Zhuge Qingyun was definitely not dead, but he was definitely in danger.

He must find a way to find its location, and the only breakthrough lies with this Void Spirit Tribe.

After several battles, he could already guess the secrets of this group of Void Spirits from just a few words in the conversation.

The things formed by these mist are not ordinary people at all. Judging from the forms they take, the Void Spirit family can be anything in the world.

However, it cannot transform into a human form out of thin air. Only by seizing a body can one take away other people's appearance and skills.

They dominate the [Spiritual God Realm] and are trapped in it, unable to escape from this confinement for the rest of their lives.

Murong Fu pondered for a long time, and a bold idea emerged in his mind.

Perhaps, they are trying so hard to seize the body, and they are afraid that they have to leave the [Spirit God Realm] through the human body.

Thinking of this, he broke into a cold sweat.

If this race is allowed to go to the outside world and seize bodies wantonly without dying, the consequences will be disastrous.

Just as he was thinking, the voice of the Void Spirit Clan came again: Oh, I wanted to play with you again, but I didn't expect you people to seek your own death.

Then don't blame me for being rude!

Before he finished speaking, its shape changed again, and the gray-yellow mist gradually turned black.

The sky changed drastically, and a hurricane blew around again, making the whole forest roar.

When everyone looked up again, a huge black hole appeared in the sky, with dots of purple-black light glowing next to it.

None of you can escape from my clutches!

As the strong wind roared, everyone felt that they could not stand still, and their bodies were blown away, involuntarily heading towards the black hole.

help me!


There were screams, and soon several people were sucked into the black hole of the abyss, and no trace of them was seen again.

Everyone was frightened by this sudden scene and tried their best to resist the hurricane, not daring to relax for a moment.

Quick, think of a way!

Some people in the crowd looked in the direction of Murong Fu, hoping that he could lead everyone out of danger again.

However, their wishes were shattered.

Murong Fu sneered, stretched out his hand and turned it into a golden light, protecting Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva and the other people who had just spoken to him.

The other people are completely a bunch of ungrateful people who will scold their mothers when they don't have milk.

He tried his best to save them from the attack of [Soni Vajra Beast], but in the end he ended up being known as a selfish man who monopolized the treasure.

He, Murong Fu, is by no means a kind person. If anyone respects me, I will repay him a foot.

Now, let them fend for themselves!

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