Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1044 The temptation of Buddha’s light

[Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] turned his cold eyes with endless killing intent.

It was the person in front of him who blocked it from swallowing the Buddha's energy.

Its whole body trembled, an uncontrollable anger suddenly surged deep in its heart, and its breathing became rapid.

Seeing its appearance, Murong Fu smiled coldly, and the [Tian Ji Wand] flashed past, spinning vigorously in his hand.

[Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] sharpened its claws, with a gloomy face, and struck out like a bolt of lightning.

Before it could move a few steps, the [Tianji Rod] was seen hovering in mid-air and hitting its face.



[Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] was unable to dodge and received the blow forcefully, directly hitting half of its cheek a few points away.

In fact, two fragments of teeth could be faintly seen falling to the ground in the wind, and a trace of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It suddenly felt pain and roared to the sky, the look in its eyes even more fierce.

The next moment, its body moved again, a pair of wings suddenly spread horizontally, and a huge black shadow enveloped Murong Fu.

Even half of the sky was dimmed due to it. In an instant, the sky was dark and the ground was dark, and countless yellow sand was rolled up to fill the sky.

Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva felt a bad premonition flash through her heart, and without any time to think about it, she flew up and landed behind Murong Fu.

At this moment, the [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] was completely irritated, its body was swooping down, and it was flying towards him with its mouth bared and its fangs bared.

Be careful! Bodhisattva Miaoyi stepped on her feet, and with a clever force, she grabbed Murong Fu's hand from behind and led him to hide.

Murong Fu gently raised the corners of his lips and looked at the slender figure beside him, feeling a warm current rushing through his heart.

He leaned over and blew his warm breath into the ears of Bodhisattva Miaoyi: Little Bodhisattva, are you so worried about me?

The whole body of Miaoyi Bodhisattva was tensed instantly. She lost concentration for a moment, staggered slightly and almost fell.

Fortunately, Murong Fu quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, hugged her firmly, and landed her on a cliff.

You... Bodhisattva Miaoyi was about to say something, but she saw a snow-white figure following behind them again.

Under the sunlight, several fangs were faintly visible, and silver light flashed at the corners of its mouth. A drop of saliva fell to the ground, making a corrosive sound of sizzling.

Be careful! Her heart suddenly rose to her throat and she quickly warned loudly.

But he saw that Murong Fu had no fear on his face, and the [Heavenly Secret Stick] in his hand moved according to his thoughts.

Right there, the [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] was five or six steps away from the two of them, when a golden light pierced the sky and attacked directly towards its left wing.

It subconsciously dodged and hit a cliff uncontrollably, carving half of the mountain into a huge crater.

Hey! It's interesting! Murong Fu's eyes flashed, and he stood not far away and watched everything.

[Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] shook out its dusty hair, straightened its body in the air, and its four claws instantly grew sharp claws.

A hurricane was accompanying it, and the vague black shadow in the sky at first turned into the current lightning and thunder.

After losing one after another and not getting any benefits from Murong Fu's hands, the [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] gradually became irritable and irritable.

Its sharp claws clung to the cliff, its wings flapped and swayed constantly, and it vowed to fight Murong Fu to the death.

However, Murong Fu did not ignore the flash of calculation in his blue eyes.

Haha, he is really a humane beast!

He immediately smiled and raised his hand in the air. Several rays of light moved according to his heart, and countless sword shadows rushed out.

When the [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] saw this, he dodged effortlessly with his own speed.

Clinging to the cliff with two feet, he roared loudly and used all his strength to attack Murong Fu.

The corners of the latter's mouth rose, as if they already knew its little plan, and did not make any move.

However, when she cast a look at the person next to her, Miaoyi Bodhisattva immediately understood the meaning.

The [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat]'s attack speed was still undiminished. Seeing the figures of the two people circulating in front of me, I was a little confused for a moment.

Its gaze became increasingly cold and vicious as it fell on Murong Fu, opening its bloody mouth in an attempt to devour him.

Murong Fu's face was calm and calm, but secretly he had already made preparations and quietly created a clone from behind.

Sure enough, just as he expected, the [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] was about to confront him.

Its eyes suddenly flashed a dark red, and its two pairs of wings instantly swung, making a zigzag shape in the air.

Bypassing Murong Fu, he went straight to the direction of Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva behind him.

The [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] was extremely fast, and in just a flash of lightning, it had already stretched its two claws towards the white neck.

The Bodhisattva Miaoyi silently recited the Buddhist sutras in her mouth without moving her body at all. Her eyes were closed quietly, as if she was not aware of what was happening around her.

Little trick! Murong Fu smiled softly behind her and uttered four words in a low voice.



But in half of the sky, streaks of golden light continued to spread out, blocking the [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat]'s rapid attack.

There was only a loud noise, and the [Tianji Rod] hit the [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] hard on the head, exploding a gorgeous blood flower.

As the [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] let out several brutal howls, its snow-white hair was all stained with blood, and its body hit the ground heavily like a kite with its strings broken.

At this moment, Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva slowly opened her eyes and showed a brilliant smile towards Murong Fu.

[Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] Only then realized that he had been tricked, he struggled to his feet in embarrassment, spread his wings and attacked again.

Murong Fu no longer tolerated it and flew forward, hitting its eyes with two Bang Bang punches.

[Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] was seriously injured and was exhausted, plus the power of these two punches was extremely high.

Its body spun several times in the air like a windmill, and finally landed on the ground in the posture of a vicious dog eating shit. It was extremely embarrassed.

You're just a beast, you think you have a delicate and graceful heart, yet you dare to play tricks in front of me.

Murong Fu slowly fell in front of it, his tone was cold and biting, full of ridicule and sarcasm.

As early as the beginning, he already knew the intention of this [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat], which was to come after the Buddha's energy in the Bodhisattva Miaoyi.

Therefore, he had already made complete preparations, and there was absolutely no way he would let it succeed.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi came forward from behind and said in a calm and gentle tone: I didn't expect that you really guessed it correctly.

This [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] is attracted by the Buddha's light in me...

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