The sky changed drastically, and strong winds carrying sand swept in from the far north, leaving only a grayish-yellow color in the whole world.

Seeing this sudden change, Bodhisattva Miao Yi could not help but feel panicked, and was almost swept away by the wind.

Fortunately, Murong Fu had quick eyes and quick hands, and took her into his arms. His strong and straight arms blocked the hurricane from rolling up the yellow sand in the sky.

All the surrounding scenery changed color, and the sun was covered by thick clouds, and no light could shine through.

The sky above our heads seems to gradually become heavier and darker, as if it will press on people's heads in the next moment.

As time went by, the setting sun shed like blood, and the sky and the earth turned a terrifying scarlet color, like a huge banner hung for the tens of millions of dead people.

Murong Fu looked around vigilantly. The yellow sand was flying all over the sky, and the sky was desolate, with no life left in sight.

He narrowed his eyes, not missing any detail, and finally his eyes fell on the mass grave illuminated by the setting sun.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi also noticed something was wrong, her eyes were lowered, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a while, the dark clouds gathered together again, covering up the remaining bit of light.

The sky changed once again, dark clouds came from the sky in a mighty manner, and a bolt of lightning flashed across, lighting up the entire sky.

Immediately afterwards, deafening thunder came from far and near, vaguely mixed with a few black shadows.

Be careful! There's something wrong with this cloud! Bodhisattva Miaoyi looked up at the sky, her tone a bit solemn.

As soon as she finished speaking, huge raindrops fell from the sky, hitting the soil with a crackling sound.

In an instant, the torrential rain covered the entire mountain range. As the rain became heavier and heavier, the raindrops became denser and denser, causing the surrounding rocks to shatter.

Murong Fu was originally staring at the mass grave, but suddenly he was startled and looked at Miaoyi Bodhisattva.

The latter also noticed something was wrong and quickly said: This rain!

It's a rain of blood!

The two people said in unison, breaking out in cold sweat.

Just when the two of them were in a trance, a few strange sounds could be faintly heard in the originally peaceful mass grave.

Swish, swish, swish!

Swiss, swiss, swish!

The two looked at each other, then flew away from the mass grave at the same time, standing on a high mountain cliff.

When they looked down again, they saw that the place where they were standing collapsed, forming a huge crater again.

The difference is that there are no corpses in this huge pit, but instead there are streams of choking black smoke.

When the black smoke dispersed, dots of scarlet fell into the mass graves, and strange howls suddenly rang out from around them.!

The sound sounded like a beast's cry for a while, like a woman's cry for a while, but after a while it turned into a howl of pain. M..

Just when the two of them were confused and didn't know what was happening, a pair of black eyes appeared not far away from them.

Jian Twenty-three was staring at Murong Fu with his eyes filled with cold and biting greed.

Here you come, you are finally here!

Murong Fu, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

Let's see you later...

As it spoke, it once again filled up into a billowing line of black smoke and flew towards the deep mountains.

On the other side, Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva were still unaware of its existence and continued to stare at the mass grave.

What surprised them was that when the red light flashed into the pit, there was no trace of it, and it didn't even make a ripple.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi frowned tightly, with a solemn look on her face: Why did these red lights suddenly disappear?

Murong Fu stepped forward and took her hand, squeezing it gently, giving her an infinite sense of security.

However, at this moment, he was also extremely confused, not knowing what was hidden in the pit.

Where did those weird sounds come from?

He gathered his thoughts, raised his sword eyebrows, and secretly made up his mind: Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, it would be better to take the initiative!

Immediately, after he whispered a few words to the Bodhisattva Miaoyi, his figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and there was no trace of him again.

Bodhisattva Miao Yi was also startled by his sudden disappearance, but she soon felt relieved.

A person like Murong Fu, who has been relegated to immortality, naturally has unlimited abilities hidden in him. After getting along with him for so long, there is nothing to make a fuss about.

She looked around, sat on the highest point, and lay cross-legged. The beads turned rapidly in her hands, and countless Buddha lights suddenly appeared.

[One-horned Demon Tiger] and [Ice Feathered Leopard Cat] stood on the left and right, guarding each other, fearing that there would be any danger around them.

Boom! Boom!

Beside the mass grave, Murong Fu fell down lightly and nimbly. Looking at the horrific-looking corpse, a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He waved his sleeves seemingly unintentionally, and immediately countless flames rushed out, falling into the mass grave one after another.

The fire instantly swept through the mass grave, emitting the aroma of barbecue, mixed with a faint stench of stench.

Murong Fu watched this scene intently, his eyes illuminated by the firelight, but they were still like a pool of stagnant water, without any ripples.

The fire burned for a long time, and the weird scream from before was heard again from the pit, which was even more miserable than before.

After hearing this, Murong Fu raised the corners of his lips slightly: Haha, it seems I guessed it right!

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden movement in the mass grave. At first, several corpses stood up in the flames.

Later, the flame began to turn into azure blue, and then purple, with a cracking sound in it.

In the mass grave, endless corpses were piled up. One after another, they stood up and began to crawl towards the entrance of the cave on their hands and feet.

Murong Fu's heart was shaken, and he had a bad premonition.

Is this a fake corpse?

The corpses climbed up unsteadily, and not long after, a few withered hands and claws touched the ground.


The next moment, heads emerged from the ground one by one, their bodies still twisted, and they climbed up from below.

Murong Fu showed no mercy, he went up and slashed with his sword, directly cutting off one of his arms.

In an instant, a fresh wound appeared, and blood flowed continuously, staining the entire earth red.

It's a zombie! The voice of Bodhisattva Miaoyi came from a distance, filled with endless worry.

Murong Fu shuddered, looked at the other zombie attacking him, raised his sword and pierced his skull.

Just after he finished dealing with the two zombies, he turned around and looked at the mass grave again. The scene in front of him made him feel extremely sick.

A stream of stench went straight to the Tianling Cap...

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