Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1058 Mysterious Exile

Murong Fu felt his eyes darken, and suddenly felt a coolness pouring into his mind.

It was like a cold spring water was flowing slowly, sweeping away the original turbid aura. .

Murong Fu closed his eyes subconsciously and faintly heard the sound of the rushing stream colliding with the rocks and the ding-dong of the wind chimes.

Suddenly, a figure like an immortal appeared in Murong Fu's mind, dressed in white clothes like snow, with flowing black hair and flying skirts.

I don't know if it's because of the distance, or there's a layer of fog between them.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see his face clearly, and could only vaguely see his fair profile.

As the man turned around slightly, he closed his eyes slightly at first, and then opened them suddenly, revealing a pair of unruffled eyes.

Then, a gust of breeze seemed to drift by, blowing his calm eyes and adding a bit of aura of dust and fire to him.

Murong Fu stared at him, his restless heart slowly calmed down, as if everything around him had paused.

There were only two of them left in the entire space.

The white clothes fluttered, the red lips moved slightly, revealing the white teeth, and the voice was empty and comfortable:

Things are mixed together and are born from heaven and earth. They are lonely, independent and not changing, and they move around without peril. They can be the mother of heaven and earth...

The great is called passing, the passing is far away, and the far away is reversed. Therefore, the Tao is great, the sky is great, the earth is great, and people are also great...

Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature...

Following his voice, Murong Fu slowly walked forward step by step until he stopped five steps away from him.

This voice, this method is natural...

Not only was Murong Fu somewhat familiar with it, he was also able to follow it very fluently.

Isn’t this exactly Laozi’s Tao Te Ching!

But I saw that the man in front of me was still mumbling words, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

The sword blade fluttered in his hand, flashing a white light and dancing in harmony with his dexterous posture.

Murong Fu stared blankly, the fog gradually dissipated, and the appearance of the man in front gradually became clearer.


Even though Murong Fu traveled around the world and met thousands of people, he had never felt so shocked.

The person in front of me seemed to be a god descending to earth. He was far and near, bright and dark, and there was an aura of pointing the country in his movements.

The sword moves are relaxed and relaxed, flowing like clouds and water, like a clear spring flowing, naturally mixed with the sound of the sword.

Unknowingly, the man slowly put away his sword, slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and looked at Murong Fu.

Go ahead...

Before Murong Fu could react, everything in front of him disappeared without a trace, like a mirror and a moon in the water.

The next moment, a sharp sword edge stabbed towards him, carrying the power of destroying the world.

The voices of Zhuge Qingyun and Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva came at the same time: Be careful!


Murong Fu, who was standing on the spot, suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed out, with a hint of murderous intent.


The [Taiyi Light Splitting Sword] in his hand came out quickly, easily blocking the killing move, and the whole body rose like the mist around Jian Twenty-Three.

Within a moment, the two people were tightly enveloped, making it difficult for outsiders to see what was happening inside.

At the same time, the moment Murong Fu took action, Jian Twenty-Three seemed to have been stimulated by something, and the golden blade of the sword continued to vibrate and tremble.


How could it be you?

Why is this happening!

Jian Twenty-Three roared like a madman, and struck Murong Fu with one killing move after another, even more powerful than before.

Seeing him gradually going crazy, the corners of Murong Fu's mouth slowly raised, revealing a smile.

Haha, what a small trick!

Just at that moment, countless sword movements flashed through his mind again, dancing together in a coherent manner.

The moves of Jian Twenty-Three in front of me seem to be from the same sect, exactly the same.

He half-closed his eyes and looked ahead.

What surprised him was that the attacking moves seemed to be slowed down several times, and he could see them very clearly.

It's not that there's something wrong with Jian Twenty-san's speed, but his...

Masters compete with each other, winning or losing with each breath.




[Taiyi Light Splitting Sword] passed by Sword Twenty-Three and scattered it, turning it into a dark mist again.

Impossible! You can't learn it! Jian Twenty-three yelled unwillingly, and the mist all over his body became thicker and thicker, carrying a mysterious fragrance.

Murong Fu's heart suddenly rang with alarm bells, and he had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Jian Twenty-Three kept roaring, and the ground began to vibrate continuously, slowly opening several large cracks.

Boom! With a loud noise, the Bagua stone plate shattered, and the five poisons dissipated and turned into gray-yellow mist, drifting towards Jian Twenty-Three.

Zhuge Qingyun and Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva looked at each other and hurriedly flew up and came to Murong Fu's side.

They all looked worried: How are you?

Murong Fu smiled softly and waved his hand casually: It's not serious, it can't hurt me!

In front of them, Jian Twenty-Three gradually turned into a huge black hole, filled with countless poisonous insects and poisons.

Murong Fu, don't think that because he chose you, there's nothing I can do against you.

In the entire [Spiritual God Realm], no one can go against my wishes.

“Even if it’s the way of heaven, it’s impossible!”


After that, its roars reached the ears of the three people and echoed throughout the valley.

Quick! You find a place to hide, and I will deal with them. Murong Fu's eyes changed and he said to the two people around him.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi also changed her expression and hurriedly retorted: No, I won't leave, I want to be with you!

Zhuge Qingyun also drew his sword from his waist, his eyes were scarlet: I won't leave either, let's kill him together!

Ho! Go to hell, you bunch of low-class people!

Sword Twenty-Three released the black mist around him, and a powerful force shot straight into the sky, then smashed down in the shape of a wave of light.

Murong Fu didn't have time to think too much. He looked around and pushed the two people to a safe area with both hands.

The next moment, the light shone on his cheek, and a powerful pressure came straight towards him.

Murong Fu, you are destined to not escape my grasp.

The things that I, Sword Twenty-Three, like, have never missed.

This body of yours will soon belong to me, Jie Jie Jie...

Although the fierce attack came, Murong Fu's face did not change at all, and he still had that faint smile.

Really? He raised his eyebrows slightly, and the [Taiyi Light Sword] in his hand instantly bloomed with a ray of light.

Tao follows nature...

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