Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1060 Devouring Murong Fu alive

Immortal and immortal, coexisting with heaven and earth...

Murong Fu recited these words silently, and ripples suddenly appeared in his originally calm heart.

He always felt as if he had overlooked something.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration appeared.

He woke up suddenly, suppressed the restless spiritual energy in his body, and said quickly: Quick! Get out of here quickly.

Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva and Zhuge Qingyun looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

What’s wrong with you?

That Sword Twenty-Three, wasn't it already beaten to ashes by you?

The two people cast puzzled and doubtful glances at him.

However, at this moment, Murong Fu only felt that his chest was extremely depressed, as if there was a big stone pressing down on him, making him unable to breathe at all.

Turns out, that’s what it said.

Trust me, you get out of here first. His eyes were scarlet, and his whole body began to tremble involuntarily.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi suddenly realized something and grabbed his wrist.

Immediately, she looked shocked: You!

It's it, it's...

Murong Fu shook his head at her and said softly: Believe me, you should leave here first.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi pondered for a long time, then clasped her hands together and said, Amitabha.

The next moment, she hung the string of beads on Murong Fu's hand and said softly: I'll wait for you.

Zhuge Qingyun looked at the two people in front of him, still confused.

However, he chose to believe Murong Fu, gave him a reassuring look, and led Miao Yi Bodhisattva out of the valley.

The moment the two left, Murong Fu directly released all the spiritual energy in his body, his eyes were scarlet, and a mysterious and strange smile appeared on his face.

Ah! He looked up to the sky and roared, and spiritual energy burst out like a tsunami and landslide.

In an instant, the sky turned dim, and countless mist came from a distance and hovered in the air. ..

Murong Fu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, feeling that the spiritual energy in his body was passing rapidly, constantly rushing towards the sky.

He secretly said: No!

The next moment, that face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, a face that was exactly the same as his.

With a terrifying smile and a gloomy cold air, his eyes were completely black, and not a single bit of the white of the eyes could be seen.

Murong Fu sneered, without any change on his face, and looked straight at him: Jian Twenty-Three, I really underestimated you.

Jie, Jie, Jie, I underestimated you! On the pale and bloodless face in front of him, the purple lips opened and closed.

Faintly visible, the grayish-yellow mist overflowing from the corner of his mouth was mixed with a hint of blood.

Murong Fu punched him and cursed loudly: You bitch! You want to release poisonous gas in front of me. It's really disgusting!

A burst of cold golden light flashed across his face, and his face suddenly became dented, and his facial features were deformed.

The most horrifying thing was that the two eyeballs fell out of their sockets, only connected by a few streaks of blood, as if they would be blown away by the wind.

Murong Fu, you can't escape! Jian Twenty-three spoke softly, like a magic spell, his voice echoed from far to near.

You can't escape!

Can't escape...

At this moment, Murong Fu felt that there was a dull pain in his mind, and a nerve was beating in pain, as if it was trying to control his body.

He smiled slowly at the terrifying face in front of him: The world is still uncertain, you and I are both dark horses.

As soon as he finished speaking, the face magnified hundreds of times, covering the entire sky and pressing down on Murong Fu's head.

Let me show you the true strength of our Void Spirit Clan! He said while black gas continued to come out of his mouth.

A huge black mist slowly formed, and a faint buzzing sound came from inside.

Murong Fu saw the black mist getting closer and closer to him, and his feet were already ready to move away.

Jian Twenty-san seemed to have seen his intention, and his huge face pressed down a little more.

In an instant, the air around him became a little thinner, and a powerful pressure enveloped Murong Fu's head, making him breathless.

The mist was getting closer and closer, hitting his chest constantly.

Only then did Murong Fu realize that there were thousands of [Man-Eating Bees] hidden in the black mist.

Jie Jie Jie, let my little darlings have a good communication with you! Jian Twenty-san's proud voice came from above, his tone full of contempt and disdain.

Murong Fu's eyes changed, his face became cold, and he suddenly raised his head to face that giant face: Jian Twenty-Three, do you really think I'm not prepared?

Before he finished speaking, golden rays of light poured out from Murong Fu's body, hitting the giant face hard and dispersing the black mist at the same time.

Countless [Man-eating Bees] were scattered in all directions, and one after another was burned by the golden light and fell to the ground.

There is the smell of barbecued meat in the air.

You [Man-eating Bee], you smell quite good... Murong Fu looked provocatively at the giant face in the sky, and a dazzling golden light flew out of his hand.

As the golden light suddenly appeared, the pale giant face was beaten into a hideous appearance, and soon shrunk several times.

When the face returned to its original appearance, a giant Buddha appeared in the sky and pressed Sword Twenty-Three firmly.

Damn it! What on earth did you do? Jian Twenty-san's mouth and eyes were crooked at the moment. It could be seen that his front teeth had been knocked out, and his speech was still leaky.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows casually and said softly: I forgot to tell you that the little Bodhisattva and I have practiced double cultivation, and I already have the spiritual energy of the living Buddha in my body.

To deal with a filthy and evil creature like you is just a matter of sprinkling water!

Sword Twenty-Three, from the beginning, you were destined to be the one who failed...

Every word Murong Fu said was like a sharp knife, piercing Jian Twenty-san's heart and soul.

No! Impossible! We, the Void Spirit Tribe, will never admit defeat! Jian Twenty-Three began to roar incompetently, his face bruised and distorted, as if he wanted to swallow Murong Fu.

As it turns out, it does the same thing.

I saw that all the eyebrows, eyes, nose and ears on that huge face disappeared, leaving only a big mouth and a few broken teeth.

It dodged, swooped down, and aimed directly at Murong Fu's position.

Murong Fu's vision suddenly went dark, and Jian Twenty-Three's weird and crazy laughter filled his ears: Jie Jie Jie, you still belong to me in the end!


After all, do I belong to you?

Still, do you belong to me?

Murong Fu didn't panic at all, it was all in his plan.

Just hearing a melodious flute sound, a woman in red appeared and laughed like a silver bell.

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