Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1083 The Guan Family Sisters

Just now, Gao Qiqiang was actually clever and did not follow the large army in the same direction.

Instead, they headed towards the east where there were few trees.

Although there are few spiritual beasts here, mid-to-high-level spiritual beasts often appear here.

He also got this news accidentally from some old disciples, and no ordinary new disciples knew about it.

He won't be like those people who only focus on killing low-level spiritual beasts, half-dead from exhaustion and unable to earn a few points.

Gao Qiqiang smiled coldly and touched the scoreboard around his waist, which showed a clear number: 10

He thought about it for a moment, then slowly revealed a gloomy look, and a thought came to his mind.

It's almost time...

On the other side, Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun came to the center of the [Biyun Mountains], where the bells and spirits are beautiful and the spiritual energy is abundant.

All kinds of birds and animals naturally gather here. It can be said that this is the best central place in the entire mountain range.

Zhuge Qingyun looked around casually and said, Let's wait here. I believe the new disciples will find this place soon.

Murong Fu also nodded and looked at the mid-level spiritual beast [Cang Lian Deer] in the distance with a smile in his eyes.

Although he didn't have any thoughts about these new disciples, since he came to the [Biyun Mountains], he couldn't leave empty-handed.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something, and a smile slowly appeared on his face.

I heard that this [Biyun Mountain Range] is the most mysterious place in this sect, and there must be some treasures hidden in it.

If we can take advantage of this opportunity and directly take possession of the treasures of the entire [Biyun Mountain Range], this battle will not be in vain.

Seeing no one around, he released the [Stone-eating Beast] and the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] together.

Master, you finally remembered us.

Master, I miss you so much!

Seeing the slimy appearance of the two spirit beasts, Murong Fu couldn't help but secretly take a step back and said to the two of them: This is a good place. It would be nice to let you out for a walk.

He patted the [Stone-Eating Beast] on the head and gave it high hopes: Go! Treasures in the entire mountain range are waiting for you!

The two beasts ran out as if they were having fun, and soon disappeared.

Zhuge Qingyun was a little hesitant, and it took him a long time before he said, If you let the two of them out, nothing will happen, right?

It was also at this time that Murong Fu suddenly realized that he was only thinking about letting the [Stone Swallowing Beast] go out to collect a wave of treasures, but he forgot...

The content of this trial is to let each disciple capture the spiritual beast.

He hurriedly conveyed the message to the two spirit beasts: Remember, don't act rashly in the mountains.

If you meet the disciples of [Canglan Sword Sect], you must avoid conflict with them.

If anything unexpected happens, please send me a message at any time.


Murong Fu gave instructions one after another, fearing that these two strange spiritual beasts would cause him some trouble again.

Fortunately, both [One-Horned Demonic Tiger] and [Stone-eating Beast] agreed happily.

Don't worry, Master.

We get it, don't worry.

Murong Fu sighed softly and whispered: I hope so!

At this moment, Zhuge Qingyun had thoroughly explored the entire surrounding terrain, with a hint of cunning in his eyes.

Brother, I have an immature idea. We can do this and this first, and then do that and that...

Murong Fu listened to his thoughts and couldn't help but give him a thumbs up secretly: If we want to talk about damage, it has to be you!

Winning prizes and winning prizes are just routine operations! Zhuge Qingyun said with a smile with a bit of evil in his eyes.

Soon, he did what he said, and it took him half an hour to set up traps one after another around him.

Just waiting for the destined person to enter, like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

On the other side, Gao Qiqiang also set several traps not far from the center.

At this moment, the scoreboard on his waist had soared to fifty points.

In just half an hour, his points had changed so much, which no one expected.

There are only a few spirit beasts in the entire [Biyun Mountains], and with the capture of hundreds of people, the number of spirit beasts assigned to each one is naturally very few.

Even if old disciples like Murong Fu were allowed to come in, it would be impossible to gain so many points in such a short period of time.

The only possibility is...

Plop! came out, and Gao Qiqiang's eyes once again shone with a strange light.

Haha, the fish is hooked again! He smiled softly and walked slowly in that direction.

The whole person's face was relaxed and comfortable, with a sense of pride that he had a chance to win.

At this moment, in the huge pit, two people were standing up in disgrace, constantly beating the dust off their bodies.

The two of them are sisters, the daughters of the city lord of a small town near [Canglan Sword Sect].

The elder sister's name is Guan Ju, and the younger sister's name is Guan Zhi.

Their selection into the [Canglan Sword Sect] this time really brought glory to the family, and the two of them also secretly decided to make a name for themselves in this [Canglan Sword Sect].

Guan Ju frowned and said with a bit of anger in his voice: It's so unlucky that I finally found these points and fell into this big pit!

Who on earth would set such a big trap here?

Don't let me catch him, or I will make him walk around without food!

Guan Zhi also had a bit of displeasure and disappointment on his face, but he still comforted softly: Sister, don't worry, this pit is not big. We can fly out together.

Guan Ju nodded and sighed softly: Oh, it can only be like this.

The two spent a lot of effort and tried a variety of methods but failed, and finally found the trick.

However, just as the two sisters climbed out of the pit, a big net was thrown in front of them, and they were tightly wrapped in it.


be careful!

As the two sisters screamed, they were hung high on a tree, surrounded by fine nets, firmly embedded in their flesh.

Red marks were drawn directly on their fair and delicate skin.

At this moment, no matter how stupid the two of them are, they can still feel that this is clearly a trap set by others, and they can't help but feel shocked.

Guan Ju leaned against Guan Zhi's ear and spoke softly: Sister, I feel like there is a pair of eyes staring at us.

The latter looked stern, nodded, and glanced around.

At this moment, Gao Qiqiang, who had been hiding in the dark, his eyes lit up.

Staring at the scoreboard around the waists of the two sisters, he stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth: Oh, there are still two big fish!

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