Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1092 The mysterious light

The nine people simply set a code. If anyone found anything, they would release spiritual energy to guide everyone there.

Murong Fu listened to their changes and chuckled softly: Haha, not too stupid.

Why, their method is effective? Zhuge Qingyun also became curious and came up to ask.

No. Murong Fu said these two words directly, leaving no room for error.

After Zhuge Qingyun heard this, he was even more puzzled: Then you still praise them so much?

At least, these people didn't fight alone as soon as they entered. Maybe they can actually find something.

[Kowloon Chess Game] The moment they made a move, something also changed.

The subtlety of this chess game is that it is not static, but constantly changes according to the player's position.

The so-called one move affects the whole body means that as long as one chess piece moves, the entire chess game will also change accordingly.

Murong Fu also tried his best to realize this. I am afraid these people will never know it.

They are in the [Kowloon Chess Game] and have already become the black and white pieces in this chess game. As for who is black and who is white, everything is up to the people.

In the south, Zhang Yu and two people kept moving forward, but there were no accidents among the three of them along the way.

Carefully walking through dozens of trees, carefully observing the arrangement of the surrounding trees, hoping to find something among them.

However, they are focused on the front.

No one noticed that the road behind them had changed unconsciously and was no longer the way they came.

In the north, Yu Xiaohu took Ma Sanpao and Niu Daudao, but they didn't have such good luck.

After taking a few steps forward, they found that the road ahead was blocked by tall and weird trees, like a thick wall, firmly blocking the three of them.

Ma Sanpao was a little confused and said in a deep voice: Brother Yu, there is no way ahead.

Yu Xiaohu didn't expect that such a situation would happen, so he had to take the other two people back along the original route.

But as soon as they turned back, they were surprised to find that the road they had come on had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, it was surrounded by short bushes. Although the journey was difficult and difficult, fortunately there was still a way.

But now, in front of me, there are towering trees glowing with golden light, arranged in a very special way, and the strange light around them is becoming more and more dazzling.

Niu boldly spoke in shock, with a bit of stuttering in his words, and a faint trembling in his tone: This, this, this... what on earth is going on?

Yu Xiaohu has never seen such a strange thing. It just happened in the blink of an eye, and then there were such earth-shaking changes.

No matter how much he had seen, he couldn't help but rub his eyes, unable to believe what was happening in front of him.

After a long time, he gradually came back to his senses and said to the other two people: Although the road ahead has been blocked, we might as well find another way.

Brother, are you trying to...

Yu Xiaohu looked around, pointed to the northeast, and said softly: This may be our breakthrough point.

The other two people looked in the direction of his finger.

There were no trees there, but instead countless piles of sand and gravel, covered by rows of winding ivy.

Yu Xiaohu's anger sank into his dantian, and spiritual energy was continuously released around his body, heading straight towards the creepers.

When Niu Dangdao and Ma Sanpao saw this, they followed him without any doubt and released their spiritual energy.

Soon, with the unremitting efforts of the three people, the stones that were originally piled together showed signs of loosening.

They were immediately overjoyed and saw hope, and continued to hit the sand and gravel with all their strength.

With a loud boom, a big hole was punched out of the pile of stones by spiritual energy.

Seeing this, the three of them flew forward without any hesitation and passed through the gaps in the stones.

However, the scene in front of them left them stunned in place...

In the West, the two sisters Guan Ju and Guan Zhi are now in trouble.

Countless trees were arranged in the shape of Tai Chi and Bagua, trapping the two sisters among them.

The aura around the two of them seemed to have been sanctioned by something, it was almost half worse than normal.

Originally, the two of them had a smooth journey, and the road ahead was bright and bright.

Before the two could be happy, they saw a loud noise coming from nowhere, and the ground continued to shake.

When the two of them calmed down again, the originally spacious and bright road suddenly turned into a misty and thorny land.

First, countless strange rocks flew from the air and hit the ground hard, setting off countless sparks.

Fortunately, the two of them found out in time and found a shelter, otherwise the flying rocks in the sky would have smashed them into a puddle of mud.

Then, the flying stones gradually dispersed, and the sound of rustling came from the woods, spreading from a distance.

Suddenly, Guan Ju seemed to be trapped by an invisible hand, his whole body was breathing rapidly, and his body was tightly entangled by a vine.

Sister! Guan Zhi was so frightened that she quickly drew her sword and tried to chop it off, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't touch the vine at all.

That deep feeling of powerlessness enveloped her heart. Seeing Guan Ju's face getting worse and worse, she had nothing to do.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of something and shouted to Guan Ju: Sister, fire! Your [Pure True Fire]!

Guan Ju's originally dissociated demeanor returned instantly, a light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he endured the huge pain in his body and shouted: Ah!

I saw that from her palm, the orange-yellow flame was lifelike, winding and twisting like a fire dragon.

It soon covered her whole body, and the blazing fire enveloped her, naturally also burning the vine.

Whoa! The vine seemed to be alive. The moment it touched the [Pure True Fire], it hurriedly retracted it.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from their sight.

Guan Zhi hurriedly stepped forward to support the weak Guan Ju, with a worried look on his face: Sister, how are you? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?

Guan Ju shook his head: It doesn't matter, you help me protect the law and I will take care of myself.

After saying that, she sat cross-legged on the spot, regulating the spiritual energy flowing in her body, and her expression soon returned to its original state.

Zhuge Qingyun looked at this scene and felt a little moved in his heart. He couldn't help but bumped Murong Fu's shoulder: Tsk, tsk, tsk, you don't know how to cherish the beauty and cherish the jade.

There are so many people, but these two sisters are so dangerous here!

You kid, can't you let it go?

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