Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1094 Big Dipper Bureau

Zhuge Qingyun's eyes were fixed on the two sisters and he was unwilling to let go.

He giggled and said, Brother, did you really let those sisters go?

Murong Fu looked at him like that and didn't know what to say. It took him a long time to say, No, it was because the sisters accidentally touched the mechanism.

Mechanism? Are there any mechanisms left in your chess game? Zhuge Qingyun was a little confused and raised his head to ask him.

Of course, this [Nine Dragons Chess Game] took a lot of thought on my part to create this unique game.

It contains the Bagua and Five Elements, Beidou Yin and Yang, Taoist Heart Sutra...

Just now, the two sisters used the [Pure Fire] obtained from Wu Xing to escape from that predicament.

They can be considered lucky. At the same time, Yu Xiaohu's mechanism was also cracked, which triggered a chain reaction.


Murong Fu opened his mouth to explain softly, which made Zhuge Qingyun confused.

He was speechless for a while, then patted him on the shoulder: Forget it, just look at your beauty! I didn't expect you to understand.

Hey, what do you mean by this? I don't like hearing it, take it back!

In the [Kowloon Chess Game], people from the east, south, and north directions rushed towards the two sisters, one after another very fast, for fear of losing some news.

At this time, Guan Ju and Guan Zhi had fallen into deep contemplation.

The words Guan Zhi just said were like opening a closed floodgate, causing their thoughts to flow.

Guan Zhi said nothing more and kept looking around. The scene in front of them once again shocked the two sisters.

Originally, the two of them focused on the seven cabins, but when they came back to their senses and looked around again, everything here seemed to be weird.

Weeds taller than trees, rivers meandering from bottom to top, water plants growing on the ground...

All of this is beyond nature and completely inconsistent with common sense.

Guan Zhi couldn't help but fell into thinking. She looked into the distance: Sister, do you think the place we are in now is the real world?

Guan Ju quickly understood what she meant: You mean, crows can't eat koi, grass can't be taller than trees, rivers can't flow upstream, and aquatic plants can't grow on the ground...

And we are not in the real world, or everything that happens in front of us is fake!

Here, it's just...

The two sisters suddenly realized something. They both looked at each other and moved quickly in the east and west directions at the same time.

However, before they walked half a mile, they were bounced back by an invisible force at the same time, and they fell heavily to the ground.

It seems that our guess is correct. This is indeed an independent world.

If we break in by force, I'm afraid we won't have the slightest chance of winning.

And the only way we can get out of here is over there...

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi analyzed it for a moment, and at the same time their eyes fell on the seven cabins.

At this moment, the cabin has undergone earth-shaking changes. The originally staggered formation has been thrown into chaos by their impulsive behavior.

There are even two cabins squeezed tightly together, like twins next to each other.

The two sisters couldn't help feeling a little regretful, but there is no regret medicine in this world.

The two of them spent a lot of effort to restore the cabins to the arrangement of the Big Dipper.

At this time, the two people stood on both sides of the river, not daring to make any rash move.

Those cabins indeed changed with their pace, as if they were connected to each other by an invisible bond.

Soon, they reached an impasse, no matter what method they tried.

Those cabins just changed randomly without giving them any other clues.

The two people stared at the cabins again, lost in thought.

Suddenly, the two of them seemed to remember something at the same time, and they spoke in unison: Do you remember the first seven stars of the Big Dipper, and where did the handle point?

Dick handle!

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi looked at each other and smiled, and took action again. Following their agile and graceful figures, the seven cabins were rearranged.

When the bucket handle points to the east, it is spring all over the world; when the bucket handle points to the west, it is summer all over the world; when the bucket handle points to the west, it is autumn all over the world; when the bucket handle points to the north, it is winter everywhere.

Just now, when the two sisters came in, the handle of the bucket was clearly pointing south.

It's just that they didn't notice it, and they messed it up and reorganized it. Naturally, they couldn't find any clues from it.

Now, through the unremitting efforts of two people, the handle of the Big Dipper is pointing south again.

At this moment, the seven cabins emitted light at the same time, giving a dazzling feeling as if the sun and the moon were shining simultaneously.

For a moment, the two of them could not help but be entranced, immersed in the light of the Big Dipper.

Suddenly, some black fonts appeared faintly on the seven cabins.

The order is Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang.

The pivot is the sky, the xuan is the earth, the jade is the human being, the power is the time, the balance is the sound, the opening sun is the rhythm, and the shaking light is the star.

The four wooden houses of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji and Tianquan are exactly the Dou Shen among the Big Dipper, which is called Kui.

The three wooden houses, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang, form the handle of the bucket, which is called dipper.

Spring growth, summer growth, autumn harvest, winter storage...

Guan Ju was originally very interested in these changes in the world, and he also knew a lot about these things.

She looked at it and suddenly exclaimed: Yes, how could I forget this!

She pointed at the seven cabins one by one and said softly, 'Yuheng' is the brightest, and 'Tianquan' is the darkest.

This is the Kaiyang, and that's next to it...

There should be a 'Kaiyang Fu'...

She muttered something, then cast her gaze next to Kaiyang, and a bright light suddenly flashed in her eyes: Found it!

Guan Zhi also looked in the direction and saw a dry well appearing next to the wooden house with Kaiyang written on it.

It's this dry well, this is our key to breaking this world!

As soon as Guan Ju finished speaking, the two of them flew towards the well at the same time, regardless of the changes in the wooden houses around them, they only thought about the dry well.

As expected, as the two of them expected, there was a faint aura surrounding the dry well, with bursts of rich fragrance.

Guan Ju held Guan Ju's hand tightly and asked in a deep voice: Sister, do you believe me?

The latter did not hesitate at all and nodded heavily: I believe it!

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