Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1100 The Mysterious House

Outside the chess game, Murong Fu smiled coldly. Seeing that the situation inside was almost the same, he withdrew his spiritual energy.

Did you do it on purpose? Zhuge Qingyun witnessed everything he did and couldn't help but ask.

Murong Fu nodded and said softly: I originally thought that after this journey of training, Gao Qiqiang would be able to change.

It seems that I was too naive.

Some people really can't stop eating shit. They are just born bad.

Zhuge Qingyun nodded in agreement: What you said makes sense. It seems that this person is destined not to stay.

That is inevitable. Although [Canglan Sword Sect] accepts a wide range of disciples and their strength is paramount, they will never leave such villains with evil intentions behind.

On the other side, Gao Qiqiang watched the lightning and thunder in the sky disappear without a trace, and smiled again.

Little did he know, he had no chance anymore. [Canglan Sword Sect] was not where he belonged after all.

However, now he has no idea and continues to pretend to be pitiful: I really didn't lie to you. Please believe me again.

The nine of us will solve the chess game together, and one more person will give us more strength.

This time, the other eight people present just felt that he was extremely disgusting, and they knew his little bit.

Guan Ju waved his hand at him and showed a mocking smile: Forget it, we can't keep this big Buddha like you.

Everyone else also nodded in agreement: You can go slowly by yourself, we are leaving!

None of them wanted to become a teammate or partner with such a person.

The [Kowloon Chess Game] was already very difficult. If we brought him along again, we would probably have to be on guard at all times.

Gao Qiqiang was shocked when he saw their reactions, and his face turned pale.

Unexpectedly, even though he was so low-key, no one believed him.

His alarm suddenly went off, and he silently said Not good in his heart!

No, we can’t just give in!

He is not willing to give in!

Immediately, he rolled his eyes, with a bit of cunning and viciousness in his eyes.

Looking at the departing figure in front of him, he shouted loudly: Wait a minute, I have something else to say!

Suddenly, everyone stopped and looked back at him with a pair of eyes, a bit unkind.

Yu Xiaohu raised his eyebrows at him: What? What else do you have to say?

Gao Qiqiang struggled to stand up, looking extremely embarrassed, and took out a box from his arms with difficulty.

This is a bead I got in [Nine Dragon Cave Mansion]. It is the key to cracking the entire chess game.

If you want to successfully crack the code and gain points, you will need my help.

Now think about it carefully, do you want to take me with you?

As soon as these words came out, the eight people left with a pause and looked at each other.

Guan Zhi was shocked and whispered: What's going on? Is what he said true?

Yu Xiaohu shook his head, with a flash of doubt in his eyes: Not necessarily, with his insidious and cunning character...

But, if what he said is true, we have to take him with us! Guan Ju thought for a moment and said hesitantly.

For a moment, the eyes of the eight people looking at Gao Qiqiang changed, and they were a bit complicated.

Gao Qiqiang was good at discerning people's hearts, and he unconsciously showed a proud look on his face: How is it? Have you thought about it? Time waits for no one!

Even if you really find it, without the help of this bead, you will never be able to solve the chess game.


Yu Xiaohu stared at him with his eyes and asked displeasedly: How do we know whether the bead you explained is real or not?

Whether it is true or not, you will know once you try it! Gao Qiqiang raised the corners of his mouth slightly and poured spiritual energy into the bead.

In an instant, the entire [Nine Dragons Chess Game] changed instantly.

Strange patterns appeared on the sky, which were constantly changing with the strength of the spiritual energy.

He raised his eyebrows at the others and said proudly: How is it? Do you believe it this time?

The eight people in the group looked shocked and gathered together to discuss for a moment. Finally, they all nodded and spoke unkindly to Gao Qiqiang:

Okay! We'll take you!

However, if you want to play any tricks, don't blame us all for being rude.

Let's go!

Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Gao Qiqiang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and limped behind them.

Just wait and see, it's all mine!

No one will take it away! No one can take it away!

The nine people walked along the path again, but with Gao Qiqiang, everyone lost the joyful mood just now.

The joyful atmosphere suddenly fell again, and everyone's faces were very resistant to Gao Qiqiang.

Fortunately, he didn't act like a monster along the way and just followed quietly.

Even so, Yu Xiaohu and others still did not relax their vigilance towards him and kept an eye on his every move.

As time passed, they left the bamboo forest and saw a majestic mansion.

The entire house was hazy and foggy, making it difficult to see clearly the fonts on the plaque. One could only vaguely see the stone lions guarding the two sides.

Yu Xiaohu showed joy on his face and said to the others:

The spiritual energy here is getting more and more abundant. It seems that we have found the right place. Why not go in and take a look first.


The nine people slowly pushed open the heavy door, and there was still a vast expanse of white in front of them, making it impossible to see the plants and trees inside.

However, with the crisp sound of ding-dong-dang-dang wind chimes.

The fog gradually dispersed to both sides, and a road appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone, follow up, don't act rashly! Guan Ju told everyone, and then gave Guan Zhi a look.

The latter immediately understood and stared at Gao Qiqiang closely.

The group of people slowly groped their way to the depths of the mansion's inner chamber, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

The fog that originally shrouded the surroundings disappeared in an instant.

When everyone saw the scenery in front of them clearly, they found that they were already in the backyard.

The entire backyard is so huge that when viewed from a distance, there seems to be no fence around it.

Look, what's over there? Ma Sanpao saw a row of black things with sharp eyes and pointed over there.

The others looked along and saw a large black thing standing upright on the ground to the east of the backyard very regularly.

A flash of light flashed in Yu Xiaohu's eyes, and he said softly: Let's go over and take a look.

Only when everyone walked in did they see what was standing upright over there.

Those are neatly arranged tree stumps...

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