Time passed little by little, and the seven of them were exhausted, with tired looks on their faces.

Hurry! We can't hold on anymore. Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and squeezed out every word from his mouth.

Ma Sanpao was also very anxious at this moment, and the movements in his hands were even faster.

He knew the heavy burden he shouldered and naturally refused to slack off for a moment.

Finally, Huangtian paid off.

An idea flashed in his mind, and the entire formation's deduction fell into his eyes.

Ma Sanpao slowly smiled and said softly: I found it, it's over here.

After that, he walked quickly towards the southwest corner, where a red halo suddenly appeared, which was a [Fire Grass].

Just now, he deduced that in the formation, the five elements are constantly changing, and this [Fire Grass] is the key to cracking it.

He walked carefully to the side and gently touched it with his hand, trying to envelop the aura above.

The next moment, he only felt a gust of wind blowing behind him.

Immediately, a hand knife struck him fiercely.

Ma Sanpao hurriedly let go of his hand, turned around and looked behind him, and came face to face with the sharp sword blade.

Gao Qiqiang's face was full of viciousness at this moment, and when he looked at Ma Sanpao, there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

You! What are you going to do? Ma Sanpao sensed something was wrong and hurriedly raised his spiritual energy to fight with him.

Gao Qiqiang did not answer his words, but struck more quickly, with murderous intent in his moves.

Ma Sanpao said No in his heart, vaguely able to guess the other party's intentions.

Although his strength has improved, he is really no match for Gao Qiqiang. He can only retreat while fighting to prevent himself from being seriously injured.

The people fighting with the wooden man also heard the movement on this side, and when they looked over distractedly, their hearts clenched together even more tightly.

Guan Ju gritted her silver teeth and stared at him with both eyes: Gao Qiqiang, you despicable villain, how dare you sneak up on me from behind!

Yu Xiaohu felt even more guilty, and only regretted that he had not spared any effort to guard against this person.

Seeing that Ma Sanpao was gradually losing ground, the rest of the people were also at their wits' end, and no one could help him at all.

Ah! With a scream, Gao Qiqiang slapped Ma Sanpao hard on the chest, knocking him to the ground.

Ma Sanpao endured the severe pain all over his body and tried to stand up again, but he stumbled and fell to the ground.

The rest of the people were also sweating for him, and their hearts were full of worry.

Gao Qiqiang glanced at everyone one by one, his eyes were cold and biting: You are lucky enough, now it is my turn.

After saying that, he walked step by step towards the [Fire Grass] in the southwest corner, laughing like crazy.

He slowly squatted down, injected all his spiritual energy into the grass, and observed quietly.

On the side, Ma Sanpao saw his action and broke into a cold sweat: No...

However, it was still a step too late.

At the moment when [Fire Grass] intertwined with Gao Qiqiang's spiritual energy, all the wooden figures on the flat ground disappeared instantly.

Just as everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, they saw fire raging all over the sky, like fire dragons wandering around.

But in just the blink of an eye, everyone was already trapped in the sea of ​​fire, and no one could escape by chance.

Gao Qiqiang did not expect such a big change. He endured the scorching heat and shouted to the sky: Ah! What on earth is going on?

Ma Sanpao was also burned by the fire at this moment, and he felt that his soul was boiling hot.

A flash of regret flashed in his eyes, and he murmured to himself: One step, just this one step, the last step...

Soon, the fire all over the sky burned more intensely, and even the Guan sisters, who had always been able to control the flames, were unable to do anything.

Everyone fell into deep despair, and their eyes reflected the light of fire.

Although Yu Xiaohu was unwilling, he accepted his fate at this moment and said to everyone: Brothers, don't be afraid, we will advance and retreat together. M..

Yes! We live and die together, and we share adversity!

The voices of the remaining people also came from different directions, impassioned and without the slightest fear.

The fire burned for a long time, and everyone relied on their spiritual energy to resist, but in the end they could not escape their fate.

When everyone opened their eyes again, they were already in a lush forest.

Ma Sanpao rubbed his eyes and looked around in confusion: Am I already dead?

Hey, why are you here too?

Look at what you said, didn't we all die together? We have a companion on the road to hell.


Suddenly, Yu Xiaohu seemed to have thought of something, and slapped Ma Sanpao on the back.

Bang! The sound was extremely clear.

Ma Sanpao suddenly grinned in pain and glared at the other party: Brother, it hurts me to death! Why are you hitting me?

Hearing his words, Yu Xiaohu breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on his face: Hey, you still know it hurts!

In an instant, the rest of the people present also reacted, looking at each other with smiles on their faces.

It turns out I'm not dead!

Great! From now on, I can go out and brag. I am a man who was not burned to death by fire.

Hey, you can go home and get a wife...

At this moment, two figures slowly walked over from the front.

Everyone looked intently and saw that it was Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun.

They were stunned for a moment, then saluted in unison: Senior brother.

Murong Fu nodded and said to everyone: Good performance, thank you for your hard work.

After saying that, he slowly raised his hand, and streaks of blue light shot out, hitting everyone's scoreboard.

Everyone was startled for a moment, and then started cheering: Great! A full sixty points!

Here I am, I have eighty points!

I gained a lot of points...

Among everyone's laughter, there was only one person whose face was very ugly, turning red and white.

Gao Qiqiang stared at his scoreboard, which had not changed at all, and the big zero on it, his eyes red.

He took a step forward, stood in front of Murong Fu, and asked loudly: Brother, why am I the only one whose points have not changed?

Murong Fu looked at him coldly without saying a word.

Gao Qiqiang felt a little panicked when he saw him, but he still suppressed the fear in his heart and stood there motionless.

Zhuge Qingyun on the side smiled with a hint of sarcasm, and slowly said: Gao Qiqiang, don't you know what you have done?

Gao Qiqiang seemed to have thought of something, his face changed, but he still managed to shout: What have I done? I'm not convinced!

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