Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1131 Straight Man’s Love

The next day, Murong Fu walked out refreshed and bumped into Yu Xiaohu and others who were coming in a hurry.

As soon as everyone saw Murong Fu, they all came forward and shouted in unison: Thank you, Senior Brother Murong.

Yu Xiaohu burst into tears of gratitude and was extremely excited: If Senior Brother Murong hadn't exposed their conspiracy, I might not have been able to enter the inner gate.

Yes, fortunately...

Everyone was talking at once, causing Murong Fu to have a headache.

Okay, it's just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning.

Now that you have become an inner disciple, you must practice hard and don't neglect it.

These are some secret books of [Canglan Sword Sect]'s techniques. Please study them carefully.

As Murong Fu spoke, he took out a few books from his arms and handed them to Yu Xiaohu and the others.

Immediately, everyone present had their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces, mixed with a bit of surprise.

This, if I read it correctly, this is a Xuan-level technique!

Really? I've never seen it before in my life.

Thank you, Senior Brother Murong.


After the group of people were dismissed, Fang Qian came out from behind him and gently hugged him from behind.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows slightly, with a smile on his lips: Why, don't you take a good rest?

Fang Qian's face turned red, she punched his chest shyly, and hurried back to the cave.

Murong Fu looked at her figure and was entranced for a moment: Really, a rare beauty!

Just as he was immersed in it, a loud voice came from another direction: Brother Murong Fu, are you there?

He sighed heavily and slowly turned around to look at Zhuge Qingyun, who was hurried over. ..

Today, he is dressed in a silver robe and plain clothes, and his usually wild hair is pulled up into a high bun.

The whole person looks a bit more handsome and unrestrained.

Murong Fu looked at him speechlessly and said in a deep voice: Why are you here again? What's the matter?

Zhuge Qingyun put his arms around him, with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, Murong Fu's heart tightened, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

As expected, Zhuge Qingyun smiled mischievously and said, Good brother, I have something I want to ask you for help with.

Murong Fu looked at his appearance and knew that something was up to him. He shook his head quickly: I can't help, I can't help.

Zhuge Qingyun was unhappy and frowned: Hey, don't refuse so quickly, I haven't said what it is yet.

Murong Fu didn't take his advice at all, and said coldly: I can't help with anything!

When he remembered that this man had rushed in yesterday and almost ruined his good mood, Murong Fu wanted to kick him down the mountain.

Zhuge Qingyun grabbed Murong Fu who was about to turn around and leave: Am I still your good brother?

The latter remained unmoved at all and shook his head: No, we are just the most familiar strangers.

Zhuge Qingyun refused to give up and continued to torture people: You don't love me anymore!

Murong Fu's face darkened, and he pushed his hand away: I didn't love you in the first place, I'm not Duanxiu!

Bah, bah, bah, neither am I. Don't talk nonsense.

The two were in a stalemate, with Zhuge Qingyun clinging to Murong Fu and not giving him a chance to escape.

At this moment, Murong Fu felt extremely regretful as to why he didn't run away from this person the first time he saw him.

Now, I'm stuck to him, and I can't leave even if I want to.

Now Murong Fu could only admit that he was unlucky and sighed heavily: Tell me, what do you want from me?

When Zhuge Qingyun heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he started talking.

Ever since that first glimpse, I have fallen deeply in love.

Those two sisters really haunt me, and I miss them day and night.

So, I made a major decision, I want to express my feelings to them...

When Murong Fu heard his plan, his body froze and he felt like a fool.

Zhuge Qingyun's plan was to send people to throw the two sisters Guan Ju and Guan Zhi into the water, and then go down to rescue them.

Let them burst into tears of gratitude and pledge themselves to you.

Under Murong Fu's strong objection, he came up with a second plan.

Collect a hundred colorful bugs from [Canglan Sword Sect], put them in wooden boxes and give them to them.

Zhuge Qingyun was impressed by his wisdom, and he was very proud of himself: I believe that the two sisters will be moved to tears.

Murong Fu had black hair and couldn't help complaining: I'm not sure if you can be moved to tears, but they will definitely scold you until you cry.

Ah? Isn't this a good gift? Zhuge Qingyun touched his head, his eyes were clear and stupid, not at all what he should be at his age.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something again, and hurriedly said: Wait a minute, I have another plan!

The third plan was even more outrageous. It was to take the two sisters to the famous Ghost Mountain in [Canglan Sword Sect].

When the time comes, you will create some ghosts and ghosts behind your back, scaring them so much that they just rush into my arms...

Zhuge Qingyun raised his head slightly and looked at the sky. The picture appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help laughing.

After hearing these ideas, Murong Fu turned around and left without even thinking about it.

He can't help me with this, I really can't.

This stupid idiot is not courting, he is clearly looking for scolding!

If he really did this, the sisters would probably think that this man was a fool.

Murong Fu couldn't help but sympathize with Zhuge Qingyun's mother.

Giving birth to such a son would be better than giving birth to a barbecued pork!

If it were like this, the Zhuge family would probably end the three generations of single inheritance and lose all descendants.

Zhuge Qingyun was immersed in his own fantasy. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Murong Fu's leaving figure: Hey, hey, don't leave!

Murong Fu knocked his hand off! Don't touch me, my mother won't let me play with you!

Fool? Who is the fool? Where is the fool?

Murong Fu raised his head and looked at the sky, wondering if spending time with such a person for a long time would affect his brain.

Unable to withstand Zhuge Qingyun's insistence, Murong Fu finally couldn't bear it and saw that his iron tree fell as soon as it bloomed.

She still gave him an idea and whispered a few words into his ear.

After Zhuge Qingyun heard this, he suddenly understood and cast an admiring look at Murong Fu:

I'll go! How wonderful! It has to be you!

Murong Fu patted his shoulder solemnly: Go! Pursue it bravely!

The latter looked serious and said, Don't worry, these two sisters will definitely be impressed by my temperament!

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