Murong Fu looked at him in surprise and asked, What's wrong with you?

Yan Zhuangxing tried his best and finally climbed up. He just took a breath and looked a little angry.

He said loudly and loudly: I don't know which evil person buried a thin wire in the pit.

It was getting late, so I didn't pay attention at all.

Just when I was about to fly out, my feet moved straight to this line, and then...

His voice became smaller and smaller, and his eyes were filled with sadness.

He stood up, straightened his clothes, and clasped his fists at Murong Fu: I have lost. I am convinced.

Yan Zhuangxing clearly knew the opponent's strength and admitted it generously without any hesitation.

Murong Fu waved his hand and said in a deep voice: What's the matter of winning or losing? It's you and me who are destined to fight today.

I'm very happy. It's been a long time since I've met an opponent that suits me so well.

Hahaha, me too!

The two had a heart-to-heart talk and soon found a place to sit down by a stream.

Yan Zhuangxing conjured two jars of wine from nowhere and forced them into Murong Fu's hands: Come! Drink!

Murong Fu stared blankly at the wine in his hand, then smiled slowly: Do it!

After saying that, the two of them touched the wine jar heavily, raised their heads and drank down the wine in one gulp.

From the fierce fight at the beginning, it has turned into a night of drinking and chatting with each other.

The two chatted from the south to the north, and seemed to have endless things to talk about. It was a shame that they met so late.

Brother Murong, I am truly lucky to have met you.

It's so happy! I'm so lucky to have such a close friend!

I'll do it first, you can do whatever you want!

Yan Zhuangxing seemed to have regarded Murong Fu as a close friend, and with his bold and unrestrained personality, he soon became a little tipsy.

Seeing him like this, Murong Fu felt very happy and quickly drank a jar of wine.

Time passed little by little, the bamboo forest rustled, and the air was filled with the fragrant aroma of wine.

The two people leaned against each other and watched the fish belly white in the sky getting brighter little by little. They felt extremely comfortable.

When the first ray of morning sun rose, Yan Zhuangxing stood up from the ground and patted the soil on his body.

Brother Murong, it's getting late, I should go back.

If there is another chance in the future, we will definitely fight again!

See you later!

Murong Fu nodded heavily and said in a deep voice: See you later!

He looked at the figures slowly leaving in front of him, with a bit of reluctance and nostalgia in his heart.

When you meet a close friend, a thousand cups are too little!

It is a great blessing in life to have such a good friend!

It only took one day for the two of them to go from being at odds with each other at the beginning to chatting over wine and becoming close friends again.

He watched the figure getting further and further away, counting the time, it was time for him to go back.

He returned to the cave along the path, only to feel that the entire sect was a little strange today.

There were even a few disciples whose whole bodies were covered in gray with traces of blood.

A few others were even more embarrassed, being supported by people around them and moving step by step.

When Murong Fu was confused, the howls of the One-Horned Demon Tiger and Stone-Eating Beast suddenly came from ahead.

The two spirit beasts looked a little funny at this moment, contrary to their usual majesty.

I saw that the whole body of [One-Horned Demon Tiger] was somehow dyed pink.

Even the pair of huge wings are covered with colorful flowers.

And the appearance of the [Stone-eating Beast] is even more hilarious. The horns on its head are tied with festive red flowers.

There were even strips of colorful ribbons attached to his body, and they all got tangled together when the wind blew.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a walking ball of colorful cloth.

Murong Fu hurriedly wanted to escape in another direction, not wanting to pay attention to these two conspicuous bags.

However, before he could even take a step, the [One-Horned Demonic Tiger] and the [Stone-Eating Beast] had already come forward in unison.

Master, master!

Woooooooo, you're finally back!

We will suffer the same consequences while you are away!

As soon as the two spiritual beasts saw Murong Fu, they flew towards him and started crying with snot and tears.

Murong Fu was so noisy by them that he had a headache. He wished he could slap them all and fainted: Stop! You two, speak slowly one by one!

The [One-Horned Demon Tiger] twitched and clung to the ground, its body covered with dust and gravel, as if it was fleeing the wilderness.

Master, that brother of yours is simply not a human being!

He didn't want to ask for love at all, it was pure murder!

He, he, he, he actually dressed us up like this to please the little girl...

Murong Fu nodded, a flash of doubt in his eyes: What's going on?

The more he listened, the more confused he became, and his eyes showed a bit of confusion.

Originally, Zhuge Qingyun wanted to express his feelings to the little girl and borrowed two spiritual beasts from him, saying that they would be of great use.

In order to get rid of him, Murong Fu naturally agreed without saying a word.

Anyway, he couldn't figure out Zhuge Qingyun's thoughts, so it wouldn't cause any big chaos.

I never thought...

Looking at the appearance of the two spiritual beasts, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

[Stone-Eating Beast] followed [One-Horned Demon Tiger]'s words and continued to cry and wipe away his tears: Master! I have never been so wronged in my life, wuwuwu~

We two brothers stayed with him for a whole day and night. We were so busy that we didn't even have a sip of water.

He clearly promised that he would give me delicious spiritual stones when things are done, but now he has not fulfilled his promise!


Murong Fu listened for a long time and still didn't understand what happened. He frowned and was speechless.

At this time, a loud noise came from the direction of [Qianju Pavilion] in the distance.

Then, there were roars one after another, and the sound was so loud that it made the ground tremble slightly.

Murong Fu frowned and looked over, a little confused in his heart: What's going on?

[Thousand Hands Pavilion] is the residence of the new inner disciples of [Canglan Sword Sect]. How could there be such a big movement?

Just as he was thinking, the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] couldn't help but let out an ouch and threw itself into Murong Fu's arms.

Wow wow wow, master, he started again!

I'm scared! I want to go home to my mother.

Uuuuuuu, he is a devil, I don't want to be with him...

Seeing the [One-Horned Devil Tiger] in such a frightened state, Murong Fu resisted the urge to throw it away and stroked its hair.

After a long while, those voices gradually stopped, and the surrounding area became calm again.

But not long after it subsided, someone was heard shouting: Someone is coming! He's gone!

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