Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1136 The second fool is here

Ma Sanpao's voice seemed particularly abrupt in the silence of everyone.

He opened his mouth, and after struggling in his heart, he slowly spoke:

Senior Brother, is the Fatty Wang you are talking about the third shop at the foot of the mountain heading west?

When Zhuge Qingyun heard this, he immediately became energetic: Hey, that's right, that's it. I didn't expect that we have someone who knows the stuff here!

Ma Sanpao's face looked like he had swallowed half a fly, and he regretted asking this question.

If he remembered correctly, that family was not selling fireworks at all, but selling flying fire (gunpowder)!

Obviously, all the disciples present had also thought of this, and the eyes they looked at Zhuge Qingyun were even more complex and changeable.

Murong Fu sighed heavily, feeling like a mouthful of old blood was stuck in his heart, and he couldn't even vomit it out.

Zhuge Qingyun obviously hadn't noticed the weird atmosphere around him, and was still complacent and impressed by his own intelligence.

How about it? My idea is good enough!

Murong Fu couldn't help it anymore, looking at him looking so stupid.

Immediately, a big guy left behind him: Idiot! That store doesn't sell fireworks at all, he sells flying fire!

Zhuge Qingyun was suddenly slapped, and he was still in a state of confusion.

Then, I heard his words.

In an instant, he froze on the spot, his face turned from green to red, then from red to black, and finally it was as colorful as a dyeing workshop.

After a long while, he slowly uttered a sentence: I'll go, you're so awesome!

No wonder! When I lit those things, I only heard bursts of explosions and didn't see any fireworks at all.

I'm also asking, why are there no fireworks blooming after lighting so many!

It turns out to be Feihuo! Hahaha, I am indeed no ordinary person. The moment I strike, I am so extraordinary!

Under everyone's shocked and surprised gazes, Zhuge Qingyun looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling even more powerful.


Murong Fu slapped him again, as if he hated the iron.

His voice couldn't help but rise a bit: You're still laughing! Look at this little girl, is there an expression of surprise on her face?

Only then did Zhuge Qingyun react. He walked over and began to look at it carefully.

Sisters Guan Ju and Guan Zhi both took a step back, with expressions of disgust on their faces.

Don't touch us!

Stupidity is contagious!

Sure enough, what Zhuge Qingyun said did not disappoint everyone at all: Yes! Look at what a surprise these two are!

Everyone heard the sound and looked over, with great confusion in their eyes!

Are you sure it's a surprise? Not frightened?

Throughout the night, just putting out a large row of wreaths scared several disciples into fainting, crying and shouting that there was a ghost on the mountain.

Coupled with the costumes of [One-Horned Demon Tiger] and [Stone-eating Beast], the disciples who came out to use the toilet in the middle of the night were so shocked that they fell into the pit and were covered with...

Not to mention there were so many vigorous and earth-shattering flying fires that kept them awake all night.

Apart from being scared, it’s just about putting out fires. ..

In just one night, all the disciples of [Thousand Hands Pavilion] had big dark circles under their eyes and their expressions were extremely bad.

Murong Fu couldn't help but hold his forehead, looking at the mess Zhuge Qingyun had made, he felt a little regretful that he had escaped in the first place.

I thought that by staying away from him, I could enjoy some peace and quiet.

I never expected that Zhuge Qingyun was really extraordinary, and it was simply shocking.

If all the elders hadn't been in seclusion, he would have been beaten up by the elders at this moment!

Looking at the looks in the eyes of the disciples around them, they all dared to be angry but dare not speak.

Hey, two sisters, I fell in love with you from the first moment I saw you. How about we have a vigorous love...

Zhuge Qingyun didn't notice anything was wrong at all, and just kept talking to the two sisters.

Guan Zhi was obviously a little panicked about love and love, and kept hiding back: No, don't!

Guan Ju was also inexperienced and shook his head in refusal.

Seeing Zhuge Qingyun approaching them step by step, the two of them were frightened and backed away.

The two girls, who are as beautiful as flowers and jade, are devoted to cultivation, and they are not familiar with worldly affairs.

Have you ever seen someone show love so boldly?

They looked at Murong Fu and said loudly: Senior Brother Murong, you...

Before they could say anything, Murong Fu strode forward and grabbed Zhuge Qingyun's collar.

He said coldly: Stop making trouble! Come back with me!

Zhuge Qingyun shook his head violently, with a persistent look on his face: No, I just like these two sisters, I won't leave!

At this moment, Yu Xiaohu stood in front of the two sisters and said: Senior Brother Zhuge, as the saying goes, forceful melons are not sweet. I think you should go back first.

Zhuge Qingyun flew over with a dagger and said loudly: You fart, whether it's sweet or not, I'll know after you take a bite!

As a young boy like you, tell me, I'm not giving you face!

Already in the [Biyun Mountains], I discovered that you have evil thoughts towards their sisters. Why are you pretending...

Seeing that the situation became more chaotic, everyone around them looked like they were watching the fun, except for holding a handful of melon seeds in their hands.

It seems that it is still a love triangle.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi's faces turned red, they both looked at each other, and then stood in front of Zhuge Qingyun.

Senior brother, I think we didn't explain things clearly just now, which caused you some misunderstandings.

The two of us sisters have worked hard to come to [Canglan Sword Sect]. We don't want to talk about love and love for the time being. We just want to practice well.

Your behavior has caused a lot of trouble to us. Please don't disturb our lives again in the future.

The words were spoken clearly and clearly, cutting through the mess with a sharp knife, leaving no room for error.

Zhuge Qingyun's eyes widened in disbelief: You, you guys...

His eyes were a little red, his whole body was trembling slightly, and then he turned around and left.

His steps were ethereal, and his figure looked a little lonely, which made people feel a little distressed just looking at him.

But when he thought about the good things he had done, everyone's sympathy disappeared instantly.

I just hope that he won't do this again in the future, it's simply too troublesome!

Murong Fu glanced at him and said to everyone present: Thank you for your hard work, everyone, please disperse.

Then, he walked to the two sisters of the Guan family and said, You two, he didn't mean to disturb you this time.

It was just the first time he saw a girl he liked, and he didn't know how to express it, so he did this.

You have worked hard all night, go back and rest early.

After listening to this, Guan Ju and Guan Zhi nodded somewhat blankly, looking at Zhuge Qingyun's leaving figure at the same time.

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