Murong Fu nodded silently, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, I could meet people on the [Hidden Dragon List] here to compete. ..

Zhuge Qingyun was even more excited. He pulled Murong Fu and followed the crowd and said, Let's go and see the excitement!

I would say that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. You should also be familiar with their ways.

When the time comes, knock them all down with one strike!

Zhuge Qingyun kept talking all the way and had great expectations for Murong Fu.

Murong Fu couldn't help but smile softly: I still have to thank you for having such confidence in me.

Hahaha, in my heart you are the most powerful!

Soon, the two of them followed the flow of people and arrived at a wide square.

At this time, the place was already crowded with people, who all came to watch the excitement after hearing the sound.

There was an endless stream of people around, and occasionally you could hear the noise of someone making noise.

Murong Fu frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable with such a dirty and messy environment, and subconsciously wanted to leave.

However, Zhuge Qingyun stopped him and raised his eyebrows at him: Look there.

Murong Fu followed his gaze and saw a high platform erected not far away, with the words Fighting Arena written on it.

Then, he saw a ranking list hanging on the left side of the arena.

He looked intently and saw the latest rankings on the [Hidden Dragon List], arranged from bottom to top.

Tenth place: [Tianmen Taoist Temple] He Yongzhou

Ninth place: [Purple Dragon Villa] Yanzhuangxing

Eighth place: [Tathagata Temple] Miaoyi Female Bodhisattva

Seventh place: [Wind and Rain Sect] Guyu Luo

Sixth place: [Canglan Sword Sect] Murong Fu

Fifth place: [Lingxiao Gate] Wang Yiyi

Fourth place: [Lingxiaomen] Wang Erzhang

Third place: [Jade Dragon Sword Sect] Fang Ruonan

Second place: Around [Daofazhuang]

First place: [Shadow Sect] Phantom

Murong Fu looked at them one by one and found that he actually knew four of these ten people.

Except for himself, Yan Zhuangxing and Gu Yuluo had all fought against him.

We have never met Yan Zhuangxing before, and there is a feeling that we meet each other too late.

When he saw Gu Yuluo, he immediately thought of the woman in red, with deep blue eyes, as if she was born with an attractive charm.

What surprised him most was that he actually saw the Bodhisattva Miaoyi.

Unexpectedly, when I said goodbye to the [Spiritual God Realm], I originally thought of going to the [Tathagata Sect] to visit her some other day.

Unexpectedly, we would meet here.

He turned around and looked around. Apart from countless crowded figures, he didn't see that familiar figure.

Here I go, this [Hidden Dragon List] has undergone earth-shaking changes this year!

But no, except for the first two that haven't changed, the rest are beyond expectations.

Especially the two brothers from [Lingxiao Sect], if I remember correctly, they were ranked at the bottom last year.

Don't tell me, there are quite a few newcomers this year!


Listening to everyone's discussion, Murong Fu once again landed on the [Hidden Dragon List], and his eyes darkened.

Zhuge Qingyun said excitedly at the side: Brother Murong, I'm afraid there will be something good to watch at this year's [Roland Conference]!

What do you say? Murong Fu turned his head to look at him and asked softly.

Zhuge Qingyun pointed at the list and introduced him one by one: The ninth and tenth places, one was fourth and the other was fifth last year, but this year they fell directly to the bottom.

And the eighth-placed Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva is a new member of the list with you. It is said that it is also because of her reputation in the [Spiritual God Realm].

Gu Yuluo in seventh place and Wang Ruonan in third place are also newcomers this year. They are both women. Their strength...

Zhuge Qingyun's mouth went dry as he spoke, and he told him the identities of all nine people.

There were people around who could hear his words and couldn't help but say: This little brother is amazing. He can actually know everything about the people on the list. It seems that he has done a lot of homework!

Zhuge Qingyun raised his eyebrows and said proudly: That's natural. I was fully prepared before coming!

Hahaha, awesome!

Zhuge Qingyun nodded to the people around him, smiled brightly at Murong Fu, and continued: This is the first place...

A strange look flashed in his eyes, and then he hesitated for a while before continuing: This person is not simple!

The first one is from the [Shadow Sect]. It is said that his strength has been unfathomable for a long time. No one can defeat him more than three times.

Phantom is famous for his magic skills, and his body shape and footwork are perfect.

It is said that in the last term, someone tried to crack his [Shifting Shadow], but unexpectedly it was backfired, and a pair of eyes were directly burned...

Zhuge Qingyun was close to Murong Fu's ear, talking about some of Phantom's deeds.

Murong Fu was a little shocked and couldn't help but cast his eyes on the list again.

First place: [Shadow Sect] Phantom

He silently recited in his heart: Shadow Sect, Phantom...


At this moment, a burst of drum sound suddenly came from the arena in front, attracting everyone's attention.

Suddenly, the scene suddenly became ablaze.

Murong Fu stood below and looked down, only to see a woman wearing a tight-fitting black training suit striding onto the stage.

I heard that some people overestimate their abilities and want to challenge me in public!

If that's the case, then I'll come here for a while!

Who on earth is so overestimating his own abilities?

Her voice was not as soft and delicate as an ordinary woman's, but instead had a bit of a man's roughness.

As soon as she finished speaking, two figures appeared on the left side of the arena, it was Wang Yiyi and Wang Erzhang.

Wang Erzhang took a step forward, flew up and landed opposite Fang Ruonan.

It's me! His voice was a little strange, making Murong Fu feel a little uncomfortable.

This man looked tall and thick, but his voice sounded like that of a eunuch, weak and weak.

Obviously, everyone present also noticed this and couldn't help but start whispering.

Why does his voice sound like this?

Yes, it was obviously normal last year, why did it suddenly become neither male nor female!

Tell me, did he do something to make this...

As soon as these words came out, the people around him burst into laughter and showed a meaningful smile.

Wang Erzhang, who was standing above, naturally heard it, his face twisted in an extremely unnatural way.

Wang Yiyi sternly scolded: Shut up! It won't be your turn anytime. These people are telling my brother what to do!

His words were penetrating and powerful, echoing throughout the square, shocking the people discussing, and no one dared to say another word.

Wang Erzhang took a deep breath and looked at Fang Ruonan.

The two looked at each other closely, and there seemed to be sparks colliding between them.

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