Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1151 Something is wrong

Wang Erzhang jumped off the ring and smiled slowly: I lost today!

Seeing this, Wang Yiyi also showed a meaningful smile: Third in [Hidden Dragon List], it really deserves its reputation.

Suddenly, everyone present, whether it was Fang Ruonan above the ring or the crowd watching below the ring.

At this moment, everyone was confused and couldn't figure out what kind of medicine the two brothers were selling in the gourd.

What's going on? Why did Wang Erzhang suddenly admit defeat?

It seems that they are equally matched. If they fight to the end, it is still unclear who will lose and who will win.

What on earth is Wang Erzhang doing? Why can't I understand him more and more...

Everyone was talking about it for a while, looking at the two brothers with a bit of confusion.

Zhuge Qingyun also saw the secret behind this and whispered in Murong Fu's ear: Tell me, is there something wrong with these two brothers?

Murong Fu's eyes flashed with light, and he nodded slowly, agreeing with his statement.

Just now, he already had doubts about this.

Now, Wang Erzhang's method of subduing the enemy without fighting has confirmed his suspicion.

Fang Ruonan put away his sword and looked at them with furrowed brows. His voice was rough and strong: Wang Erzhang, you teased me like this today. I will pay you back a hundredfold at the [Roland Conference] in the future.

After saying that, she cast a stern look over there, stood on tiptoes and flew away.

When everyone saw that the protagonists had already left, some of them still had some unfinished thoughts and dispersed one after another.

But in the blink of an eye, most of the people in the square had disappeared, leaving only a few scattered people still discussing what had just happened.

Murong Fu looked towards the side of the ring, looking dazed.

Over there, Wang Yiyi and Wang Erzhang were whispering, pointing in the direction Fang Ruonan left, not knowing what they were talking about.

The two people discussed for a long time, suddenly raised their heads, and happened to meet Murong Fu's eyes.

Suddenly, even though there were nearly a hundred steps between the three of them, there was still something wrong with the atmosphere.

Zhuge Qingyun looked at Murong Fu, then at the two brothers over there, and said, What are you looking at? Let's go too.

Only then did Murong Fu come to his senses, the corners of his clothes flew up, and he turned around and left the square.

Behind him, two unkind eyes were cast towards him, vaguely mixed with a bit of darkness. ..

Brother, you think what we did today will not be discovered by anyone, right?

Don't worry, there will definitely be no flaws in what he gives you.

On both sides of the street, there was still the sound of the vendors shouting, mixed with some fierce bargaining.

There was no expression on Murong Fu's face, but the scene of Wang Erzhang fighting Fang Ruonan kept reappearing in his mind.

He frowned and took a deep breath.

Zhuge Qingyun noticed that he was worried and bumped him with his shoulder: What's wrong with you? I just saw you over there in the square, even if you are worried about something.

By the way, as you saw when they fought just now, those individuals are not fuel-efficient.

This [Roland Conference] is probably going to be more intense than in previous years.

Murong Fu looked at him and remained silent for a long time before finally speaking: Did you just find out...

What did you find? Zhuge Qingyun blinked at him with a pair of innocent and clear eyes.

Do you feel that there is something wrong with Wang Erzhang?

When Zhuge Qingyun heard this, he immediately began to think back, with a pensive and painful expression on his face.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and slapped his forehead: That's right! I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me.

There was definitely something wrong with Wang Erzhang just now. Why did his voice sound like a girl?

Even when I heard it, I couldn't help but get goosebumps all over my body. It sounded like the voice of a madam in a brothel.

Upon hearing this, Murong Fu turned his head silently and left in one direction.

He knew that nothing useful could be said from Zhuge Qingyun's mouth.

Hey, hey, wait for me!

Speaking of brothels, I have an idea.

It is said that there is the largest brothel in [Pengcheng] called [Liu Li Shrine].


Murong Fu listened to the chattering voice behind him, felt a burst of noise, and walked forward quickly again.

Suddenly, he saw people coming and going, and a familiar voice appeared.

His heart moved and he walked up quickly.

Zhuge Qingyun was still immersed in the fantasy of [Liu Li Shrine] when he suddenly saw Murong Fu quickening his pace.

There was a somewhat anxious look on his face: No, brother! You should wait for me!

Tell me about you. You look so serious on the surface, but in fact you wish you could have two more legs!

Come on, come on, I'll show you the way!

With that said, he quickly caught up and followed Murong Fu.

Murong Fu's eyes at this moment were all focused on the figure not far away in front of him, and he paid no attention to what he said.

Symbolically, he nodded.

Soon, the two people passed through one street after another and walked into a small alley.

Murong Fu looked at the people in front of him, his steps became faster and faster, and soon he disappeared into the alley.

The place is sparsely populated, with a few here and there talking about it.

Murong Fu felt a little anxious and followed the man's traces, looking for the shadow bit by bit.

It was only then that Zhuge Qingyun realized that something was wrong with him, and suddenly said, Are you looking for someone?

Murong Fu nodded: That's right!

Just now I saw Fang Ruonan among the crowd.

I have something to ask him. Let's ask him face to face.

He said this seriously, but Zhuge Qingyun didn't know what was wrong with him, and his mind began to wander again.

He hurriedly stopped him: Brother, you don't want your life, even this man woman wants to talk to you!

Murong Fu frowned and kicked him: What nonsense are you talking about? I really have serious business with her.

Yes, yes, everything you do is serious, I'm not serious, okay.

Shut up! Murong Fu was a little upset by his noise, and Fang Ruonan's figure suddenly disappeared when he arrived.

For a moment, I felt very unhappy.

He sighed and was about to find a place to stay when he heard the words of the literati beside him.

By the way, have you heard? Today is the day of the [Liu Li Shrine] top auction.

That's natural. I've been waiting for this day for a long time!

That girl Liuli, I once met her from a distance when she was parading on a float.

It can be said that it is as graceful as a startled dragon, like a swimming dragon...

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