Outside [Ruri Shrine], people were noisy and noisy, and the cries of small vendors came and went.

Murong Fu walked to the door and saw that the lobby facing the door was decorated with splendor and splendor, like a magnificent palace.

On the top of the red-painted gate, there is a black golden nanmu plaque hanging, with four large characters Liu Li Shrine inscribed with dragons and phoenixes flying on it.

Looking from a distance through the gate, I saw that the woman inside was beautiful, and the piano and dance music were very beautiful, attracting everyone to enjoy them intoxicatedly.

In the main hall directly opposite, there is a red lacquered square platform about two meters high, with a screen for mandarin ducks playing in the water behind it.

There are six tall flower pillars on both sides of the square platform, covered with a variety of different flowers.

Six pillars are surrounded by rows of crimson gauze curtains, making the dancing posture of the woman on the high platform particularly mysterious and delicate.

The sound of strings and bamboo strings could be heard endlessly, which attracted a burst of applause from everyone in the audience.

Zhuge Qingyun finally got rid of the colorfully dressed women around him and caught up with him panting.

He frowned and looked at the revelers inside: I said, do we really want to go in?

Murong Fu said coolly: What else? Didn't you say you wanted to bring me to see the world?

After that, he strode in without looking back.

Zhuge Qingyun stood there stunned for a moment, and out of the corner of his eye he saw the women who had been thrown away by him were about to pounce on him again.

He shook the goosebumps on his body and hurriedly chased after me: Wait for me!

As soon as the two stepped into the door, they felt a little painful from the flash of light in front of their eyes.

The scene in front of them made both of them stunned at the same time.

The entire lobby is made of colorful sandalwood as beams, crystal jade as lamps, and pearls as curtains.

The huge high platform in front is made of agarwood, with a red gauze tent hanging from it. The tent is also embroidered with various kinds of flowers using gold and silver threads.

Oh my God!

Where is this brothel? It's clearly a palace!

This is too big a gesture. I have never seen anything like this...

Zhuge Qingyun looked at the surrounding decorations somewhat dullly and couldn't help but sigh.

The people around me smiled with joy, and said, This little brother, I guess you haven't been here before!

No one in [Pengcheng] knows that this [Liu Li Shrine] is dedicated to the children of aristocratic families.

Ordinary people can't come in here at all. Recently, for some reason, ordinary people like us are allowed to come in and out.

People around also echoed: Yes, if it had been a few days ago, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to get in by now, and we would have to stand at the door and watch from a distance.

I also heard that there was once a scholar who tried to sneak in, but was damaged by the equipment guarding here.

That scene... tsk tsk tsk!

When Zhuge Qingyun heard this, he was immediately puzzled: How can this [Liu Li Shrine] do business like this? How can there be any reason to drive out the guests who come to the door?

Maybe, this is the difference between ordinary people and nobles!

Murong Fu's heart moved. After listening to everyone's words, his eyes fell on the high platform again.

The wind blows, and the red gauze slowly spreads out, and a huge moon bead hangs faintly on the high platform, shining like a bright moon.

Below are a group of dancers, wearing light blue dresses and a pure white gauze jacket, which vividly reflects their graceful figures.

There is no decoration on the waist-length hair, just a light blue ribbon.

There is a purple crystal on the white and smooth neck with various names written on it.

Pothos, Night Dance, Begonia...

The dancers' skin was as white as snow, their hands were like catkins, and their skin was like gelatin against the surrounding red gauze curtains.

She has a beautiful smile, beautiful eyes, and her enchanting posture changes little by little with the dance steps.

He smiled brightly at everyone in the audience, and soon attracted countless cheers and praises.

One of them pointed to the high platform and exclaimed loudly: Look, those women are dancing barefoot, and they seem to leave something behind wherever they pass!

When everyone heard the sound and looked around, they saw that the women in their twenties and eighties were really walking barefoot, like lotus roots.

As they moved and danced, a lotus shape vaguely formed under their feet, which remained on the high platform for a long time.

Lotus grows at every step!

It's really exquisite!

I have seen such a scene in my life. It's really worth my time to come to this world.


Murong Fu had no intention of looking at these things now and began to look around for Fang Ruonan.

If he wants to prove his suspicion, he must find her first!

Zhuge Qingyun wasn't used to this place, so he pulled Murong Fu's sleeve: Let's go, we've all seen it before.

No! I have decided that we will live here today! Murong Fu was determined and did not give him any time to refuse.

He walked straight towards the private room upstairs and threw out a bag of spirit stones: Come and get two good rooms!

Immediately a boy came up to him, shook the bag in his hand, and immediately smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum.

Come on, come on! Two guests, please come upstairs!

Tianzi No. 1 Shuiyunjian, Tianzi No. 2 Biluojian...

Zhuge Qingyun froze on the spot, feeling uncomfortable all over when he thought that he had to stay here all night.

But now, Murong Fu gave him no room to refuse, so he could only follow his fate.

As soon as he entered the room, Zhuge Qingyun had a bitter look on his face. He had just been entangled by those women and was a little insane: I don't want to spend the night here!

I'm scared, I want to go home to my mother!

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuancyniuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, the women here are too scary, they can suck people's yang energy!

Murong Fu patted him on the shoulder and said softly: Now that you've come, let's settle down. We have to find a place to stay. You can just treat it as an ordinary inn.

Tell me, tell me loudly, why do I think this is an ordinary inn! Zhuge Qingyun fell on the bed in despair and let out a painful cry.

Suddenly, he felt something touching his waist.

As soon as he lifted the quilt, his whole body stiffened and his face turned red.

This, this, this...

He was a little at a loss, so he closed it again with his backhand, covering the various things.

I can't stay any longer!

Murong Fu ignored him and patted his shoulder heavily: Men must learn to adapt.

After saying that, he went to the next room without looking back, not caring about the face of Zhuge Qingyun behind him who was about to cry.

In the Shuiyunjian of Tianzi No. 1, Murong Fu opened the window and looked downstairs.

As soon as he entered here, he discovered that from the room on the second floor, he could have a panoramic view of everything that happened on the first floor.

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