Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1158 The little demon witch

Murong Fu raised his eyes to look at the person opposite, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

I saw a girl in green standing there with a smile, her long hair shawl, and a silver belt tied around her head.

Her skin was as radiant as snow, and her eyes were like a pool of clear water, turning several times on the faces of Murong Fu and Fang Ruonan.

This girl's appearance is extremely beautiful, she is really like a bright pearl, and she is so beautiful that just one glance can make people fall in love with her.

She was shaking a folding fan in her hand, talking and smiling.

When she smiled, she felt that the moon and stars had lost their color.

Hehehe, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. Her voice was clear and sweet, as playful as an elf in the sky.

Murong Fu looked at her and smiled lightly: Isn't that ours?

The woman's eyes lit up and she showed a bright smile:

Sir, you are so good-looking. Are you interested in going to a restaurant for a drink? Let's explore the true meaning of life together.

Oh? Murong Fu was a little surprised and raised his eyebrows.

It seemed that he had not expected that the woman opposite him would be so proactive, which was really beyond his expectation. ..

He immediately took a step forward, his voice low and magnetic: Well, it's not impossible. But, what do you call this girl?

Refreshing! I like you like this!

This girl is the little witch of [Fengtian Sect], Dongfang Invincible.

Where are you, Master?

Dongfang Bubai smiled brightly, raised his eyebrows and winked at Murong Fu.

The latter's heart moved and he whispered: [Canglan Sword Sect] Murong Fu, nice to meet you!

The two of them looked at each other, creating different sparks, and there was a bit of mist in the air.

Completely ignoring that there was another person standing next to the two of them.

At this moment, Fang Ruonan's body was stiff.

His eyes flowed back and forth between Murong Fu and Dongfang Bubai.

Her eyes were full of shock and disbelief, and she subconsciously took half a step back.

Even though she was mentally prepared, she still couldn't help but be surprised when she heard their identities.

Unexpectedly, there was a man and a woman in front of them.

One is a little witch from the Demon Cult, and the other is number eight on the [Hidden Dragon List].

it turns out……

Murong Fu noticed her movements and turned his head to look at her: What's wrong? But where is the discomfort?

Fang Ruonan shook his head and looked at him with a hint of defensiveness in his eyes.

She thought about thousands of possibilities, but she never thought that the person in front of her...

Are you afraid of me? Murong Fu saw something was wrong with her and asked. Fang Ruonan's inner thoughts were exposed and he subconsciously retorted.

Dongfang Bubai, who was on the side, had just listened to the conversation between the two, and naturally knew the ins and outs of everything.

He couldn't help but say angrily: Haha, how ironic! People are only thinking about your injury, but you are so defensive. It's really chilling!

She defended Murong Fu and looked at Fang Ruonan who was stunned with some annoyance.

The latter reacted immediately and shook his head: I...I didn't, that's not what I meant.

I just can't believe why you want to help me like this.

Obviously my ranking is higher than yours. If I lose all my spiritual energy, it might as well be a good thing for you.

She met their gazes and asked the doubts hidden in her heart.

Murong Fu calmed down his expression and said with a serious face: I, Murong Fu, have never bothered to do such things that take advantage of others.

I will only defeat my opponents in an upright manner and will never use these despicable methods!

I'm helping you this time because I can't stand their behavior and don't want a genius like you to suffer like this.

If you don't believe it, you can find another capable person!

After saying this, Fang Ruonan felt a little ashamed, and his face turned slightly red under the moonlight.

She bowed and whispered, Sorry.

I judged a gentleman with a villain's heart, and I am here to apologize to you.

Please forgive me for my rudeness.

Murong Fu waved his hand and expressed his understanding: It's okay, your worries are human and I won't take them to heart.

His heroic appearance fell in Dongfang Bubai's eyes, and a flash of surprise flashed: He is indeed the man I have fallen in love with, he is so outstanding and charming!

Murong Fu fell on the wound, his face watery: Now, we still have to use [Lotus Heart Grass] as a guide, so that I can remove the poison and heal your wound.

Dongfang Bubai took out a herb from his arms and handed it over: Isn't it [Lotus Heart Grass]? We have plenty of it on the back mountain of [Fengtian Sect]!

In her hand, she saw a poisonous weed with white flowers and red leaves, glowing faintly with red light in the moonlit night.

Fang Ruonan looked excited, his eyes fell on [Lotus Heart Grass], and he couldn't help himself.

Miss Oriental, can you give me this plant? I'm willing to use anything in exchange.

Dongfang Bubai shook his head, and his eyes fell on Murong Fu again: I only give this herb to those who are destined to have it.

I wonder if Mr. Murong would like to agree to have a drink with me in a restaurant?

What do you think of using this [Lianxincao] in exchange for drinking with the young master at the same table?

Fang Ruonan was stunned for a moment, then felt a little embarrassed.

She could use anything of her own to exchange this herb with Dongfang Bubai, but the other party's request...

This has nothing to do with Mr. Murong. I need this [Lotus Heart Grass]. I hope Miss Dongfang will make another request.

Dongfang Bubai shook his head: No, I want him to have a drink with me!

Seeing her domineering and willful expression, Murong Fu smiled unconsciously, and his voice was mixed with a hint of endearment: Okay, it's up to you.

If Zhuge Qingyun had been present, he would have been so shocked that his jaw would have dropped by now.

With Murong Fu's character, how could he have ever been so threatened? It was just...

Even Fang Ruonan didn't expect that he would agree so easily, and he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.


Before she could speak, Murong Fu shook his head at her and comforted her softly: You don't have to feel pressure, everything is of my own free will.

With that said, he took the [Lotus Heart Grass] from Dongfang Bubai's hand and pushed it into Fang Ruonan's body with spiritual energy.

Soon, streaks of crimson light burst out, and Fang Ruonan felt hot inside his body.

Murong Fu's eyes narrowed, and he found the right moment to cover the two wounds with spiritual energy at the same time.

As two wisps of blood fell into the air, Fang Ruonan's vision went dark and his whole body fell limply.

Just as Murong Fu was about to catch the person, he saw Dongfang Bubai taking the lead and holding the person in his arms.

She winked at him and said, You should leave this matter to me whether men and women are allowed to have sex or not.

As she said that, she helped Fang Ruonan lean against the tree.

How could Murong Fu not know her little thoughts? He smiled slowly and said nothing more.

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