Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1161 Liuli’s life experience

The nightly singing at the [Liu Li Shrine] came to an abrupt end accompanied by a dance of colorful feathers.

The dignitaries held Yingying Yanyan in their arms and walked towards the second floor.

As for those individual tourists, some of them still had unfinished business and returned home in frustration.

In the room on the second floor, Murong Fu and Dongfang Bubai went to Wushan together. Both of them were sweating lightly.

The sky was getting dark, and the sounds in each room gradually became quieter, with bursts of snoring coming from the room.

In the dead of night, fine raindrops began to fall outside the window.

Tick tock, tick tock...

Everything was so quiet and peaceful, but a sword light cut through the long night.

On the third floor, a group of men in black filed in.

Liuli looked at them coldly, without any warmth in her eyes: They are on the second floor. You should be more agile and don't disturb other guests.

Don't worry, Miss Liuli, Madam has already given instructions. Gu Lun, the leader of the secret guards of the Wan family, nodded.

On the surface, he was respectful, but in fact, he looked down on the illegitimate daughter in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

Zhang Qiang's eyes widened as he watched, wishing he could cling to Liuli tightly.

He had long heard that his uncle had a beautiful illegitimate daughter outside.

He had never seen it before, but when he saw it today, it was really more shocking than the rumors said.

Compared with her, cousin Yiyi is simply an ugly duckling in the quagmire.

Zhang Qiang's lust was ready to move again, and a pair of hands restlessly touched Liuli's legs. M..

Sister Liuli, it's cold at night, why are you wearing so little?

Liuli smiled slightly, and after enduring it in her heart, she still pinched her throat and said, Cousin, it's more important to do business first.

When you come back, let's have tea and talk. Wouldn't it be nice and happy?

Are you right, cousin~

As Liuli spoke, she winked at him, looking three-quarters charming and seven-quarters seductive.

Zhang Qiang nodded repeatedly, and saliva almost flowed out of his mouth: Yes, yes, yes!

Sister Liuli is right. I will come back to you after my cousin has dealt with those two bitches.

You must wait for me!

The other secret guards of Wanfu around looked at the man and woman in front of them, feeling a bit of disgust and contempt in their hearts.

A brothel girl and a playboy.

One is the illegitimate daughter of the Wan family living abroad, and the other is the nephew of the Xue family who came to Qiufeng.

The two of them really matched each other.

Gu Lun stepped forward coldly, his eyes filled with coldness: Okay, it's getting late, let's act!

Yes! Dozens of secret guards around him nodded in unison and responded softly.

Zhang Qiang looked at the smiling woman leaning against the door, showed what he thought was the most handsome profile, and said, Wait until I come back!

Okay~ Liuli said each word with a sound that could be repeated a thousand times, with such tenderness that it made people's bones go numb.

Zhang Qiang was no exception. When he went downstairs, he almost stepped on the air and fell.

Gu Lun gave him a cold look and said in a bad tone: Young Master Zhang, you should be careful, don't scare the snake and cause a big problem.

You are not worthy of talking to me like this. I will give you a pestle! With that, Zhang Qiang was about to take action.

However, as soon as his hand was raised into the air, it was firmly stopped, pinching his wrist painfully.

A man walked up to Gu Lun with a low voice:

Master Zhang, I advise you to respect the leader. We are not your original guards who can beat you whenever you ask.

We are the secret guards of the Wan family, and we cannot allow you to humiliate us like this!

This time I'm just teaching you a lesson. There will be a next time...

Then don't blame the knife in my hand for not having eyesight!

After that, he kicked Zhang Qiang in the stomach, knocking him several meters away.

Until he hit the stairs hard and could barely stop, his body felt like it was about to fall apart.

The secret guard's eyes were as if nothing, and he drifted towards Liuli's direction: Some people are only worthy of being a brothel girl in this life. It's better not to have wishful thinking about anything else.

An unloved illegitimate daughter had better calm down, otherwise we won't mind cleaning up the house for Madam.


After he finished speaking, he flew downstairs directly.

Soon, the figures of dozens of secret guards disappeared, leaving only Gu Lun smiling.

He stretched out his hand and pulled Zhang Qiang up from the ground: Master Zhang, I'm really offended!

At this moment, Zhang Qiang's heart was filled with rage, but he had no way to vent it. He could only hold back a breath and turned around and went downstairs.

After they left, Liuli's eyes were cold and bright, her red lips parted lightly: Idiot.

Yiyun came out from behind her, looking a little worried: Master, let's do this...

Shut up! You go down too and act according to the circumstances. Liuli gave her a look and her voice was cold.

Yes! The latter responded and retreated.

At this time, the people on the second floor didn't know that they had been targeted.

In the room, Murong Fu hugged Dongfang Bubai and stroked her white neck bit by bit.

He lowered his head and leaned next to the little ear, and spoke softly, hot air spraying out: Why are you here?

Dongfang Bubai felt hot all over his body, and his body couldn't help but twist. His voice was hoarse: I accepted the mission and came here to act as a bodyguard for a young lady to protect his personal safety.

I heard that you are already eighth on the [Hidden Dragon List], I guess...

The corners of Murong Fu's lips raised: I see, then you have known for a long time that I will definitely come here, so...

With a smile in his eyes, he looked steadily at the beautiful little person in his arms.

Yes! Dongfang Bubai nodded shyly, his face blushing a little deeper.

Hahaha, it turns out that in the final analysis, some people miss me!

You hate it!

Dongfang Bubai's face was hot, and for a moment he was so embarrassed that he wished he could find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, raised her head and asked, No, why did you and that person settle here?

Let me tell you, the water inside this [Ruri Shrine] is deep, especially for the oiran Ruri.

even more……

Murong Fu frowned slightly. Thinking of those charming eyes, he couldn't help but ask, Oiran Liuli? What's wrong with her?

She...I don't know the details, I just heard about it by chance in [Pengcheng] these two days.

Anyway, she's just not a good person.

You stay away from her!

Dongfang Bubai lay on his chest, his voice soft and hoarse, and told Murong Fu the general situation in the city.

Suddenly, the weak candlelight in the room swayed gently, and a gust of wind suddenly blew open the closed door.

Dongfang Bubai was suddenly startled and looked back: What's going on?

It doesn't matter, it might be raining tonight, so it's destined to be uneven outside. Murong Fu touched her head and comforted her softly.

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