Xue Lingqi also knew that this matter was not trivial, so he did not dare to say anything more and took a deep breath.

Her eyes were so red that they seemed to bleed, and she stared into the distance, as if there were thousands of sharp swords.

Wan Fang on the side was furious, pacing back and forth in the courtyard, thinking about countermeasures.

At this point, he absolutely cannot sit still and wait for death, and must save the situation.

Husband, we can't mess up our situation now, everything is not a foregone conclusion yet.

Don't worry, there will always be a way.

Although Murong Fu has arrived at the Fang family, he may not conspire with the Fang family father and son, so...

Xue Lingqi gradually calmed down and began to analyze the current situation.

Zhang Qiang also echoed: Yes, so what if you bring the person to the house, whether you can keep him or not is still a question.

At this moment, a secret guard came quietly behind Wan Fang, whispered a few words, and then retreated.

On the other hand, Wan Fang's expression changed from solemn to flustered, and then to angry.

What's wrong? Xue Lingqi noticed something was wrong and asked softly.

Now, it is an important stage of the struggle between the Wan family and the Fang family. Either you die or I live.

Wan Fang sighed and looked extremely anxious: The secret guard just came to report that Fang Yuan actually kept Murong Fu and the others.

What! Xue Lingqi's expression changed instantly and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

What did Fang Yuan mean by keeping Murong Fu?

Everyone present knew it.

Xue Lingqi and Wan Fang looked at each other, and both saw shock and panic in each other's eyes.

Wan Fang looked at the secret guards coldly, his voice low and gloomy: Everyone, stand down!


Soon, all the people kneeling, standing, lying and prone left in a hurry.

Only Fang Yuan, Xue Lingqi and Zhang Qiang were left standing there, each thinking.

After a long while, Wan Fang's tone was mixed with anger: It's all my fault that you, a good nephew, are really good at it!

It's not good to offend anyone, but I offend the people on the [Hidden Dragon List].

If the [Roland Conference] loses any of the above people, our Wan family can pack up and get out of the ranks of the top ten aristocratic families!

His chest kept rising and falling, and he looked like he was out of breath, and his breathing began to quicken.

Xue Lingqi knew that he was in the wrong, so he didn't say anything more, but secretly gave Zhang Qiang a hard look.

Immediately, he stepped forward and comforted him: Husband, please don't be angry, there will be other solutions.

What else can be done? If Murong Fu is really angry and refuses to attend the [Roland Conference]...

Suddenly, a gleam flashed in the eyes of Zhang Qiang, who was standing aside with a low eyebrow, and slowly raised his head: Uncle, aunt, I have thought of a way!

Wan Fang glanced at him suspiciously, and his tone was mixed with disdain: What can you do?

Xue Lingqi also knew what his nephew was like on weekdays, but at this moment he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He sighed heavily and said, Let him talk, maybe he can really solve the trouble at hand.

Wan Fang's sharp gaze fell on him: Tell me, what can you do?

Zhang Qiang hesitated for a moment, cleared his throat, and spoke steadily:

Our biggest problem now is that Murong Fu will not attend the [Roland Conference], and that he and the Fang family share the same hatred against us.

Instead of fussing over here, why not address the root cause of the problem.

In this case, wouldn't the current dilemma be solved?

After hearing this, Xue Linqi and Wan Fang fell into deep thought and nodded silently.

Yes, what Zhang Qiang said makes sense.

The root cause of the current situation lies in the conflict between Murong Fu and Wan Jia.

Whether it was Murong Fu's absence from the [Roland Conference] or his conspiracy with the Fang family and his son, it was a huge disaster for the current Wan family.

If the problem is solved from the root cause...

Xue Lingqi's eyes changed and he said, You mean, we go apologize to Murong Fu and ask for his forgiveness?

No! Zhang Qiang clenched his fist tightly, his voice trembling slightly.

Let's not talk about it. We have offended people greatly. It is not certain whether Murong Fu will accept our apology.

Even if he accepts it, if this matter gets spread in the future, our Wan family will be disgraced.

The best way now is...

Wan Fang also understood what he meant at this moment and whispered: Kill!

Zhang Qiang nodded heavily: Uncle is right!

Xue Lingqi was a little shocked by what the two said and whispered: Isn't this inappropriate?

Although Wan Fang doesn't want to do this, he can't think of any solution now. ..

He said cruelly: I will do as you say.

Xue Lingqi still hesitated: However, as Murong Fu is the eighth on the [Hidden Dragon List], his strength cannot be underestimated. Even the secret guards in our mansion are no match for him.

After hearing this, Wan Fang slowly raised the corners of his mouth with a sarcastic smile: Who said no one can beat him?

Before he finished speaking, he gestured to the surroundings, and soon a black figure appeared in front of the three of them.

The man was covered in black robes, and even his face was covered by a veil, leaving only a pair of cold and piercing eyes.

Xue Lingqi looked at him with some confusion: This is...

The next moment, she seemed to have thought of something and exclaimed: He, he is the shadow guard left by the old family master?

Wan Fang nodded, his eyes full of pride and joy.

In fact, they have been at odds with the Fang family over the years, and the two families have been fighting a lot privately.

But no one ever knew that he actually had a trump card that he never used.

That is...the person in front of me.

Back then, after Wan Fang's father passed away, he was left with a team of shadow guards, all of whom were above the Divine Transformation Realm.

Secretly relying on the help of the shadow guards, he gradually established a firm foothold in the top ten families.

Therefore, the Shadow Guard force has not been used for several years.

Now, they have to be reactivated.

The person in front of him half-knelt and whispered, his voice was cold and biting, without any emotion: My shadow guard Shu Ran, I have met the master of the house and my wife!

Wan Fang smiled brightly and said softly: Get up, there is something I need you to do.

Yes, I will definitely fulfill my mission.

Kill the man named Murong Fu, including the few people around him, leave no one behind!

As you command!

After a few words, Shu Ran took the order and flew away without any nonsense.

Xue Lingqi was still worried in his heart, so he couldn't help but say: Can he do it? I think Murong Fu's strength is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Wan Fang rolled his eyes and smiled coldly: Haha, you can say I'm not good, but you can never question the shadow guards left behind by my father.

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