Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1175 The Crisis of the Invincible East

The air in the temple is fresh and fragrant, and seems to have an imperceptible fragrance.

Dongfang Bubai was wandering alone in the backyard, and unknowingly came to a dense forest.

Somehow, she missed Murong Fu especially tonight, tossing and turning for a long time.

Fulang, I'm thinking of you, do you know? Her voice was low, with magnetism and tenderness that was unique to her.

The shadows of the trees swayed, the moonlight was hazy, and the birds in the mountains sang and scattered in the faint light.

Dongfang Bubai stayed alone for a long time, until the strong wind around him wrinkled, and then he slowly got up and planned to go back.

The moment she stood up, she felt a little dizzy, followed by pain from her waist.

She showed a shy smile, as if she had thought of something, and her face felt slightly hot.

With a 咻 sound, a ray of silver light cut through the sky and went straight to her chest.

Dongfang Bubai's heart moved, he stepped back and dodged.

She steadied herself and took a closer look.

On the tree trunk next to her, there was a white blade embedded deeply into the tree.

Who is it? She looked around with a sharp look in her eyes, feeling cautious in her heart.

Unexpectedly, an assassin would actually appear.

Dongfang Bubai slowed down his pace, his body was light and flexible, lowering his sense of presence and blending into the night.

She was a little confused for a moment, looked at the place where the hidden weapon flew, and fell into deep thought.

Where did this person come from?

However, the other party did not give her any room to breathe. In just a few seconds, three more white blades came out into the wind.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The speed was so fast that even Dongfang Bubai was a little flustered and almost got hit.

She only felt a tightness in her chest, and her voice was sharp: Who dares to pretend to be a ghost here? Get out of here!

As soon as he finished speaking, several people flew out of the woods, led by a woman.

Wearing a goose-yellow skirt, with a black veil on her face, leaving only a pair of eyes outside.

The woman's voice was dull, with a hint of a man's voice: Not bad, she has some ability.

Dongfang Bubai stared at her figure carefully, and something flashed in his mind.

But she didn't catch it, feeling like she was overlooking something important.

She narrowed her eyes and slowly touched the blade of the sword: Who is it?

The woman covered her lips and chuckled: Hahaha, it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is who you are?

When Dongfang Bubai heard this, he was immediately startled and looked straight at the person coming.

These people didn't seem to be coming for Wan Yiyi and her group, but for her.

But why did you find her?

Is your target my target? Dongfang Bubai opened his thin lips lightly, preparing for war.

What do you think?

Oriental girl, or...

I should call you Madam Murong.

After saying that, the woman took the lead and made a move. She flicked the long whip in her hand and rushed straight towards Dongfang Bubai.

I see. Dongfang Bubai was convinced, and he drew out his sword and started fighting with her.

Two strands of spiritual energy collided in mid-air, knocking down a row of trees, flowers and grass, and causing gusts of wind to rise in the air.

Dongfang Bubai fought with her for several rounds, without losing any ground, and even had the potential to overwhelm her.

Suddenly, the woman stopped in mid-air and made several gestures around her.

Not bad, a bit interesting.

However, I am tired of it and don't want to play at your expense.

I advise you to be more knowledgeable, otherwise...

As she said that, the men in black who followed her stepped forward and surrounded Dongfang Bubai in the center.

At this moment, Dongfang Bubai was in no mood to deal with these men in black, and instead looked at the woman.

But he saw that a weak spiritual energy appeared on her body, and her steps were a little shaky.

At first glance, it seems that he is not a person who is good at cultivation.

In addition, she had just called herself Miss, and Dongfang Bubai had a bold idea.

She slowly raised the corners of her lips and said loudly: Miss Wan, your behavior is different from your usual behavior!

As soon as these words came out, the woman was stunned, with a bit of shock in her eyes, and her long white fingers brushed the veil.

The next moment, Wan Yiyi's face appeared, with a slight smile: You are really smart and astute, you guessed my identity right away.

But it's a pity. So what if you guessed it?

In your current situation, I'm afraid the heavens and the earth won't work.

Someone, get it for me!

Dongfang Bubai's eyes trembled, he looked at the situation around him and thought about how to deal with it.

These people must have known her identity for a long time and deliberately set her up again.

The purpose, I'm afraid, she came for Murong Fu and wanted to use her to contain Murong Fu.

In this case, she couldn't fall into their hands. It was better to find a way to leave here first.

Nowadays, we are outnumbered and the enemy is outnumbered. She must not fight head-on.

The men in black didn't give her time to think, and they rushed forward one by one with fierce looks, their swords blazing into the sky.

Dongfang Bubai swept them one by one and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they were just ordinary Wanfu guards, and they were miles apart from her in terms of strength.

Dongfang Bubai's expression changed, like a Rakshasa in the night, his body was ghostly and agile, and he neutralized their attacks one by one in a few moves.

Her sword blade was flying, her sword skills were chaotic and fierce, and her voice was contemptuous: That's it? If you still want to fight me, you don't even think about how much you weigh.

The men in black were pushed back to all sides, and then rushed forward again.

Wan Yiyi stood aside with a flash of light in her eyes: It's too early to say this now. Let's wait and see who is the final winner.

Dongfang Bubai spat fiercely: Bah! You Wanjia are just a bunch of despicable people. I will never let your plan succeed!

She said, raising her spiritual energy again, wanting to launch a fierce attack on these people.

However, at the moment when her spiritual energy was about to escape.

She suddenly felt a surge of energy and blood in her body, flowing upstream.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Dongfang Bubai felt as if her internal organs were about to shift. The pain made her break into a cold sweat.

Miss Dongfang, how do you feel? Wan Yiyi's tone was filled with pride as she walked over step by step.

The men in black also took this opportunity to restrain Dongfang Bubai firmly and put their swords against her neck.

What did you do to me? Dongfang Bubai looked at them fiercely.

She just felt that there seemed to be a barrier in her body, suppressing the spiritual energy.

In fact, she couldn't even lift it up at all. She was sweating constantly and her legs were shaking slightly.

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