Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1192 Shu Ran’s choice

Xue Lingqi never expected that they would have such a treasure that could resist her [Blood Demon Technique].

She endured the discomfort, stood up little by little, and said, Really? Then I want you to see the full strength of this formation.

As she spoke, she took out a piece of red talisman paper from her arms, bit her finger hard, and drew something on it bit by bit.

Liuli looked at her with wide eyes, feeling slightly worried.

She had spent the most time with Xue Lingqi, so she naturally knew how ruthless and vicious this man was, and she didn't dare to take him lightly.

Sure enough, as soon as a bad thought came into her mind, Xue Lingqi suddenly raised her head and looked straight at her.

Haha, everything has just begun, please come on!

Let my little darlings entertain you well!


She slapped it with her palm, and a dark red talisman continued to grow larger and red in mid-air.

Until, half of the sky was firmly covered, and thunder rolled down, smashing the talisman into pieces.

Black ashes continued to float in the air with the huge wind.

Little by little they fell on the bodies of the blood clay figures, instantly making a sizzling sound.

Everyone looked around in horror, the fear in their hearts being infinitely magnified.

I saw that those blood clay figures were originally dull and clumsy, but with the blessing of this talisman, their bodies began to become more flexible.

In just the blink of an eye, those blood clay figures in the distance hit the barrier directly.

What followed was that one after another rushed forward, tightly surrounding everyone within the barrier.

They, they're coming!

Don't panic! The head of the family will find a way!


Fang Yuan looked at the blood clay man who was so close and tried to rush in, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes!

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at the crowd, his voice low and powerful: Don't be afraid! Together, we will repel all these inhuman things!

Yes, head of the family!

With Fang Yuan and Fang Zisheng as their backbone, everyone quickly calmed down from their panic and began to look for a solution.

Suddenly, Liuli seemed to have thought of something and whispered something into Fang Zisheng's ear.

When the latter heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he couldn't help but praise: You are indeed Miss Liuli. If you hadn't reminded me, I really wouldn't have been able to think of this method.

Then, he quickly raised his palm, and the fire light kept jumping in his palm.

I want to try to see if you, the bloody clay man, are afraid of my real fire!

The next moment, the firelight penetrated the silver barrier and hit one of the blood clay figures directly.

Ouch! With a scream, the blood clay man was directly burned and twisted, and even the blood clay on his body began to fall to the ground. ..

In just a moment, the fire burned it to pieces, and it fell to the ground and could no longer be bonded together.

When everyone saw it, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they imitated Fang Zisheng's movements and began to attack with fire.

The flames spread bit by bit, and the blood clay figures were burned one after another, and Xue Lingqi's eyes became more sinister.

Her blood-filled eyes stared at Liuli with hatred bursting out: Little bitch, I underestimate you!

Liuli was not afraid at all. As if provocative, she produced a flame from the palm of her hand and hit one of the blood clay figures.

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

After a few shrill and unpleasant roars, the bloody clay man turned into a pile of mud that kept churning.

Mrs. Xue, you didn't kill me back then.

Then now, I am the ghost crawling out of hell to seek revenge on you!

For my mother, for the secret guard who died in the fire, and for myself, I will send you to hell with my own hands!

Xue Lingqi looked at her mockingly and chuckled.

Little bitch, your mother couldn't fight me back then, and you can't fight me even more!

She was a little crazy, and the talisman flew out one after another from her hand, reshaping a new blood clay man.

No one can escape, everyone must die...

On the other side, Wan's father and daughter looked at Shu Ran who was full of blood, and they were both dumbfounded.

After hearing the whole story from Shu Ran's mouth, the two of them couldn't help but feel a little afraid of Murong Fu.

A flash of surprise flashed in Wan Yiyi's eyes: Father, who is this Murong Fu? How can he have such strength? Even Shu Ran...

Wan Fang sighed heavily, and it took him a long time to speak: I don't know whether the move we are taking now is right or wrong?

Shu Ran sat on the chair in a state of embarrassment and said in a weak voice: Master, the matter has come to this, and we have no way of turning back for a long time!

At this time, if he had not taken the extremely precious [Nine Revolutions of Chaos Pill], he might have died long ago.

He took a breath and spoke again: Now, we must deal with all four of them, and no one can be spared!

Wan Yiyi said with some worry: But, Murong Fu seriously injured you so much, is our ambush in the temple really useful?

Shu Ran vomited a mouthful of blood again and wiped the blood from the corners of her lips with her sleeve, her face turned pale.

However, that gloomy smile grew bigger and bigger: He forced me to a dead end, but he didn't expect me...

His voice became softer and softer, but what he said made the father and daughter of the Wan family happy.

Wan Yiyi stepped forward and held his hand, her face full of worry: Brother Shu Ran, do you really want to do this?

Miss, as long as it's for you, I will never give up! Shu Ran clenched her fists tightly and spoke firmly.

Wan Fang gave Wan Yiyi a look, and the latter immediately understood and pretended to be weak and unable to take care of himself:

Brother Shu Ran, I don't want you to do this, I just want you to be by my side!

I have never regarded you as an ordinary shadow guard. You have always been the most important person in my heart!

There must be other ways, please let me think about it again!

After hearing these words, Shu Ran's eyes couldn't help but become slightly moist, and she became more determined in her thoughts.

He held Wan Yiyi in his arms and said softly: Miss, these words from you are enough.

Later, at Shu Ran's insistence, the Wan family father and daughter had to leave him alone in the room, and they went to the Zen room next door.

Wan Yiyi patted the blood on her body with some disgust and said viciously: This Shu Ran really wants to eat swan meat.

My lady, if I didn't think he was still useful, I would have cut him into pieces.

I don't even care about my status. Is he worthy of it?

Wan Fang stepped forward, covered her mouth, and lowered his voice: Keep your voice down, don't let him hear it!

Wan Yiyi spoke reluctantly: I understand, father.

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