Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1196 Actress Wan Yiyi

Murong Fu's words hit the hearts of Wan's father and daughter hard. They both looked at each other, each seeing shock in the other's eyes.

What he meant was that he had no intention of taking action against the Wan family, but now...

Wan Fang couldn't help but regret his mistake, and he also felt a bit resentful towards Xue Lingqi and Zhang Qiang.

If the two of them hadn't caused the trouble, he wouldn't have acted like this.

Wan Yiyi saw that the current situation was not good, and there was no movement at all in Shu Ran's room.

She hesitated for a long time: Mr. Murong, I beg you to let us go. In the future, my Wan family will definitely repay you a hundredfold.

Murong Fu smiled jokingly: Repay? How to repay? Will you pledge yourself to me?

The moment he saw Wan Yiyi, he unconsciously thought of Liuli's figure in his mind.

Comparing the two, he felt that he hated Wan Yiyi even more.

Well, it's not impossible...

Wan Yiyi had no idea what he was thinking, so she lowered her head shyly, with a bit of charm between her eyebrows.

Dongfang Bubai couldn't help but spit: Bah! Shameless! You are still a lady, but I think you are just a thin horse!

Wan Yiyi did not take these words to heart, but made full plans in her heart.

Murong Fu is an extraordinary person. If he can be drawn into the Wan family's camp, then...

When she thought of this, the thought in her heart became more determined, and she slightly raised her eyes to look at the other party.

Her charming appearance makes me pity her. No man can resist this temptation.

But Murong Fu didn't feel the slightest bit moved in his heart, as if the woman in front of him was just like a random cat or dog.

Wan Yiyi's eyes dimmed for a moment, but it did not affect her at all, releasing a signal of love.

She gently lifted her hair and showed the side that she thought was most beautiful to Murong Fu.

Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva and Dongfang Bubai looked at her like this and couldn't help but feel a bit of contempt in their hearts.

Dongfang Bubai was even more outspoken and said without any politeness: Wan Yiyi, you really don't even want to lose face. I really admire you.

Zhuge Qingyun didn't mind the excitement and said slowly: Hey, how could you say that to Miss Wan!

What's wrong with her? He just wanted to seduce Brother Murong in public.

We should respect her and call her Yiyi Madam!

As soon as these words came out, everyone present except Wan Fang and Wan Yiyi, father and daughter, couldn't help laughing.

Hahaha, as expected of you!

Amitabha, what the donor said makes sense!

Wan Yiyi's face turned pale, her eyes were filled with tears, and she looked up at Murong Fu like a jade-like figure.

He sniffed slightly and said with a hint of weakness: Mr. Murong, I don't... I just want to be friends with you!

What kind of friend, the kind of friend who sleeps on the same bed? Zhuge Qingyun made a final strike.

At this time, a black shadow fell from the sky and slowly stood behind Wan Yiyi.

His whole body was wrapped in black cloth, with only a pair of eyes exposed. His body was vaguely present, emitting a bloody gas.

At this moment, she was staring at the pitiful Wan Yiyi.

However, Wan Yiyi still didn't know that there was a person standing behind her, still ogling Murong Fu.

Wan Fang couldn't help but his eyes trembled when he saw the person coming, and then pulled his daughter aside.

Wan Yiyi turned around and faced a pair of loving eyes, feeling a little guilty for no reason.

She was startled for a moment, then immediately put on another expression, with a hint of forbearance and tenacity.

You're out. She didn't care about the eyes of others, stepped forward, hugged him, and spoke softly.

Shu Ran's originally stiff body softened instantly, and all the coldness in his eyes faded away.

His voice was hoarse and no longer as bold and uninhibited as before: Miss, I'm here!

Uuuuuuuuah, you're suffering.

For you, I will persevere no matter how difficult it is.

Murong Fu and the others were a little confused by this sudden turn of events, and quietly watched the two people hugging each other affectionately in front of them.

After a long while, the two reluctantly separated.

Zhuge Qingyun just found it very interesting and quickly said: If I guessed correctly, this should be Miss Wan's sweetheart, right?

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Cheng knows how to play! This is changing his face faster than the sky!

Brother, the green grassland above your head is green. Did you create it?

When Wan Yiyi heard this, her expression changed drastically, and she immediately interrupted him: Shu Ran, don't listen to his nonsense. Everything is just a temporary measure. I have been waiting for you to come out....

Her body leaned against Shu Ran's body, and she rubbed it gently, with a hint of flattery.

Murong Fu felt disgusted when he saw this scene, and he gave a playful smile: Miss Wan, didn't you just say that you wanted to commit yourself to me?

Upon hearing this, Shu Ran's exposed eyes changed instantly, as if millions of knives were flying towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu, you really think you are some good person. I was just playing tricks on you.

There was a flash of panic on Wan Yiyi's face, but she was quickly calmed down and continued to speak:

As long as Shu Ran is here, you will die a bad death today and be buried in the wilderness!

When Zhuge Qingyun heard this, he laughed so much that he couldn't straighten up and held his stomach: Hahaha! What did I hear? I heard the biggest joke this year.

The faces of Dongfang Bubai and Miaoyi Bodhisattva also showed ridicule and disgust at the same time.

This Miss Wanjia is so stupid!

This little thought is not enough.

Murong Fu was speechless for a while, with that mocking smile still on his face: Okay! Then I'll wait.

At this moment, he recognized Shu Ran as the person who escaped from the mountain.

However, he looked at the other party steadily, with some doubts in his heart.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't live long, but why is he still here? His aura has also changed drastically.

Zhuge Qingyun also sensed something was wrong this time, and whispered into Murong Fu's ear: Brother Murong, is he...

Murong Fu nodded slightly, confirming his guess.

On the other side, Wan Yiyi clenched her fists, turned around, threw herself into Shu Ran's arms, and said softly: Kill them all for me, okay?

There was a bit of struggle in Shu Ran's eyes, but he still nodded, and a hoarse voice squeezed out of his throat: Okay!

Wan Fang looked proud and proud, his eyes fell on Murong Fu, and his voice was a bit arrogant: Boy, I can give you a chance now, if you...

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