Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1198 The bloody man under the black robe

Suddenly, a strong wind blew, making the bamboo forest on the side rustle.

Seeing it, Shu Ran's black claw was about to touch Murong Fu.

However, he still did not move at this time, and [Bro Li Sword Technique] and [Bi Luo Sword Technique] constantly appeared in his mind.

The two sword techniques alternated and appeared, and the two villains danced the sword blades at the same time, and the speed became faster and faster...

Murong Fu clenched his fists tightly, trying to use all his strength to see clearly these two sword techniques.

However, all he felt was that his mind was blank and his sword skills were becoming increasingly blurry.

His thoughts were in chaos, and he could clearly feel Shu Ran's approaching offensive, but he couldn't get rid of this strange feeling.

At this moment, his Dantian began to exert force continuously, and countless spiritual energy surged and rolled in his body.

The two Dantians are running up and down at the same time, constantly intersecting and rotating in parallel, and the spiritual energy is becoming more and more pure and abundant.

White rays of light poured into his mind, making his originally blurry vision gradually become clearer.

What hasn't changed at all is that the two sword techniques are still running continuously, but the speed is faster.

Repeated over and over again, moves again and again...

Murong Fu used the strongest concentration in his life to stare at the two sword techniques.

Suddenly, the two sword techniques slowly began to get closer, and finally began to overlap and intersect...

That's it! Murong Fu suddenly became enlightened, his consciousness became clear, and he was surrounded by abundant spiritual energy.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and dazzling lights bloomed, accompanied by unique domineering and publicity.

Before his eyes, Shu Ran had arrived behind him, and her sharp claws were about to pierce his flesh.

Murong Fu turned around and easily dodged the blow. He held the [Taiyi Light Sword] tightly in his hand and began to dance smoothly.

At this time, he truly achieved the unity of man and sword.

What he was thinking about at this time was not fighting, but repeating the afterimages in his mind.

I don’t know the reason, it’s just a subconscious move to pursue my own heart.

For some unknown reason, as he danced the sword, the spiritual energy in his body became more pure and abundant, falling on Shu Ran's side with each move.

He actually forced him back and almost cut off one of his hands.

Shu Ran's exposed eyes suddenly flashed with a ray of light, filled with a bit of surprise and unwillingness.

His voice was sharp and harsh: I didn't expect you to be so strong!

Murong Fu ignored him, the sword in his hand still kept moving, and the radiance flew with the force of the sword.

One after another, they hit Shu Ran.

Haha, I knew that Brother Murong must have been holding back his ultimate move just now!

This is the first time I have seen such amazing swordsmanship.

Although the swordsmanship of other sword sects is different but the strength displayed is extraordinary!

Zhuge Qingyun looked at him with a bit of respect and admiration, and was once again deeply impressed.

Sure enough, Murong Fu was a genius in cultivation!

This strength, this understanding, this aura is simply too incredible!

abnormal! Abnormal martial arts practice!

Even Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva and Dongfang Bubai on the side were fascinated.

The long sword cries, and the wind moves with the sword!

Murong Fu was in an excellent state at this time, his eyes were firm and powerful, and he said word by word: See clearly, this move is called [Blue Falling Yellow Spring]!

In an instant, a deathly silence fell in the air, followed by an overwhelming momentum.

The [Taiyi Light Sword] seemed to be alive in his hands, releasing the most powerful sword energy with every move he made.

Shu Ran looked at the majestic power of the sword and subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but found that his speed was much slower.

The smell of blood was getting heavier and heavier in the air, and a flash of sword light caused a splash of blood.

Shu Ran's eyes widened with disbelief on his face as he stared at the man wielding the sword in front of him.

At this time, the black robe on his body was completely destroyed, and the sword energy hit him hard one after another, sinking into his flesh.

When the black robe shattered, everyone present took a breath of air.

Zhuge Qingyun pointed at Shu Ran, with fear in his heart: I'll go! What is this!

Under the black robe, Shu Ran had no skin on his body, and his red flesh was exposed to the air.

As the sword blade passed by one after another, the flesh and blood was chopped into pieces, flying in the air, and then landed on the soil.

Blood flowed horizontally, red meat flew, and fascia was clearly visible...

The Shu Ran in front of him may no longer be called a person, but a living and skinned bloody corpse.

When Wan Yiyi saw this scene, she subconsciously covered her mouth and nose, and horror flashed in her eyes: He, how could he...

Wan Fang never expected that this technique could be so cruel, turning a living person into what he is now.

The sword energy ceased, and Murong Fu stood with his sword in his arms. There was no trace of movement or surprise in his eyes.

In fact, he had already seen Shu Ran's true face clearly at the first glance.

His eyes, having absorbed the [Glass Orb], can naturally penetrate all disguises in the world.

Shu Ran looked down at her body and let out a painful cry: Ah!

At that moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Wan Yiyi eagerly, complex and humble.

However, in response to his.

But Wan Yiyi's expression of disgust and horror did not show any emotion at all.

Murong Fu followed his gaze and couldn't help but said softly: Is it worth it?

What? Shu Ran's eyes were dull, and it took him a long time to find his voice.

I said, is it worth destroying yourself for a woman who doesn't love you?

Shu Ran opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but her eyes slowly dimmed.

Finally, he slowly raised his head and said firmly: It's worth it!

As soon as he finished speaking, his body burst into blazing fire, instantly surrounding him.

The sound of fire burning flesh suddenly spread in the air.

The sound of Zila Zila made everyone present feel trembling in their hearts. ..

When Wan Yiyi heard the words it's worth it, her heart began to beat wildly, and her body couldn't help but tremble.

She opened her mouth to say something, but in the end no word came out.

He is... Shock appeared in Wan Fang's eyes.

He wants to die together and use his last life to turn into the hardest sharp blade to stab his enemy!

Murong Fu looked at Shu Ran sympathetically, with infinite emotion and sadness in his heart.

Some people may be born with bad luck!

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