Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1120 You shouldn’t doubt me

Everyone present was a little confused by this scene.

No one thought that the first person attacked by the [Sly Blade] would be Wan Yiyi.

Wan Fang's expression also changed drastically at this time, and he quickly flew in that direction, shouting: Daughter, be careful!

Seeing it, [Cunning Blade] was only one step away from Wan Yiyi.

At this time, Wan Yiyi was also frightened and stood there blankly, a little at a loss: You... what on earth is going on?

Hahaha, well done! This short blade stabs so well!

It's true that if you do any unjust deeds, you will be punished by yourself!

If there is such an evil practice in her family, she should suffer the consequences.

With a somewhat gloating smile on his face, Zhuge Qingyun spoke coolly from the side.

Suddenly, I felt a cool breeze blowing by my side, and a black shadow rushed out in front of me.

When he looked intently again, there was a person standing in front of Wan Yiyi.

I saw that the spiritual energy in Murong Fu's hand continued to be released towards the [Deceitful Blade].

Blocked its blow and saved Wan Yiyi's life.

Wan Fang was also quick-sighted at this time and pulled Wan Yiyi to a safe place and placed a protective shield around her.

He comforted softly: Don't worry, it's fine!

At this time, Wan Yiyi had slowly come back to her senses, and looking at Murong Fu who had just stopped the [Deceitful Blade], she began to feel a little moved in her heart.

She looked at that handsome face, her cheeks flushed slightly: Mr. Murong, thank you very much just now.

Murong Fu didn't pay attention to her, but kept complaining in his heart: Sister! Do you think you are little gold? Everyone has to like you!

He focused on himself and used all his spiritual energy to resist the [Sly Blade] that shone with black light.

[Cunning Blade] seemed a little unwilling to give in, and began to make a harsh sword cry: Buzz buzz buzz!

Zhuge Qingyun looked at this sudden scene and roared: What? What on earth is Brother Murong doing now? What kind of trouble is his Wan Yiyi going to make?

The faces of Dongfang Bubai and Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva also looked a little ugly.

My own husband would go out of his way to save another woman, and he still had a hostile relationship with that woman.

Everyone looked at Murong Fu's actions with great shock and confusion.

Including Wan's father and daughter, they were also confused at this moment and looked at Murong Fu blankly.

Wan Yiyi lowered her voice: Father, do you think he wants to reconcile with us?

However, even though his voice had been lowered, everyone present was a cultivator and naturally heard the words clearly.

Murong Fu's eyes changed, and his spiritual energy continued to rush towards the [Deceitful Blade], restraining it firmly: Haha!

He sneered, then suddenly turned his spiritual energy and rushed directly towards Wan Fang behind him.

Wan Fang was not aware of it for a moment, and was so beaten by this spiritual energy that he vomited three liters of blood and almost flew up.

Father! Wan Yiyi was extremely anxious and rushed forward to check.

She raised her eyes and looked at Murong Fu. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she actually asked: Why did you hurt my father? I thought between us...

Before she finished her words, the [Devious Blade] hanging in mid-air moved again and flew straight in front of Wan Yiyi.

Swish! With a sound, the sharp blade glowed with black light and stabbed straight out.

Wan Yiyi's expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly stepped aside without caring about Wan Fang, who was seriously injured.

He raised his hand and released a red light, fighting with the [Sly Blade].

One person and one sword, the stalemate lasted for a long time, and Wan Yiyi was about to lose.

Murong Fu looked at this scene with a strange light in his eyes, staring intently at the direction and technique of [Cunning Blade].

At this moment, he confirmed his suspicion even more, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

It seems that this [Cunning Blade] has not yet recognized its owner, so naturally it cannot release its full power.

If he guessed correctly, [Cunning Blade]'s behavior this time was to recognize Wan Yiyi as its master.

It's just...

Seeing Wan Yiyi struggling to resist, he smiled even brighter.

Even Wan Fang didn't seem to have thought of this and was still looking at Wan Yiyi worriedly.

It’s true that all the idiots in the world gather together, and it’s not like one family doesn’t want to enter the same house!

In an instant, [Devious Blade] released black smoke, shrouding Wan Yiyi once again.

Ah! No! Wan Yiyi was frightened and was a little dazed. She slapped her palms one after another, and the spiritual energy hindered the progress of the [Sly Blade].

Murong Fu's eyes kept looking there, and he looked for the opportunity to fly up, just when the tip of the [Cunning Blade] was about to pierce Wan Yiyi's skin.

He showed no mercy at all, and with a burst of domineering spiritual energy, Wan Yiyi flew away and spun around in mid-air several times before stopping.

[Cunning Blade] Black light flashed, and Murong Fu's fingers directly pressed on the sharp blade.

In an instant, blood-colored mist rose along with black smoke, swirling around Murong Fu's body.

Then the [Cunning Blade] actually stopped in mid-air, and the thick smoke gradually transformed in front of Murong Fu.

Finally, the black smoke turned into a figure, kneeling on the ground reluctantly.

Everyone present was a little surprised, looking at the person formed by the black smoke and the [Sly Blade] in the air.

Dongfang Bubai's voice was soft and somewhat uncertain: Well...if I guessed correctly, this person should be Shu Ran, right?

Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva noticed something, moved the beads and spoke slowly: You guessed it right! It's Shu Ran!

Or maybe he is no longer Shu Ran, but the [Cunning Blade].

The blade touches blood, and the cunning blade recognizes its master...

As soon as these words came out, Wan Fang's face changed drastically, he stood up with force, and looked at the scene in front of him with some disbelief.

He was a little crazy, looking at the [Sly Blade] and the black shadow: How could it be? How could this happen? He actually recognized his master?

No! This [Deceitful Blade] is mine, it must be mine!

It can only be mine... Wan Fang muttered.

At this moment, a ray of red light passed through Murong Fu's hand and landed on the black figure's eyebrows.


The black smoke spread out quickly, and then gathered into a human shape again with the red light.

This time, the black smoke has facial features.

Shu Ran's face showed no emotion at all, and he looked at Wan Yiyi with his eyes, with millions of emotions buried in them.

In the end, it just turned into one sentence: Miss, you should believe me!

Only now did Wan Yiyi understand what happened. Looking at Shu Ran's face, she turned around a thousand times.

Why is this happening?

It wasn't meant to harm her, but...

However, by this time it was already too late.

[Cunning Blade] has been taken over by Murong Fu, and from now on it will only be driven by him.

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