Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1205 I want you to die

Xue Lingqi was so angry that her whole body trembled, and her old face turned white, black, blue and purple.

Anyway, there is nothing lustful about it.

Hahahaha, Brother Murong, you are simply too talented.

From now on, you are my idol.

No! You have always been my idol. From now on, little brother, I will follow you and fight against all the invincible opponents in the world.

Zhuge Qingyun laughed so hard that he almost rolled back and forth on the ground.

Murong Fu smiled slowly, his appearance was obviously that of a stranger like jade, an unparalleled young master in the world.

His face was upright and solemn, with no hint of guilt at all.

Xue Lingqi had a gloomy face and gritted his teeth:

Murong Fu, you are simply going too far!

As she spoke, her whole body was constantly spinning in mid-air, and the blood mist surrounding her body spread out in a radial pattern.

Everyone present changed their expressions, but Murong Fu and the other two remained calm and composed.

Wan Fang reminded: Mr. Murong, Xue Lingqi is extremely evil today. You must not take it lightly.

Zhuge Qingyun smiled softly at him and gave him a reassuring look: Don't worry, Brother Murong is here, can you still make this old witch turn the world upside down?

Xue Lingqi's gloomy words echoed from the air: Then I'll let you see if I can turn this day around today?

In an instant, the dark clouds gathered again, and the darkness seemed to be pressing down from the sky.

Strong winds and lightning alternated back and forth, and even the air was filled with the stench of blood.

Xue Lingqi opened his mouth and smiled crazily, his eyes full of evil aura and killing intent.

You should never do it, but you provoke me, Xue Lingqi!

As she spoke, her hands formed into the shape of sharp claws, and her body fell from the sky at a very fast speed, heading straight towards the direction where Murong Fu was standing.

Blood mist intertwined with black clouds, hovering around her side, and a terrifying power burst out instantly.

Be careful! Liuli couldn't help shouting.

Everyone else present was sweating for Murong Fu.

However, Murong Fu did not panic at all and stood there smiling contentedly.

He said in a deep voice: It's a small skill, I'm sorry to show it off in front of me.

Break it for me!

Before he could finish his words, he disappeared from the spot instantly.

Before anyone could react, he appeared directly behind Xue Lingqi.

The next moment, the originally arrogant Xue Lingqi's expression suddenly changed, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

The blood mist all over his body also faded away little by little, and countless golden lights spread, causing the blood mist to scatter.

In just a moment, Xue Lingqi and Zhou Sheng's strength had been reduced by half.

She gritted her teeth, her face full of dissatisfaction, and turned around to start fighting with Murong Fu.

As the two of them went back and forth, the blood-colored mist and colored light collided with each other, bursting out with a powerful force.

Everyone present kept retreating, affected by this force, and looked to the horizon in surprise.

However, Xue Lingqi was in an extremely embarrassed state at this moment, with blood marks all over his body.

[Taiyi Splitting Light Sword] slashed across it one after another, and countless blood stains rushed out.

She originally wanted to control the [Blood Demon Array] to deal with Murong Fu, but before she could form the formation, she was interrupted.

At this time, Xue Lingqi's face was also full of disbelief.

Because no one has ever been able to interrupt this formation, let alone anyone who can suppress her like this.

From the beginning to the end, it was always a crushing style, without giving her any room to breathe.

Xue Lingqi panted heavily, not daring to slack off at all, and resisted with all his strength.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, with an imperceptible indifference in his eyes, and a gust of wind whizzed past him.

With a bang sound, Xue Lingqi was slapped hard on the chest, and the blood mist all over his body disappeared instantly.

The whole person was also in a very embarrassed state, covered in blood, and was knocked down from the air to the ground.

This palm had a full seventy percent of Murong Fu's strength. Not only did it break the protective blood mist around her, but it also directly knocked people off the clouds.

Blood slowly flowed out from the corner of Xue Lingqi's mouth. She could feel that the meridians all over her body were damaged, and her spiritual energy was suppressed in her body.

She looked at the person above with some horror and kept shaking her head: No, it's impossible!

Zhuge Qingyun on the side couldn't help but sarcastically said: It's really not like a family doesn't live in the same house, just like your good-for-nothing husband.

Obviously I am nothing, otherwise I dare to attack Brother Murong. I am simply asking for death.

Even what he said after being defeated was exactly the same...

Xue Lingqi could no longer hear what he said at this time, and his mind was filled with worries about the safety of Wan Fang and Wan Yiyi.

She stood up in embarrassment and looked at Zhuge Qingyun with her eyes, which made people feel numb.

Zhuge Qingyun subconsciously took half a step back and couldn't help but say: You old witch, why do you look at me like this?

As Xue Lingqi spoke, blood flowed from the corners of her mouth, but she didn't care at all.

He just looked at the person in front of him steadily: You just said about my husband and daughter, what happened to them?

Dongfang Bubai couldn't help but stepped forward, grinning widely: Do you want to know?

Facing Xue Lingqi's worried and anxious eyes, Dongfang Bubai slowly uttered five words from his mouth: I won't tell you!

Suddenly, Zhuge Qingyun smiled brightly again, and even the female Bodhisattva Miaoyi, Liuli and others on the side couldn't help but pursed their lips and laughed.

Hahaha, I look like your husband!

Murong Fu stepped forward, hugged her in his arms, held her waist involuntarily, and whispered in her ear: Who did you learn to be so bad?

Dongfang Bubai blushed a little, and then smiled shyly: Of course I am following you, Fu Lang!

Xue Lingqi's eyes began to slowly change at this time, and a blood-colored mist enveloped her body with a hint of coldness.

The difference from before was that this time the blood mist was no longer that bright red, but mixed with a purple light.

Her voice was shrill and terrifying, like an evil ghost coming out of hell: I want you to die! All of you die!

As her words rang out, the dark clouds in the sky lowered a little lower, weighing on everyone's heads, making people feel depressed.

Murong Fu saw her signs of being possessed and showed a sarcastic smile:

Haha, the last person who talked to me like this had no idea how embarrassing he was at losing.

Oh, I remembered it. The last person who spoke to me like this seems to be your own husband!

Guess what will happen to him now?

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